Touhou 12.8: Great Fairy Wars Lunatic No Bomb 1CC [A1 Route]


Date of Completion: July 26, 2021
A bit late on Cirno Day but here's what I would upload if I made it in time.
Anyways, this is my first ever LNB. This is also the easiest LNB which is why I got this in a few weeks after my UFO Lunatic 1CC. This is a really fun game and I might aim for an LNN if I can get more consistent on the game.
If you're asking if this is my first 1CC of this game, it's not, but it's actually my 2nd or 3rd 1CC, and all of them are in Lunatic (yes I haven't unlocked extra yet lol). I also got another LNB recently. I won't say what game it is but you can probably get an idea. That LNB run will also be shown in TRS so you can wait for that as well.

