Violent men subjected to a procedure when boys attack old female Armenians in Baku - Sumgait. (Why?

Үй жануарлары мен аңдар

Turks were imported by Arabs as servants. They rebelled like disloyal (servants/soldiers/slaves) and became rulers of ARABS: ARABS are not big fans of the rebellious Turks, whose numbers were bolstered later by famine ...causing innumerable Turco-Mongol invaders!
This video called... YEREVAN REACTS after Innocent Armenians of Baku and Sumgait Attacked by Wolfpacks of Moslem Turks (former Christians trained by their conquerers to speak Turkish and think they are Turkish Muslims.)
Once there were NO TURKS (not one) in these lands.
Where did the TURKS come from?
What area of the world?
Does anyone else think that Sumgait didnt get the appropriate recognition within the Armenian Diaspora? In case you dont know what I mean by Sumgait:
The vigorous but mainly peaceful political activity in Karabakh and Yerevan was accompanied by a resumption of killings. On February 27, fanatical Azeri-Turks went on a three day rampage in Sumgait, a new industrial town 20 miles from Baku, murdering members of the town's large Armenian minority and destroying their property. According to the official Soviet account 32 died, but eyewitness reports strongly suggest the true figure runs into the hundreds. Marina Pogosyan, a young survivor of the Sumgait massacre, testified:
"On the twenty-sixth, a Friday, a friend of mine warned me to stay inside over the weekend. Still, I went to work - I taught in a nursery school - and walked home at noon. That afternoon, there was another Azerbaijani rally, in downtown Sumgait, and then crowds of people went through the shopping area where Armenians worked, and broke windows and smashed things. I heard cries of 'Death to Armenians! Blood for blood!' It was mostly young people, and the police didn't stop thepn. Late that night, after we had gone to bed, we heard yelling on the street, and through the window I saw thousands of people in a mob marching through the street, most dressed in black, carrying clubs and Turkish flags with the half-moon. They were yelling, 'Get out! Armenians are killing our people and you're sitting here! We must purge our city! The next day, we went to a neighbor's in the building for. her birthday party. We talked about what we had seen, but we thought it was just young hooligans, fhen a neighbor boy came in, looking pale. We asked him what was happening, and he said: 'You don't know? They're killing and burning people out there, breaking into people's apartments.' We called the police, and they said: 'Stay where you are. You're not the only ones. We can't help you.' A Russian neighbor came to us and invited us to wait in her apartment. There were about three families with her - fifteen people. We spent the whole night there. The mob came and knocked on our door, and she went outside and told them that we were not there - that we'd moved a week ago. A few times after that, they passed by and broke into neighbors' apartments. By that time, no Armenians were home. So there were no killings (in her building-ed.), but there was a lot of destruction. They threw the chairs and the dishes out of the window. I had absolutely no hope that we'd survive. I figured they'd kill us all sooner or later. The mob came again, but on Monday soldiers came in tanks and took us to the Party committee building." (Cullen, 1991, pp. 66-7)
Marina Pogosyan and her family were allowed to collect money and a few possessions before being flown to Yerevan. Most of Sumgait's Armenian community survived the attacks. Many, like Miss Pogosyan, were sheltered by brave Russian and Azeri-Turk neighbours. But the fate of those who fell into the hands of the mob was cruel. Lola Avakyan, a 37-year-old Armenian resident of Sumgait was one of the unfortunate. Seized by an Azeri-Turk crowd, she was stripped and forced to dance before having her breasts slashed and body burned with cigarettes. She was raped and then killed. Several AzeriTurks were arrested and convicted for their involvement in the mayhem.
Sumgait postscript: On March 2, 1993, the Office of Azerbaijani Procurator announced that it had recommended that President Eichibey grant an amnesty to those convicted of violent offenses against Armenians during the Sumgait pogrom. The Procurator's Office reported that it expected the President to act according to its recommendation. On the same day, a proposal for the amnesty to be announced on May 28, 1993 - the 74th anniversary of the founding of the first Republic of Azerbaijan - was made in Azerbaijani parliament.
*My family is from Baku, and had to run because the same thing was starting to happen there. I have heard accounts from other Bakvahyes about how babies were being thrown against walls. :crying: Hundreds of people were killed. (in Sumgait and Baku both) Many more lost their homes and jobs because they had to run for their lives. wolf Cougar North America Attack Fight Man

Пікірлер: 83

  • @luv4knowledge
    @luv4knowledge16 жыл бұрын

    This is awful. Peace to the departed.

