Visionary Faculty: Jennifer Carlson

Jennifer Carlson has a joint appointment with the School of Sociology. Her work examines gun politics, policing and public law enforcement, the politics of race and gender, and violence. She is fascinated by how societies distinguish and regulate legitimate force versus criminal violence. Her book on the politics of gun carry, Citizen-Protectors: The Everyday Politics of Guns in an Age of Decline, was published in 2015 by Oxford University Press. Drawing on in-depth interviews and participant observation at firearms classes, activist events, shooting ranges, and online gun forums, the book examines the growing popularity of gun carry among American men. Her current project examines gun law enforcement in Arizona, California and Michigan through interviews with police chiefs and observation of gun licensing procedures. In addition to her academic work, she has written for popular audiences in venues such as the Detroit News, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. Visit Jennier Carlson's website:

