Three Oaks Senior High Music - presents The BIG SHOW 2024 featuring PMP621 and TOSH R&B - PART 1

Three Oaks Senior High School Music Department presents The BIG SHOW 2024!
Note: There were challenges with the footage this year. The last three songs from our R&B Band can be found on PART 2 (check them out!).
For those less familiar with our program, Three Oaks Senior High is located in Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada. The music department offers a longstanding concert band program and a newer stream of courses titled Popular Music Performance, where students lead the way in learning music they are passionate about! The BIG SHOW is the final showcase of our grade 12 Popular Music Performance students, followed by a complete 14-song set by our auditioned R&B Band. There's something for everyone! Recorded at the Scott MacAulay Performing Arts Center in Summerside, PE on Thursday, June 6, 2024.
Follow us @threeoaksmusic to stay in the loop!
