Unrepentant Dakota Woman - Angelique Renville

Author Linda M. Clemmons is a professor of nineteenth-century American and Native American history and is the current director of the Honors Program at Illinois State University in Normal, IL.
Linda shares with us the story of Angelique Renville (1845-1876). Born in Minnesota in 1845, the daughter of a prominent mixed-ancestry Dakota family, Angelique learned traditional Dakota ways of life from her relatives while navigating the complex multi-cultural world of the declining fur trade.
"Unrepentant Dakota Woman" follows Angelique’s remarkable struggle for Indigenous identity and self-determination, while revealing new insights into relations between missionaries and their converts, education of American Indians, disparities between Native and Euro-American conceptions of family, and the challenges faced by Dakotas during one of the most tumultuous periods in their history.
Join us each month via Zoom as we offer engaging conversations and entertaining discussions on South Dakota history. History Talks is presented by the South Dakota Historical Society Foundation and South Dakota Historical Society Press.
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