VASCULAR ULTRASOUND: Giant asymptomatic AAA (b-mode)

This short video case demonstrates the presence of a large (10.9 cm) abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) detected in a 72 years old obese (BMI 36) male patient. The b-mode video shows the presence of a "tongue" of mural thrombus on the lateral wall. Note the echogenicity of the thrombus is high, therefore likely chronic. Due to the large sac of the aneurysm smoke effect (lumen appears echogenic) is noted within the lumen of the aneurysm. The nypoechoic region below the AAA indicates the spinal cord.
TAKE HOME MESSAGE: smoking effect can be noted in large aneurysms.
VASCULAR ULTRASOUND: Giant asymptomatic AAA (b-mode)
