Tug of war between shishkat A vs Karimabad B | quarter final 2023 😱

Tug of war is a popular traditional sport that is played all around the world. Hunza, a beautiful valley located in the Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan, is also famous for its annual tug of war competition.
The tug of war competition in Hunza is held during the spring season, usually in the month of May. It is a fiercely contested event, with teams from different villages in the Hunza valley competing against each other.
The teams consist of young men who are selected based on their strength and fitness. The rope used in the competition is made of natural fibers and can be up to several hundred feet long. The two teams line up on either side of the rope, and the goal is to pull the rope across a designated line on the ground, which signifies the winning point.
The competition is not just a display of physical strength but also an expression of the community's unity and teamwork. It is a great opportunity for the people of Hunza to come together and celebrate their culture and heritage.
Overall, the tug of war competition in Hunza is a thrilling and exciting event that showcases the strength and spirit of the local community.