  • @ArmoWings
    @ArmoWings16 жыл бұрын

    Thanks for sharing this video-5/5!

  • @BassamAlharbi
    @BassamAlharbi15 жыл бұрын

    Excuse me guy, Arabs have nothing to do, at the same time when Armenians suffered from the Turks Arabs had the same. also Islam is like any other religious doesn't support terrorism.

  • @ConflictedYouth
    @ConflictedYouth13 жыл бұрын

    Great video, let the truth be known

  • @luv4knowledge
    @luv4knowledge16 жыл бұрын

    azeris used their civilians as human shields, sleep on that!!

  • @3lmar
    @3lmar17 жыл бұрын

    You need to see a psychologist--

  • @connerjd
    @connerjd16 жыл бұрын

    It is a shame that we live in a world such as this. This is one reason that I don't believe in God. How can a God sit and do nothing. I don't see how people can worship and honor such a God.

  • @babinis
    @babinis17 жыл бұрын

    I am just a guy who worries about the situation in the area!! it'doesnt matter if i am curd, greek or armenian, one think is for sure, that turkey has to change it's policy, otherwise many problems will occure. Fanatism doesnt help at all! And fanatism is what you people learn from the day you are born.

  • @AbbasZahidiFootball
    @AbbasZahidiFootball16 жыл бұрын

    people from both sides were killed, because it was incidents between nations. Reason was Karabakh. They started to puke on a values of Azerbaijan. So, what should happen, if armenians can not behaive thereselves? War. Where Russia totally supported them and still supporting!

  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын

    Who is blockading who? Who is actively denying genocide? Who is erasing Armenia from their history books? In which country is saying you are Christian a crime? Which nation just shot a reporter for speaking of "Armenians not poisoning their blood by focusing on the genocide?" Which nation is th eone who insults the other by suggesting a comission to "study the past?" Please!

  • @apo443
    @apo44316 жыл бұрын


  • @voskisoor
    @voskisoor16 жыл бұрын

    instead of proclaiming on learning history how about you quote it, and second of all dont put armenia and turkey on the same level i think its time you go learn history.

  • @AstarjianBookFan
    @AstarjianBookFan17 жыл бұрын

    Did I say ARMENIANS are nice? THAT is what is going on in YOUR head. ARMENIANS are HUMAN BEINGS. The people BELONGING to that "ethnic group" (Armenians) were slaughtered. Being massacred in genocide does not make the victims "nice." it certainly makes them look worthy of sorrow. Turks are maybe 15% Armenian in other regions (like Istanbul/Constantinople--where they are more ALBANIAN/GREEK/SERBIAN/BULGARIAN than Armenian, due to local historical dynamics.

  • @achinguelian4
    @achinguelian417 жыл бұрын

    gypsy ??? Your mongol hahaha.....Long live to Armenia

  • @umid123
    @umid12315 жыл бұрын


  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын

    You need to see a history book. Throw away propaganda pamphlets and brochures from Ankara, my friend.

  • @biziziut
    @biziziut14 жыл бұрын

    @FR33STYL3FREESTYLE first of all armenians that live in turkey ALL accept armenian genocide. then I am not fan of asala but lets remember grey wolves!

  • @revenge4eva
    @revenge4eva17 жыл бұрын

    fanatism is what armenians do... we offered a council to come together and discuss the myth but u didnt accept it too ... what do u wait from us??? u come here and write 85% etc. etc. like a 3 years old what can we talk with u?

