Uttama Nayika - "Preyashee Katha" - Guru Sutapa Talukdar and group


The poet of this delightful little piece on love and longing is Poet Vidyapathi
The protagonist, the Uttama nayika here sees a vision which seems to her like a dream. She describes the same to her friend or sakhi
She has seen a young man with rippling dark hair walking down the river bank at dusk. This has left a deep imprint on her and she describes him as only a Uttama Nayika can: with delicate poetry and sophisticated metaphor. Her expression of the immediate and intense desires invoked in her by the
sight of this youth are ethereal almost spiritual though rooted in the imagery of everyday life. She is Radha, Krishna’s eternal partner and not for her the earthy and suggestive tones of the Madhyama and Adhama nayikas
She describes the young man in great poetic beauty likening him in numerous metaphors from nature, lotus feet, lips as red as fresh fruit, nails like the crescent moon, thighs as firm as young saplings, palms as bright as young leaves, eyes as bright as birds Such a valorous and God like young man was walking down the riverside when she saw him and
Radha pleads with her sakhi to help her find a way out of the fainting fits which this vision has brought on.

