USA Not A Christian Nation

Why the USA a not christian nation
This clip is from The Atheist Experience, Episode 28.18 for May, 05 2024 with Jim Barrows and The Cross Examiner!
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The Atheist Experience is a weekly call-in television show in Austin, Texas geared at a non-atheist audience. The Atheist Experience is produced by the Atheist Community of Austin.
The Atheist Community of Austin is a 501(c)(3) educational non-profit organization based in Austin, Texas. The Atheist Community of Austin is dedicated to promoting atheism, critical thinking, secular humanism, and the separation of religion and government.
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  • @johnsperry9494
    @johnsperry9494Ай бұрын

    The Treaty of Tripoli was signed in 1797 by President John Adams and unanimously approved by the U.S. Senate on June 7. It secured commercial shipping rights and protected American ships in the Mediterranean Sea from Barbary pirates. The treaty was negotiated between the United States and Tripoli by Captain Richard O'Brien, and was signed by the Americans on June 10, 1797. The 1797 Treaty of Tripoli made a point to say that the United States "is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion". Treaty of Tripoli: Art. 11. As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion; as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion, or tranquility, of Mussulmen (Muslims); and as the said States never entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mahometan (Mohammedan) nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.

  • @ApatheticFish3667
    @ApatheticFish3667Ай бұрын

    I love how NEPy has the alt "from parts unknown" when we literally know where he lives

  • @holgerlubotzki3469


    Ай бұрын

    "from parts unknown" is NEPPY reliving his prison shower block life.

  • @quecee


    Ай бұрын


  • @Jebus_Anti-theist


    Ай бұрын

    That's hilarious, thanks for the lol's

  • @BlarglemanTheSkeptic2


    Ай бұрын

    ... and the value of his "millionaire's" estate: $38,000.

  • @amtlpaul
    @amtlpaulАй бұрын

    The Spammer from the Slammer, Neverending Fraud, is at it again, braying assertions, blowing hot air, posturing absurdly.

  • @pdoylemi
    @pdoylemiАй бұрын

    She says that Christians should be accountable to what Jesus preached - but she is not, nor is any Christian I have ever known or heard of. This is why NO ONE ever follows any of the instructions in the Sermon on the Mount, except for the part about saying the Lord's prayer - because the demands Jesus makes are ridiculous unless you are 150% SURE that if you do that you will go to heaven. She is clearly most likely a suburban person, probably with a family, a couple of cars, multiple TVs, decent home, etc - meaning that, by world standards she is rich. But she has not sold off all her possessions and given it to the poor and trusted god to care for her.

  • @holgerlubotzki3469


    Ай бұрын

    @@frompartsunknown687 👈👈👈 The failed, jailed, and living in a trailer chiro-quacktor still expects people to believe his lies even after he was convicted for fraud.

  • @pdoylemi


    Ай бұрын

    @@frompartsunknown687 You never read the Sermon on the Mount obviously, have you read any of the Bible? And if you are no longer "in bondage to sin" are you claiming that you now NEVER "sin"? Or are you just like everyone else, except that YOU think you have a free pass. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." I am sure you have stored up PLENTY of treasures. If you think not, go to Dominica - see what it means to be poor. You want to think of yourself as working class, or middle class - well compared to a lot of the world, you are rich as hell. “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? “And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith? So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. So, next time you complain about food prices or inflation, you are acting like a Pagan... according to Jesus.

  • @wyldink1


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@frompartsunknown687Is this Jesus the same God who couldn't even see a year in advance, but lied to you anyway?

  • @nsf001-3


    Ай бұрын

    Plenty of people complain about homeless people around them, almost nobody gives homeless people a home. But they'll adopt some worthless cat. Humans are sick and evil

  • @BlarglemanTheSkeptic2


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@frompartsunknown687did Noah get the MILK?

  • @quecee
    @queceeАй бұрын

    TO ANY "NEWBIE" that's come to this channel, DO NOT LEAVE before you've heard the attempts at scientific "arguments" from @frompartsunknown687. I'm not sure if you know, but he doesn't need to provide any scientific citation because... he knows that water is wet. THAT is his qualification. I think that MIT should just grant him an honorary degree in ALL sciences!

  • @frompartsunknown687


    Ай бұрын


  • @Jebus_Anti-theist


    Ай бұрын

    ...Because GODDUNIT. And water is wet?

