shishkat vs Aliabad tug of war 2023 🔥in 4k quality

Tug of war is a popular sport played in many parts of the world, including Gilgit-Baltistan in Pakistan. Gilgit-Baltistan is a mountainous region located in the northern part of Pakistan and is known for its beautiful landscape and rich culture.
In Gilgit-Baltistan, tug of war is often played during festivals and other community events. It is a team sport where two teams compete against each other by pulling a rope in opposite directions. The team that manages to pull the rope to their side wins the game.
Tug of war is not only a fun sport but also a great way to build strength and team spirit. It requires teamwork, coordination, and communication to win the game. In Gilgit-Baltistan, both men and women participate in tug of war competitions.
Overall, tug of war is a popular and exciting sport in Gilgit-Baltistan that brings people together and promotes physical fitness and teamwork
