This will make you want to View your past with compassion AND move on more meaningfully 💛

In this video will show you exactly how to go about your past, present and future identity, you will want to View your past with compassion AND move on with more meaningfu goals💛
0:00 Our past, present identities
1:08 Our memory changes so does our past
2:01 Psychology explained
3:14 Choose growth + reframe the past self
4:39 Choosing to create your desired self
5:23 Moving forward + what's ahead
6:19 Desired outcome must be created
7:02 Encouragement
About me:
Living a self-improvement lifestyle has profoundly been life-transforming… where I get to connect to love, inner peace, growth, and living to full potential, feeling fulfilled…this is part of the beauty of being human… glowing your authentic self, and to create, embrace that dream life that means to you. My mission is to help YOU do the same!
Avery Note💌
Rather then being defined by experiences from your past, you can and you should be defined by the growth, peak experience you will create in the future. As with each action you take towards committing to your desired self, desired future goals, your courage and confidence grows.
What makes it peak experience, it’s the becoming, every small action counts💫