  • @Jebus_Anti-theist


    Ай бұрын

    Job 7-9 contradicts Romans 1 20. I am curious to know what rational/impartial method you used to decide which passages to accept and which to ignore.

  • @frompartsunknown687


    Ай бұрын

    @@Jebus_Anti-theist kid, I'm not reading 3 whole chapters (Job 7-9) just to compare to one verse (Romans 1:20). If you have a point PRESENT IT CONSISELY.

  • @Jebus_Anti-theist


    Ай бұрын

    I thought you were an expert theologian and 3 chapters of the buy bull were too much for you. Lightweight.

  • @AngieBaby666
    @AngieBaby666Ай бұрын

    This caller sounds so sincere and good hearted but really, if she wants to be “biblically loyal” she wouldn’t be ignoring the huge number of atrocities in the bible. Both hosts made great points about the literal interpretations of the bible not being as rosy as the caller believes. Talk about cognitive dissonance! Such a sweet woman but she has to do so many mental gymnastics to try to validate he point. I appreciate the hosts being so gentle with her when making this point.

  • @joshsheridan9511


    Ай бұрын

    Americans would call Chloe a cafeteria Christian This side of the pond we tend to call them pick 'n' mix Christians, because the ignore the parts of the bible they don't like.

  • @pdoylemi


    Ай бұрын

    @@joshsheridan9511 The problem with Christianity (and most religions I have studied) is that you HAVE to be a cafeteria Christian to try to be one at all! There are too many contradictions to actually live by everything in the Bible. It would be a bit like getting on the highway and seeing signs that say "Speed Limit 45" and others that say, "55 minimum speed".

  • @fernlovebond


    Ай бұрын

    @@joshsheridan9511 Interesting! I'd never heard either of these terms, but they might find their way into my lexicon now. Thanks 🙂

  • @ApatheticFish3667
    @ApatheticFish3667Ай бұрын

    NEPy tactics: Assert that he's proven creation when he hasn't Assert that he's debunked evolution when all he's done is proven that evolution can go in reverse

  • @quecee


    Ай бұрын

    He asserts that he doesn't need to cite anything for his claims because he knows water is wet.😂😂😂

  • @quentind1924


    Ай бұрын

    Even better : assert his religion has been proven, and that science has been disproven without argumenting more than "you can't see it today so it must be false", or "it looks absurd, so it's false"

  • @Beacon80


    Ай бұрын

    Better still, his response to pointing out that he's using the Argument from Ignorance is "you're the one who's ignorant!" proving that, ironically, he doesn't know what the Argument from Ignorance is. He also doesn't know what a Strawman is. But my favorite will probably always be the fact that, according to his definition, _Zeus_ is an "atheist idea." 🤣🤣🤣

  • @frompartsunknown687


    Ай бұрын


  • @Seticzech


    Ай бұрын

    @@frompartsunknown687 Doughter, repeat after me: ABIOGENESIS and EVOLUTION can explain existence of life and speciation as we know it, it is supported by huge body of IRREFUTABLE FACTS. Evolution is one of the most proven scientific theory in the history of mankind, abiogenesis was proven as viable and totally possible origin of life on early Earth's conditions. We have REAL POSSIBLE WAY HOW LIFE EMERGED ON EARTH COMPLETELY NATURALLY. NO SILLY FICTIONAL CREATOR NECESSARY.

  • @smochygrice465
    @smochygrice465Ай бұрын

    As an Aussie, we where taught at school that USA, like Australia was the land of the free, where any man/woman could scratch out a living from the sweat of their brow. A place where migrants can come and settle, while still being able to practice their cultures relgion. Sadly, like Australia, this all came at the expense of the first nations people, the natives lives, and way of living. And a good Sunday Morning 🌞 AXP Fans and Theists ❤❤❤ Peace Love Empathy ☝️🤠💪

  • @jaybee9269


    Ай бұрын

    It’s almost as if civilization always triumphs over savages…

  • @summerlovinxx


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@jaybee9269 imagine calling an entire nation of people savages, that's crazy 💀💀💀

  • @Leith_Crowther


    Ай бұрын

    @@jaybee9269Evidently it hasn’t yet. You’re still here.

  • @Artman1


    Ай бұрын

    @@jaybee9269 Theism is ancient savagery.

  • @jaybee9269


    Ай бұрын

    @@summerlovinxx >> And yet aboriginal people are still on the back foot…hmm, I wonder why? It’s almost as if some cultures are better than others. Why are you allergic to inductive logic?

  • @skindred1888
    @skindred1888Ай бұрын

    Scotland here. Completely a christian nation. Got a head of state(king) who is the head of a religon And yet... we're like 50% atheist, msot christians being well over 50. Its an education problem

  • @Bozo_Weirdo


    Ай бұрын

    Yup, you have to be able to read and understand complex literary ideas to effectively comprehend the Bible. Definitely an education problem.

  • @skindred1888


    Ай бұрын

    @@Bozo_Weirdo oh that's not what I meant at all. I was more referencing some religions that force that shit down children's throats and tell them it's true. The Bible isn't complex, it's contradictory. That's different.

  • @Bozo_Weirdo


    Ай бұрын

    @@skindred1888 oh, you got the joke as it was intended and were offended? Maybe you’ll also be able to realize that shoving a worldview that insists that religion is fictitious is way more pervasive, intentionally dogmatic, and used by the largest, most powerful and genocidal dictatorial cults of personality throughout history. The Bible highlights the paradoxes present in the nature of life, existence, and the human condition. Using paradoxes to speak about truth isn’t a contradiction. We all know the atheists other version of a contradiction is “I think God is evil!” Get over yourselves and go back to living life peacefully as atheists swear they do. This online bickering is almost as meaningless to me as it is to you.

  • @amtlpaul


    Ай бұрын

    @@Bozo_Weirdo What complex literary ideas are those, and why would they be required to comprehend what is supposedly not to be understood as a literary work but rather a rulebook /history of divine intervention.

  • @skindred1888


    Ай бұрын

    @@Bozo_Weirdo 😂 what ? I was offended ? Wut? Didn't realize I was. Where have I shoved a worldview that insists religion is fictious? Dogmatic ? Bud...get outside or something I dunno. This is weird. We just don't believe in their gods. That's it. Are you ...alright .

  • @ApatheticFish3667
    @ApatheticFish3667Ай бұрын

    Fossil Record: The fossil record provides evidence of changes in species over time. Transitional fossils, such as Archaeopteryx (a transitional form between dinosaurs and modern birds) and Tiktaalik (a transitional form between fish and tetrapods), show intermediate stages in the evolution of major groups of organisms. Comparative Anatomy: Comparative anatomy reveals similarities in the anatomical structures of different species, indicating common ancestry. Homologous structures, such as the pentadactyl limb in vertebrates, have similar underlying skeletal elements despite serving different functions, suggesting they evolved from a common ancestor. Embryology: Embryological development often exhibits similarities among different species, reflecting shared ancestry. For example, vertebrate embryos pass through similar stages, including a notochord and pharyngeal arches, regardless of their adult form. Genetics: Genetic evidence, including DNA sequencing and comparative genomics, supports the relatedness of organisms and their evolutionary history. Genetic similarities and differences between species provide insights into their evolutionary relationships and the mechanisms driving evolutionary change. Biogeography: The distribution of species across geographic regions reflects patterns of evolution and dispersal. For instance, closely related species are often found in close proximity, while distantly related species may be separated by barriers such as oceans or mountain ranges. Observational Evidence: Observations of evolutionary processes occurring in real-time, such as natural selection acting on populations of organisms in response to environmental changes, provide empirical support for evolutionary theory.

  • @junodonatus4906


    Ай бұрын

    One of my favorite lines of supporting evidence for evolution is common retroviral infections in the DNA of both humans and chimps. For an infection to alter the same gene in the same location on the same chromosome in both human and chimps only points to that infection happening in a common ancestor.

  • @junodonatus4906


    Ай бұрын

    In addition, there's domestication of flora and fauna. Humans have modified the morphology of living things for millennia and changed their genome by proxy. Taking an ancestral wolf and morphing it into a chihuahua proves change. In addition, we've actually brought about a facial muscle in dogs that their wolf ancestors didn't possess.

  • @Beacon80


    Ай бұрын

    I recently learned that we actually have observed a species of lizard develop a new stomach organ in as little as 36 years!

  • @junodonatus4906


    Ай бұрын

    @@Beacon80 If it's the example I'm thinking of (it must be) then Richard Dawkins devotes a section to them in his book on evolution, "The Greatest Show On Earth" and they are lizards in Croatia. Croatia has many islands and I believe one population adapted to a different diet.

  • @Beacon80


    Ай бұрын

    @@junodonatus4906 Yeah. Viced Rhino recently discussed them. The world is fascinating.

  • @smochygrice465
    @smochygrice465Ай бұрын

    The Christians came and the natives they did hang, thirteen at a time for jesus and his gang 😢

  • @gauge6513
    @gauge6513Ай бұрын

    She was a pastors wife for 4 years. Wide did the hosts let this slide? Did he die or did she divorce him. If its the later what happened? She makes no sense.

  • @quecee
    @queceeАй бұрын

    Christians: "Yes, god did create a man from a clay golem because god can do anything, no matter how silly it sounds." Sure. If it wasn't so contradictory. In one version of the creation story, god created EVERYTHING, including a man and a woman in six days. But then in another version, god created everything from nothing, except man. For man, he needed to start with a mud puddle. And then he completely forgets about creating a woman because god was apparently unaware that there are two biological sexes that are needed to "be fruitful and multiply". But he can't just create a woman in the same way as man. God needed to put man under, like some surgery, to take a "side" of Adam to make Eve, which would make Eve a biological male from a genetic point.

  • @quentind1924


    Ай бұрын

    @@frompartsunknown687 Just because you don't understand how science got to all of this doesn't mean we can't demonstrate it. Your mission, if you accept it, is to explain how we arrived at one of these theories as best as you can, without saying where are the problems (until the end of the comment). If you can't or don't do it, then it shows you don't understand any of what you are talking about and so your opinion has absolutely zero weight

  • @quecee


    Ай бұрын

    TO ANY "NEWBIE" that's come to this channel, you could listen to someone who has actual education in the sciences and have actually worked in multiple research labs at the graduate level OR listen to NEPy (@partsunknown687). If you don't think actual scientific citation matters, as long as you know that water is wet, then I guess NEPy is the one for you.🤷‍♂

  • @quecee


    Ай бұрын

    @@quentind1924 He doesn't "understand". He thinks he knows enough because he knows water is wet. And for anyone who thinks I'm joking, he DID say that. He also mentioned that he knows fire burns. Not sure why he doesn't have a Nobel prize in chemistry yet.

  • @quecee


    Ай бұрын

    God can't be SCIENTIFICALLY DEMONSTRATED, it does not exist. THAT is the litmus test. NOTHING of the Christianity cult is "science" at all, as NONE OF IT can be SCIENTIFICALLY DEMONSTRATED IN REAL TIME. And THAT, boys and girls, is because there are NO scientific paper that says that we have evidence for a god. NO SCIENCE.

  • @SundaeExpress


    Ай бұрын

    @@frompartsunknown687 Proof? Source?

  • @joshsheridan9511
    @joshsheridan9511Ай бұрын

    Neppy is reduced to screaming for attention, what a maroon.

  • @Iamjamessmith1
    @Iamjamessmith1Ай бұрын

    Let's start more realistically: are we a Christian family? Are we a Christian community? Are we a Christian county? Are we a Christian state? Are we a Christian Nation? And it's all about the rules and the laws that are put down and enforced upon all people everywhere at all times. Does the federal government allow for these? The answer is no. And then secondary question is which Christian is a Christian Nation or which nation is a Christian Nation? Let's look at that nation and compare. Wikipedia has many Christian countries named and some about them and their churches.

  • @SaintD382
    @SaintD382Ай бұрын

    I really like this caller -- which is not something I often say about people who call in to this show. This woman seems like a genuinely decent person to me.

  • @Leith_Crowther


    Ай бұрын

    Oftentimes I think these kinds of judgments are premature, but in this case we actually did see flashes of the caller’s character.

  • @fernlovebond


    Ай бұрын

    @@Leith_Crowther Knowing Chloe personally, I'd like to confirm that she really is a genuinely decent person [editing out erroneous remarks]; she's especially to be credited for fighting the indoctrination she's grown up in, semi-homeschooled as a Seventh Day Adventist, and deconstructing. She's really very thoughtful and kind, and it's only when she's cornered about the contradictions in her theology and she starts repeating the justifications she's been handed from apologetics and fundy-gelical wordplay. She and I have arguments much like what you saw on this show, only I'm not as smart as those guys. But I trust her intentions. [Removal of mistaken remarks.]

