Unlocking Impactful Travels: Business, Education & Your Future

To find out more please visit: www.hslu.ch/en/lucerne-school...
This webinar dives into the exciting world of sustainable tourism, exploring career opportunities, educational pathways, and the impact you can make.
Here’s what you’ll gain:
Demystifying Sustainability:
We’ll break down the concept of sustainability and its relevance to the tourism industry.
Learn how sustainable practices benefit businesses, travelers, and destinations.
Career Crossroads:
Discover the diverse career paths available in sustainable tourism.
Explore exciting job roles and the skills needed to thrive in this growing field.
A Student’s Perspective:
Hear firsthand from a student about their experience studying Tourism in Switzerland.
Gain insights into the learning environment and benefits of this program.
Your Educational Journey:
Uncover the details of the UN Tourism and HSLU BSc in International Sustainable Tourism program.
Learn about the curriculum, program highlights, and potential career paths.
This webinar is perfect for anyone who:
Is passionate about travel and responsible tourism practices.
Seeks a rewarding career that makes a positive impact.
Is interested in learning about the UN Tourism and HSLU BSc program.
