Ultimate Crispy Tempura: Squid, Eggplant & Lotus Root Rings Recipe | Easy Japanese Cooking Tutorial

Squid: sliced into rings, 2cm thickness (prepped and drained)
Eggplant: sliced into rings, 1cm thickness
Lotus root: sliced into rings, 1cm thickness
Tempura flour: as needed
Water: as needed
Cooking oil for deep frying: as needed
Salt: as needed
Aosa (sea lettuce): as needed
Prep the squid and ensure it's drained thoroughly.
Slice the squid, eggplant, and lotus root into rings.
Mix tempura flour and water to make a crispy batter.
Heat cooking oil in a pot to 180°C.
Dip the squid, eggplant, and lotus root in the tempura batter and fry in the oil.
Once they turn golden brown, remove them from the oil and drain on kitchen paper to remove excess oil.
Sprinkle with salt and aosa before serving.