  • @Leith_Crowther


    Ай бұрын

    @@fernlovebondI’m glad you’re sticking up for your friend, but you should read again. We were complimenting her.

  • @fernlovebond


    Ай бұрын

    @@Leith_Crowther Ah, I just realized that I misread your reply, Leith. I thought you were kind of hedging back with a kind of "sure, she seems cool, but let's not give her credit prematurely" reaction. I'll edit accordingly. Please forgive my mistaken reading.

  • @Leith_Crowther


    Ай бұрын

    ⁠@@fernlovebondI know that I tend to use very clinical and neutral language, and without knowing me it’s not crazy to think I’m using that disguise malice. I should actually take back when I put the error in communication entirely on you, because it wasn’t. I’m curious about something else, though: did you ask Chloe to call the show, or was that her idea?

  • @kylerowland1227
    @kylerowland1227Ай бұрын

    3:00 added during the red scare btw.*

  • @jasongress8764
    @jasongress8764Ай бұрын

    It’s majority Christian concerning population but it’s not designed nor created as a Christian nation, nor should it be.

  • @blueredingreen
    @blueredingreenАй бұрын

    Chloe, one can go back and forth all day quoting different verses to make a case for different conclusions. You're approaching Christianity through the lens of your humanity (which is great, and we need more of that). But this means you focus on the verses that talk about love and kindness and deemphasise the verses that are contrary to that. Others look at it through a different lens, and focus on other verses, and deemphasise other verses. The issue is that the Bible does have a whole spectrum of laws and things God did, ranging from very kind and loving to horrific. So you can reach very different conclusions depending on what lens you approach it through and what you focus on. But I think you'd have a much harder time explaining away the bad parts, because much of that is written clearly in black and white - someone who tries to go for a purely literal interpretation can just say those things are true as written, while just defining love differently. Also, you're calling in the wrong show if you want to debate what the "correct" interpretation is of what God wants, because atheists don't believe that God exists. The fact that Christians disagree about many things just adds another complication to the God claim. The Bible is just a fictionalised history book with some decent things, but also a lot of problematic stuff, and the best place for it is in the bin.

  • @fernlovebond


    Ай бұрын

    I liken her approach to someone looking at a solved sudoku puzzle and waxing poetic about how the puzzle is about fives, the preponderance of fives being the message, how fives are the message of the puzzle, and when you bring up any other number, you're just not interpreting it correctly, or you missed the context in which 9 is really about 5, and sure, those 2s _seem_ to be 2s, but that's just there for historical context, so you can understand the 5-ness, and if god had just made all the numbers 5, it would violate free will.

  • @blueredingreen


    Ай бұрын

    @@fernlovebond Well, the 9s being there makes sense because 9-4=5, and of course 8-3=5, and 7-2=5, and 6-1=5. So it is all about 5s, you see, if you interpret it correctly. /s

  • @nealjroberts4050


    Ай бұрын

    ​@@fernlovebond And to extend the analogy some of the numbers are actually letters or doubled up so it's not really "solved" in the first place

  • @fernlovebond


    Ай бұрын

    @@nealjroberts4050 Heh, hadn't even considered that. Well added.

  • @Rundvelt
    @RundveltАй бұрын

    Culturally it is. You can choose not to believe in Christ (I don't believe), but this idea that we're not where we are because of Christianity's effect isn't correct.

  • @chemquests


    Ай бұрын

    That culture is only a subset of our country’s population. It’s had effects like the other beliefs driving our politics over time, including economic beliefs. The hodgepodge of beliefs competing in our democracy means we can’t label the whole thing by just one of its components.

  • @junodonatus4906


    Ай бұрын

    One can compile evidence to make an argument, sure. It depends upon to what extent you want to associate Christianity with "progress." For example, Columbus was recommended for sainthood but the was as murderous as Hitler.

  • @Jebus_Anti-theist


    Ай бұрын

    Belief is not a choice, unless one is irrational. A person can be convinced by the evidence, and believe, or they can be unconvinced and not believe. Or, if one is irrational, they can choose to ignore the evidence or lack thereof and believe for a number of reasons. I am unconvinced by the evidence. I did not choose to be unconvinced, I heard the evidence presented me by theists and found it unconvincing. I could no more choose to believe in a christ than I could choose to believe that the sky is not blue. I would just be lying to myself.

