Tip for Hospice Nurses: Self-soothing Vocalization

Tip for Hospice Nurses: If you ever have a pt who is humming or moaning rhythmically, and you have r/o pain or discomfort as a cause, your pt could be using self-soothing vocalization as a form of emotional regulation. #EmotionalRegulation #SelfSoothing
This is not common, but I have seen it in pts with #cerebrovascular disease, #dementia or #braintumors. I have also seen it in pts who are in the pre-transitional phase where they are starting to #withdraw and are no longer #communicating.
🤔A couple of points to consider:
1️⃣ Assess Carefully to r/o pain:
While self-soothing vocalizations can help with emotional regulation, it’s crucial to assess whether pain may be a contributing factor. My goal is to tx pain as indicated, but not medicate someone who doesn’t need it. #painassessment
2️⃣ Sometimes the humming/moaning can be pretty loud, and this is #stressful to the family. I have found using a Sound Machine/App in the background helps to minimize the intensity of the vocalizations, and promotes a peaceful environment. #SoundMachine
3️⃣ Educating the Family: Early education regarding the possibility of self-soothing vocalizations can help reduce stress and anxiety among the patient’s family members. Take the time to explain to them that these vocalizations are a normal part of emotional regulation and may not necessarily indicate pain or distress. By providing accurate information and addressing their concerns, you can alleviate unnecessary worry, enabling the family to better support their loved one during this time.
#forhospicenurses #tipsforhospicenurses #shelleyhenry #amitynurse #amitygroup #hospicenurse #moaning#hospicenurses #palliativecare #endoflifecare #soothing #amity #theamitygroup #amitystaffing
#FamilyEducation #SupportLovedOnes