  • @ndyag1
    @ndyag114 жыл бұрын

    turgay and azergayjan for ever

  • @Mohi
    @Mohi17 жыл бұрын

    You see there is nothing this people have to sauy but put the blame on islam. The Turks are not different than their jeiwsh cousin, the askhenazis who are ruling Israel. They are two face of a same coin. I have heard during tjose days arab muslims and arab christians were very close cousin. It was not util the turks who came into power, started to anatagonised the arab christians and seperate the arab muslim from their brethern.

  • @AstarjianBookFan
    @AstarjianBookFan17 жыл бұрын

    Maybe he doesn't speak English. Calm down. Maybe he is a spammer in some language we do not know.

  • @colouredwinds
    @colouredwinds17 жыл бұрын

    that is all?! wth?! yu ppl should be lucky and stop moaning since much worser things than these hav happened to every single nation in the world.

  • @XxGoldenStrikeXx
    @XxGoldenStrikeXx14 жыл бұрын

    @veeyew hey man have some respect

  • @connerjd
    @connerjd16 жыл бұрын

    Maybe, maybe not. That is just the opinion of christianity.

  • @revenge4eva
    @revenge4eva15 жыл бұрын

    pff there was a real genocide there everybody accepts it... did you watch "life is beautiful" and see what genocide is? we just tried to move you to another position of course there happened some situations between our people ,soldiers and your people and gangs but this is not genocide you all know that...

  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын

    Armenians did not destroy your cemetaries. You destroy 10,000 things for every 1 thing Armenians destroy but you remember the 1 and forget the 10,000!

  • @3lmar
    @3lmar17 жыл бұрын

    im not your friend go to school..and learn something

  • @AstarjianBookFan
    @AstarjianBookFan17 жыл бұрын

    Armenia is in Asia Minor, but Armenians speak Indo_European language. ARMENIANS are CHRISTIAN. EUROPE took CHRISTIANITY from the MIDDLE ARMENIA is not like EUROPE. EUROPE is like ARMENIA! :) 250,000 Armenians fled to POLAND after the Mongol-Saljuq (SALJUK Seljuk) invasions. ARMENIA was centuries ahead of EUROPE as far as ARCHITECTURE> THe TURKS came and the construction was hijacked into ISLAMIC MOSQUES> ARMENIA was murdered and abducted, lobotomized

  • @kespec
    @kespec16 жыл бұрын

    you overestimate urself so hard..

  • @revenge4eva
    @revenge4eva17 жыл бұрын

    yeah yeah sure...

  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын

    The Turks of Iran are a mix of Turks, Persians and others. Persians were Zoroastrians before Islam swept through. Albania (Az-Arbaijan) is an invented work. Those people are mainly Turkish - speaking due to social dynamics and forced conversions. Please try reading the book cited below. Reading is a good way t lern history. Your adrenaline / epinephrine is not knowldege filled. Turks/Kurds of Van are 85% Armenian MINIMUM. So many of my relatives were STOLEN as kids.

  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын

    Great Atilla who made a pile of heads, or was that TamerLang TIMUR who made the pile of heads? What else did they do besides cut of heads, hmm? Do you cut off heads too! A proud Uygur Turk! BRAVO. Go cut some heads!

  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын


  • @VANArmenya
    @VANArmenya17 жыл бұрын

    Constantinople was the capital of the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire, whose flag Turkey uses. Many Byzantine Emporers were Armenian, Queens Armenian. Compare this the ABDUL SULTAN HAMID II (2) whose mother was an ABDUCTED ARMENIAN forced to become a BABY MAKER of/for a MUSLIM KILLER of ARMENIANS. Turks are 85% Serbian/Armenian/Greek, etc. Return to Christianity you son of JANISSARIES and HAREM ABDUCTEES and BOYS /girls STOLEN
