Tooth Whitening Explained

Tooth Whitening Explained. Have you ever wondered why your teeth aren't as bright as they used to be? Well, the problem often lies in our daily habits and lifestyle choices. First of all, is the tooth staining extrinsic or intrinsic? Extrinsic staining occurs on the surface of the teeth and is often caused by factors like coffee, tea, wine, and smoking. Conversely, intrinsic staining originates from within the tooth structure, often due to factors like genetics, certain medications, or excessive fluoride exposure during tooth development. For extrinsic staining, there are several at-home remedies you can try. Whitening toothpaste, strips, and mouthwashes can help remove surface stains and restore some of your teeth's natural luster. But what about those deeper, intrinsic stains that seem resistant to conventional whitening methods? That's where professional treatments come into play. Take home treatments with custom dentist made whitening trays work better than over the counter methods. In-office treatments can target stubborn intrinsic stains more effectively. Techniques like laser whitening or microabrasion penetrate deeper into the tooth structure, breaking down pigmentation and revealing a brighter smile. However, it's important to note that in some cases, intrinsic stains may be so severe that traditional whitening methods are ineffective. When intrinsic staining is too deep or resistant, more extensive measures may be necessary. Crowns and veneers are custom-made dental restorations that can cover discolored teeth, providing a long-lasting solution for deeply stained enamel. While these procedures require more extensive treatment, they can effectively restore the appearance of your smile. Remember, consistency in oral hygiene practices and making informed choices about professional treatments and at-home remedies are key to preserving the natural whiteness of your teeth.
Dentistry with a focus on adult patients who expect advanced, comprehensive dentistry in a personal, individualized manner. Restorative dentistry, minimally invasive treatments, dental implants, aesthetic dentistry, diagnosis and prevention. We are convinced that quantity will never be as important as quality. It is our belief that investing our full attention in only a few appointments a day sets us, and our patients up for a successful outcome. Our practice is a small, bespoke dental office and our waiting room will never have more than one patient in it at a time. Building personal relationships is at the core of our philosophy. Dr. Kantor has practiced in the Cleveland, Ohio suburb of North Ridgeville for over thirty years. #toothwhitening, #toothbleaching, #dentistry
This information is for educational purposes and is NOT intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional. This information does not constitute or initiate a doctor/patient relationship.
