UW|360 February 2014 - Homeless Nurse

Formerly homeless youth living on the streets of Seattle, Portland and Vancouver, who after a harrowing experience with a flesh-eating disease, was inspired to pursue nursing. Eric Seitz, a first-year Bachelor of Science in Nursing Student (BSN), woke up on Thanksgiving day 2009 in Harborview Medical Center, where he had been in a coma for a month. The doctors told his family he had a 5% chance of living, and a 50% chance of losing both limbs. After 3 months of hospitalization and therapy, he left the hospital and began to pursue pre-reqs for nursing school. He was accepted to the UW School of Nursing last year and began the program this fall. He's also volunteered with medial organizations world-wide, including Africa and South America, where he worked with a mobile surgery unit to provide care to rural neighborhoods. He hopes to work in global/ public health and help others see that they can stop the cycle of homelessness and drug use and make their own dreams come true.
