Video Response to Rex about MP building, max MP chain cancel, and preserving HP (text in description


Specifically from DLC2 after floor 12.
Reddit Post:
/ so_like_whats_the_key
And the key concepts in the video in text format if one doesn't want to watch for 7 minutes:
Topics: Within the second DLC after floor 12 of the Rift ~ generating MP, increasing max MP, one route to survival with Lightbringer and Knight 400%, and some ways to be able to use Lightbringer more..
"As Penguin Steve mentioned with Samurai 600% with the Parry: MP Recovery (even just the master points) can fuel your MP for quite a bit on a combo ability effect (some weapons for some jobs do not have combo ability effects, but there should be a circle to the left of the slot instead of a diamond if applicable). Bonus if you have Monk 250% for increased duration or a high chaos effect roll for Parry: MP Recovery fused onto your gear.
For the max MP on chain cancel, that was Summoner 50% and 120%. You can use a combo ability or most job actions, then switch jobs during the animation to trigger that. Some job actions cost 0 MP such as Ninja's Shuriken, Tyrant Evocation/Ultima jobs for Enmagic or Enluna, or White Mage (Alabaster Lord)'s -ga buffs. A player might also weave the chain cancel in battle.
On the ridiculous HP side, that is probably Lightbringer with Knight 400% / Lionheart accessory may be in effect. Where a player might need to generate enough max MP and MP to refresh their Lightbringer. Some players might have a second job focused on managing their command ability / Lightbringer costs and buffs. Specifically, Cyclic Warrior 600%, Leviathan Blessing, Void Knight 400%, Evoker 120%, with 30 master points into Increase MP Limit Boost Rate."
Correction: Anytime I say 80%, I really meant 50%. I kept looking at the wrong number.

Пікірлер: 8

  • @vicepresidentfru1tly
    @vicepresidentfru1tly8 ай бұрын

    Holy shit, this is life changing for my chain canceling tyrant build. Thank you so much!

  • @kefkaexdeath
    @kefkaexdeath Жыл бұрын

    this kind of breaking the game wide open shit fully as the devs intended is taking me back to the days of forming game-breaking party setups in bravely default. i do not have the brains for this kind of thinking but i love watching others showing it off so much. this game rules

  • @Halowarzx95
    @Halowarzx95 Жыл бұрын

    This video was informative. Just started the game and am still level 50's. Seeing this is crazy so far!

  • @Zellrei
    @Zellrei Жыл бұрын

    Thank you, that was very informative. I can progress with easy rifts, but I'm really struggling on bosses. Now I can make a better build !

  • @zaf9286
    @zaf9286 Жыл бұрын

    So informative ben! Love your voice too! You should do this more often! Thank you!

  • @DE123456123456
    @DE123456123456 Жыл бұрын

    My maaaaaaan Many thanks for the clarification, i asked about this before and finally now I understand why may Sam600 and parry seemed not doing anything Thank you is not enough, u deserve more than that Bliss you ❤

  • @NinetyNineNo
    @NinetyNineNo Жыл бұрын

    SAM600 is such a ridiculous MP engine that any MP concerns pretty much hinge on your max MP instead of your regular MP, and that can be taken care of by either using magic damage effects (or Enchant for pure physical builds on the main job) or a lot of SMN120 chain canceling. Honestly it makes me kinda annoyed that Chaosbringer was taken behind the shed and shot like that, considering that now it's almost strictly inferior to the other -bringers (especially with CYC600 and MP on soul shield effects refilling your entire MP gauge for the cost of like half a max MP bar).

  • @celexample
    @celexample Жыл бұрын

    There is a chain cancel buff the Elemental Enchanter class (forgot the name now, is it Tyrant?) that increases your MP recovery. The buff lasts a long time too. There's also another affinity bonus in was it Ranger or Hunter that says "increases MP gained by a fixed amount", which I haven't tested. Not to mention Ramuh increases MP gained by normal attacks based on your Max MP. How much or what, I don't know. I thought I'd mention those, but I have a question: Does the Max MP increase % stuff make one MP bar, which is normally just 100 MP, become 150 if you have 50% more MP limit bonus? Also lastly I have to ask: I've made my 2nd class be the "buffer" with MP limits and buff timer increases as well mana cost reduction. This has worked for me but sometimes a boss fight lingers and I have to rebuff. I usually get one shotted during that. Any advice? Any easy ways to make your "support class" not be so easily killed?
