Undermain Theatre Archive - Jonah by Len Jenkin - 2016

Len Jenkin's elaborate and mosaic take on this Old Testament tale was first developed in 2015 with the playwright and Undermain Founding Artistic Director Katherine Owens at the Sundance Theatre Lab in Utah. Jonah features all the hallmarks of a Len Jenkin play: part road movie, part musical, filled with a wild array of characters from a Biblical scholar to modern day pirates to an irate God, eager to see his commands carried out.
Katherine Owens directed this world premiere that featured cast members Katherine Bourne, Jonathan Brooks, Patrick Bynane, Whitney Coulter, Bruce DuBose, Courtney Mentzel, Kelsey Milbourn, Jeremy Schwartz and Marcus Stimac.
It was designed by John Arnone (Scenery), Amanda Capshaw (Costumes), Bruce DuBose (Sound), Linda Noland (Properties), and Steve Woods (Lighting) with additional music by Bruce DuBose, Rob Menzel and Paul Semrad.
