UKR - Strengthening routine health care to build resilience in young children and families

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, millions of Ukrainians, in particular children, have been exposed to increased levels of stress - taking a tremendous toll on the mental health and wellbeing of children and the capacity of their caregivers to provide nurturing care.
In many cases, primary health workers and other professionals working with young Ukrainian children and caregivers are not equipped to identify the signs of mental health distress in young children, offer psycho-social support and referral, as well as strengthen the resilience of children and caregivers. These should all be part of routine healthcare.
This Health Systems for Early Childhood Development initiative webinar explored how primary health workers can effectively respond to the effects of adversity in early childhood by gaining knowledge and professional competencies to build trusting relationships with children and caregivers to support their capacities for nurturing care. This includes integrating a mental health approach that strengthens protective factors in children’s environments.