  • @chemquests


    Ай бұрын

    @@Jebus_Anti-theist so you’re saying to be irrational is a choice which allows you to believe despite the evidence? This sounds like the cognitive dissonance that theists practice quite frequently.

  • @junodonatus4906


    Ай бұрын

    @@Jebus_Anti-theist Exactly. As I like to say, "Evidence forces conclusions."

  • @wwlib5390
    @wwlib5390Ай бұрын

    John 3 16 invites all to know God's love and promise. That's His simple message to all of mankind. It is not His desire that anyone perish but all to come to repentance, changing direction toward Him and not away from Him - through the knowledge of what Christ has done. As you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.

  • @2Goiz_1ShanDA
    @2Goiz_1ShanDAАй бұрын

    They're Definitely into idol worship! We have to deal w them eventually 😝😅

  • @gabe6646
    @gabe6646Ай бұрын

    Haha maybe Jesus should become a pro stoner 😂

  • @christinanicholson1980
    @christinanicholson1980Ай бұрын

    Canada 🇨🇦 Is still a British Colonie 🤔 Someday i pray Canadians find FREEDOM - we could start FRESH

  • @Djr67


    Ай бұрын

    Wow you make it sound like life is terrible in Canada because it's a British colony, maybe you might have more freedom in North Korea?

  • @joshsheridan9511


    Ай бұрын

    Canada is part of the commonwealth but it isn't a colony.

  • @ApatheticFish3667


    Ай бұрын

    It's not, and even if it was, that doesn't make it any worse, the UK isn't doing too bad. Do you really want to have another 1776? We just asked for our freedom.

  • @nealjroberts4050


    Ай бұрын

    So you don't know what a colony or freedom are?

  • @TheDiddyDiaries
    @TheDiddyDiariesАй бұрын

    Amaruca- Land of the plumed serpent

  • @scottkelsch9015
    @scottkelsch9015Ай бұрын

    Yes it is NOT Christian, It's also not a socialist country. It was created by the founders for individual liberty and personal responsibility. Many of us atheists forget that part.

  • @Apebek


    Ай бұрын

    Who happened to be mostly christians because atheism or secularism was not widespread in that time. It is founded on christian values even till today.

  • @jaybee9269


    Ай бұрын

    It’s hard to divorce the enlightenment from Christianity. Many of the founders were deists.

  • @GoodBrotherGrimm


    Ай бұрын

    ​@Apebek How can something be founded "until today"? It's still being founded?

  • @scottkelsch9015


    Ай бұрын

    @@Apebek I care about peace and freedom, Not if you are Christian or not. We all prosper with freedom.

  • @scottkelsch9015


    Ай бұрын

    @@GoodBrotherGrimm A Constitutional Republic was created.

  • @joseyglesias3743
    @joseyglesias3743Ай бұрын

    We are lucky to live in an ex Christian nation. You would not have the same privilege to express yourself in a caliphate. Mr magnum P.I. is right. Our lords kingdom is in heaven. When Christian say they wish to have a real Christian nation, it is to be free from persecution. For all, not just Christians. Unfortunately, bad apples are everywhere.

  • @Jebus_Anti-theist


    Ай бұрын

    If you are referring to the U.S., we have never been a xtian nation. This nation was partially founded to escape religious tyranny, and the intent was to have the nation be neutral in regards to all religions, and allow everyone the freedom of choice. I remember your name, and how dishonest you were the last time you posted here and on Aron Ra's channel. Prove that YOUR lord exists, and a kingdom/heaven exists. I bet you can't. Also, the claim that xtians are persecuted is bogus. Plenty of xtians in the U.S. wrongfully consider themselves persecuted simply because they are no longer given Carte Blanche to persecute. Many also consider their beliefs being held up to scrutiny a form of persecution. By the way, many are currently doing plenty to persecute LGBTQ+ and all women in this country.

  • @tonyclements1147


    Ай бұрын

    Christians are persecuted? Where? Definitely not in the US, you lot have it easy, but love to play the victim.

  • @Seticzech


    Ай бұрын

    What christian nation are you talking about?

