UIUC MRL Cleanroom Orientation

The MicroFab cleanroom is used for a wide range of micro and nano-fabrication projects. In addition to UIUC researchers, the cleanroom welcome outside academic users as well as users from industry.
The MicroFab cleanroom is divided into 4 separate bays, each dedicated to a set of related fabrication processes:
Optical lithography bay (MRL 388): two spin coaters, three hot plates, HMDS oven, MJB-3 mask aligner, MJB-4 mask aligner and Heidelberg MLA 150 Maskless Writer.
Sample cleaning and developing bay (MRL 384): solvent fume hood, developer fume hood and microscope.
Metal etching bay (MRL 387): metal etchant fume hood, Deep UV exposure, UV flood exposure unit and microscope.
Acid etching bay (MRL 359): HF/BOE fume hood, Nano-strip fume hood, other acids fume hood and microscope.
Another cleanroom is Raith Prep Cleanroom, which includes flow bench for sample cleaning, spin coating and developing, Raith e-line for E-beam lithography. Another EBL tool, Raith EBPG5150 is in the lab next to the Raith prep cleanroom.
