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Video is more and more popular, but will it ever fully replace photos? Tony and Chelsea take sides and pick their favortie medium, Photos v Video, while debating the pros and cons of each and providing somewhat questionable research.

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  • @TonyAndChelsea

    Go to

  • @GreenhornPhototaker

    Video is better when you want a video, pictures are better when you want a picture.

  • @manfredmaniek

    "Why are your notes so long but your arguments so weak?" savage Chelsea is savage 😂

  • @forgedfromfreedom

    After watching this channel for almost 10 years, I have come to conclude that Chelsea is one of the funniest people ever. And she knows EXACTLY how to troll Tony. She has it down to a fine art. 😂

  • @Mr.Zen_73

    you can't hang a video on the wall

  • @JeffDiffner

    Question for Tony. Do you ever hear anyone complain that there isn’t enough video in their Instagram feed? Probably not. That there isn’t enough photos? Probably all of the time. 🎤🫳

  • @UnconventionalReasoning

    Photos allow the photographer to show the key moment without the viewer having to go through and find it themselves. It can then be printed and hung on the wall. I think that is why they will always be around.

  • @lsaideOK

    Chelsea says photos are easier to take and store and are so very popular. Tony says videos are harder to take and appeal to a more select audience. They are in complete agreement with one another! Just a personality difference.

  • @shainnUtube

    let's see the "kick the baby video"

  • @Trigger-xw9gq

    What's pathetic is all of the stills photographers who started doing videos just because IG steered their ship that way, and no other reason. I just skip right past them. JUST SHOW ME YOUR GOOD STILLS!

  • @1BigBucks1

    The future is Chelsea talking smack 🔥

  • @Iruinyourkdr

    Humor was top notch in this one guys. I laughed the whole way through. Thanks for the laughs. Couldn’t get that with a photo!

  • @smaakjeks

    The strength of photo:

  • @dogins1

    At 77 I am just now involving myself in film making. It is a pleasant challenge and stimulates my brain. That said I am not leaving photography. Currently I am working on a project that includes both. A plethora of creative opportunities are presenting themselves.

  • @Chris-NZ

    As a retired person, from the 60’s onwards I’ve always taken photos and moving images (35mm film and 8mm film) then 35mm film and various tape format video , these days digital photos and digital video. Both have their place in my life, these days I make photo books for my stills but long term I worry about digital rot in my videos. I don’t see the need for debate, photos and video serve two entirely different but complimentary purposes. 😀

  • @Sergiocrivelin

    Can't stop thinking how happy you both are together, we can see it by your smiles. I love that 🥰🥰

  • @petersvan7880

    Watching Tony & Chelsea is more fun then anything on TV these days. Greetings from Sweden!

  • @marty99ie

    Hey Tony , how many videos have you hanging on your wall 😂

  • @clausschuessler

    I agree to the arguments of both sides. You should compare foto and video with fast food and a longer meal. As fast food is less time and money effort to get, it will always be a quick and easy way against your hunger. But if you eat fast food only, you will never enjoy your meal. Yes, to get a four-star-dinner you need a good cook, time and money. But it's worth it! And If you spend time and start learning cooking for yourself, you will get more good meals and more satisfaction...

  • @andycooper4485

    I thought video was the future. I was wrong. I'm kicking myself for wasting time.