  • @Seticzech


    Ай бұрын

    "it is to be free from persecution" Good od whining "we are persecuted because we can't persecute anybody". 😀

  • @nealjroberts4050


    Ай бұрын

    It's interesting that the Puritans are sometimes considered foundational to the US: a group of Christians who left 2 officially Christian countries (Britain and the Netherlands) because they couldn't persecute other Christians for being Christian wrong. And had to change their destination in the colonies to avoid too many tolerant settlers.

  • @jaybee9269
    @jaybee9269Ай бұрын

    Congrats to Russell Brand for getting baptized!

  • @sohu86x


    Ай бұрын

    He's a fool

  • @jaybee9269


    Ай бұрын

    @@sohu86x >> Not at all. One’s worldview is a gestalt. He’s more sophisticated than YOU!

  • @joshsheridan9511


    Ай бұрын

    Russell Brand? Do you mean the crap comedian and actor? Because that bod's a fool.

  • @Warutteri


    Ай бұрын

    @@jaybee9269 It's just a cynical PR move as a reaction to his past sexual abuse having been revealed

  • @Fang1241


    Ай бұрын

    @@jaybee9269 he's a rapist

  • @waltershumer4211
    @waltershumer4211Ай бұрын

    The whole of woke culture, it could be argued (as the professor of History Tom Holland does) is simply an offshoot of Christianity.

  • @amtlpaul


    Ай бұрын

    Anything can be argued. Is there a good argument? What is it?

  • @waltershumer4211


    Ай бұрын

    @@amtlpaul ... I'd look that Tom Holland guy up on KZread if I was you... I'm not so good at explaining things like this, but yes I think it's a very convincing argument indeed. Basically the biggest difference in between the ancient world and modern world is the ancient world was might makes right and the modern / Christian world is the era of the slave / victim / lgbtq /minority.... Et cetera et cetera I mean could you ever imagine the Vikings Persians Spartans etc conquering and enslaving a people and then being worried what the slaves opinion was of them? Or electing one of them to be their leader? Then there's the phenomenon of the so called "oppression Olympics" in which your status is in proportion to your victimhood. In what other civilization then a Christian one in which the main deity/role model himself is a victim, would this be imaginable?

  • @frompartsunknown687


    Ай бұрын

    @@waltershumer4211 I assure you that Jesus is no "victim." You couldn't be more lost.

  • @waltershumer4211


    Ай бұрын

    @@frompartsunknown687 .. for the Christian this is not pejorative.. The meek shall inherit the earth, the last shall be first,turn the other cheek, vengeance is mine saith the Lord, deliver unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

  • @holgerlubotzki3469


    Ай бұрын

    I think it's hilarious that the person with the humiliation fetish is lecturing us about victimhood.

  • @clarenceawalker1873
    @clarenceawalker1873Ай бұрын

    People going to believe what they want to believe Jesus is Love You can't change that.🦅

  • @quecee


    Ай бұрын

    We already has a word for love. It's "love".

  • @SundaeExpress


    Ай бұрын

    It's not a question of whether we can change it, it's a question of whether you can prove it. Well... can ya? 🤔

  • @holgerlubotzki3469


    Ай бұрын

    So Jesus is in no way related to the g0d of Abraham, then?

  • @joshsheridan9511


    Ай бұрын

    So Jesus is just an emotion from the brain?

  • @tonyclements1147


    Ай бұрын

    Jesus is my lawn guy.

  • @ButterknifeofMoses4
    @ButterknifeofMoses4Ай бұрын

    It was founded on Christian values, you cannot deny this fact.

  • @skindred1888


    Ай бұрын

    Was it ? You kinda need to take out like half the 10 commandments for that to be true. Take away those...and they're not Christian values. They're human values that Christian pretend only exist because god

  • @loomspace


    Ай бұрын

    1. Most of the founding fathers were deists, not christians. 2. Only christians think “values” (I assume you’re referring to general social morality) is exclusive to christianity.

  • @junodonatus4906


    Ай бұрын

    You're right. I can't deny the fact that the Bible was used to justify human slavery.

  • @alchemest


    Ай бұрын

    Not at all. Your belief rules your behavior not anyone else. The Founders of our nation said many times "This Nation is not, nor ever was, a christian nation". That is why they put in our constitution our government cannot support one religion nor make a state religion.

  • @dogwalker666


    Ай бұрын

    Christian values, Like slavery, human sacrific and intolerance, That's the problem.