Unintentional ASMR | Thich Nhat Hanh's softly spoken speech on breaking bad habits

We think that when we are not doing anything
we are wasting our time, that is not true. Our
time is first of all for us to be. To be, to be what?
to be alive, to be peace, to be joy, to be loving.
And that is what the world needs the most. So
we train ourselves in order to be. And if you
know the art of being peace, of being solid,
then you have the ground for every action...
because the ground for action is to be.
And the quality of being determines the
quality of doing. Action must be based
on non-action. ~ ~ ~ THICH NHAT HANH
Title explained:
This sensation is accompanied by feelings of relaxation and calm, drawing in millions of users seeking solace in the digital age. But what exactly makes it so captivating? For many, ASMR is akin to a mental massage-a unique form of relaxation that engages the senses in a deeply soothing manner.
