Top Table #3: Your rights when cancelling a COVID-19 wedding - Sam Mayer, Litigation Lawyer

During the COVID-19 pandemic many Brides and Grooms are suffering. Not only are they having to change plans for their wedding day, but some are being treated unfairly by a small minority of wedding venues when they try to cancel their booking.
In episode 3 of 'Top Table' I discuss all the issues around cancellation and refunds with litigation expert and Lawyer, Sam Mayer, from law firm Henriques Griffiths. Through this episode, couples will see the law is there to protect them from unfair actions on this front, and even if they have signed a contract, they are entitled to much more than some venues are offering.
You can view all information on the CMA guidelines here:
...and how it specifically applies to wedding:
Sam Mayer has kindly offered to give a free no-risk consultation for any couples that would like to explore using his expertise to seek correct compensation from those venues that are operating outside consumer rights laws. Contact Sam here:
+44 (0) 117 909 4471
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The music featured (a little) in this episode is 'Tramadol', written and performed by Nick Church
You can download this track here:

