Training video: Behaviour Change Techniques - Rebecca Lawton (YH-ARC Snapshot Series)

Welcome to another edition of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Improvement Science theme Snapshot series. In this Improvement Science snapshot Professor Rebecca Lawton, director of the Yorkshire Quality and Safety Research group and lead of the Yorkshire and Humber ARC Improvement Science theme, walks us through behaviour change techniques: what they are and how to make use of them.
References and further reading
Carey, R.N., Connell, L.E., Johnston, M., Rothman, A.J., de Bruin, M., Kelly, M.P., Michie, S. (2019). Behaviour change techniques and their mechanisms of action: a synthesis of links described in published intervention literature. Annals of Behavioural Medicine, 53 (8): 693-707. doi:10.1093/abm/key078.
Michie, S., Richardson, M., Johnston, M., Abraham, C., Francis, J., Hardeman, W., Eccles, M.P., Cane, J. and Wood, C.E., 2013. The behavior change technique taxonomy (v1) of 93 hierarchically clustered techniques: building an international consensus for the reporting of behavior change interventions. Annals of behavioral medicine, 46(1), pp.81-95.
Taylor, N., Lawton, R., Slater, B. and Foy, R., 2013. The demonstration of a theory-based approach to the design of localized patient safety interventions. Implementation Science, 8(1), pp.1-14.
Taylor, N., Lawton, R., Moore, S., Craig, J., Slater, B., Cracknell, A., Wright, J. and Mohammed, M.A., 2014. Collaborating with front-line healthcare professionals: the clinical and cost effectiveness of a theory-based approach to the implementation of a national guideline. BMC health services research, 14(1), pp.1-10.
Link to video on Improvement Academy website:

