This Is Why Millennials Hate Gen Z

At least we can all unite against Gen alpha!
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  • @generalgawain5599
    @generalgawain55997 ай бұрын

    I’m an educator, and IMO it really is those couple years of remote learning that has seriously fucked this generation’s ability to communicate effectively. Sure some of it might be an iPad issue but I can say with 100% certainty that if I had to have 2 years of remote learning I’d be just as fucked

  • @porkypine602


    7 ай бұрын

    some kids in my neighborhood was in the 5th grade when covid started and there wasn't fully inperson classes until middle of 8th grade. I feel so bad for them going from elementary to a high school experience sounds awful and you lose a lot of the formative years. I missed most of my college years cause of covid but that seems more like a blessing in disguise as time passes.

  • @Shadow-vd8ss


    7 ай бұрын

    This happened to college students too. Those who started college in the covid years are performing significantly worse than basically any other year

  • @NithinJune


    7 ай бұрын

    my proffesesors have been saying that our class has been the first ones where they don’t have lesser expectations cause of remote

  • @cahan557


    7 ай бұрын

    I started university couple months after Covid lockdown started and am in 4th year now. First two years were complete remote with a couple labs in second year (in first and second, you are supposed to develop lab skills so you usually have one every week or two) with very restrictive guidelines that prevented talking to other classmates. In the second term of third year we went back to semi-in-person learning where some lectures would be held in person but some guidelines were maintained (masks in busy places but distancing was less strict and could be ignored in favour of group tasks etc). Fourth year has now been my first term completely in person, most of my tests are still online (I think the format is just easier for students and teachers) but my finals are in person and will be the first exam my entire course sits in person for university. According to professors (who wanted the exam to be online), students on average have been performing worse online but I think this is more attributable to the fiasco that was high school grade prediction (in the UK) at the start of lockdown which likely resulted in a lot of people that shouldn’t have got into university getting inflated grades and making it in. We all lack most lab skills, our education is shoddy and we will be sitting our most important exams with probably the least amount of preparation in the history or the university.

  • @Dsuranix


    7 ай бұрын


  • @artoro8
    @artoro87 ай бұрын

    I don't think most Gen Z was raised on phones/tablets since they didn't start becoming prevalent until we were like 10/11. ALSO, jobs wouldn't have to worry about people not being able to do certain things or be as productive if they offered PAID TRAINING LIKE THEY USED TOO!!!

  • @Drawfield


    7 ай бұрын

    Yeah I consider myself the middle ground between zoomer and millennial, didn’t have a phone, WiFi or laptop until high school.

  • @guppy719


    7 ай бұрын

    Yeah there is probably a big developmental difference between having an Ipad at like 10 and an Ipad out of the womb. touch screens really lower the age that kids can interact with tech.

  • @luminescentlion
    @luminescentlion7 ай бұрын

    6:20 Thats gonna be a no on the social skills. Still an Engineer, Sadge.

  • @zants_
    @zants_7 ай бұрын

    Over the last few years I've managed progressively more and more Gen Z as they've entered the workforce. At the personal level, they're basically indistinguishable from millennials. Their most basic vibe is being depressed, "I didn't expect to make it past age 20 so I sorta don't know what I'm doing", all the same stuff that millennials said (and still say, lol). The one huge difference I've experienced so far is... an absolute lack of aspiration for growth. The specific job I train them for is not supposed to be a lifelong job (you can make it that, and it is 6-figure lucrative if you go that route, but most people don't and shouldn't; this is intended to be a job that you get some experience under your belt and then go on and so bigger and better things at better companies). When I trained millennials about 8 years ago, they'd stay for 1-2 years and then peace out because they got a better job, no hard feelings we'd be proud that we helped them get there. Over the last 4 or so years that we've taken in a lot of gen z... not a single person has left of their own accord. There have been firings of course, but nobody is trying to move on to different companies. The two exceptions are: One person put in their two weeks, while at the same time starting at their new job, realized the other job was harder, and quit that job to stay with us. Another person tried doing the same thing but didn't time it right and their their two weeks had already lapsed, so I guess they count (sorta) as our first person to leave. These are the only two notable examples of the roughly 100-150 gen z's we've hired. None of them are even trying to get promotions or learn new things. Up until about 4-5 years ago, the people I trained (mostly millennials) wanted to learn everything they could -- there was always this fear mentality with millennial workers that felt like "I need to learn this because what if I'm the only person here to do it, I don't want to be screwed"; a lot of these workers accrued enough knowledge that they actually had the whole knowledge-base of promoted positions and so they were essentially just waiting for those positions to open up so they could compete for them in the interviews. Compare that to our gen z employees... there hasn't been a single person to apply for a promotion. We will actively tell them about how a promotion, even just going one level up, will have noticeable improvements to their work-life, but they don't want it. Millenial/gen x/boomers, when requesting training on things, would also talk about how knowing it would probably help them in a future job. With gen z... there is no future job, there doesn't seem to be any attempt to acquire skills for future things; it's bewildering and worrisome. When training gen z on new things, sometimes even just required job tasks, we get constant pushback with "wait, isn't X title responsible for this? I'm not going to be responsible for that, I'm not learning it." Responsibility is truly a bogeyman to gen z, but they apply that label to things without even realizing what the responsibility of the task would be (if any!). They're not moving up, they're not moving out, they're just... not moving. At the end of the day, I think I'd be more okay with the apathy if they were planning on getting an education or going somewhere else, but legitimately they're not. I like to catch up occasionally with employees and ask about their goals are for the next year, how things are progressing in their lives, etc. With our gen z employees there doesn't ever seem to be any notable progress. I get the response of "I'm hoping to just stay here and buy a house nearby in a few years" by so many of the employees. Compared to millennials where I would/will get "I'm saving up to move to X city / I'll be going to college to get Y degree / I'm getting interested in Z subject so I might look into specializing in that somehow". Of the gen z employees even pursuing higher education, it's usually just to finish up their free college offering at one of the nearby community colleges (whenever I ask what they're majoring in, it's always "oh, no idea, I'm just taking gen eds"), after which their plan is just "probably start working more hours here once I'm done". Whenever the topic of university comes up, there's this instant response that universities are scams (never anything about not being intelligent enough, which was the common worry from millennials because they love putting themselves down, just that they're scams). Other tiny indicators about problems for gen z I've noticed: a lack of transportation. I cannot believe how many of them don't have a car, some don't even have a license! If they have a car, it's often borrowed from someone, otherwise they rely on friends and family to drop them off. This is not a city with public transportation, they are truly at the whims of other people providing transport to them in order to keep their job and do day-to-day tasks. I had never in my life seen this before gen z at this workplace. Another: a lack of money control. They spend everything. When they find out you can borrow against or disable their 401(k), they instantly do it. As a quick aside, there's also those briefs that managers will see at leadership development conferences that attempt to distill each generation into quick blurbs. It'll usually look something like this: "baby boomers hate feedback and assume if you [a manager] are talking to them that they did something wrong, gen x is more open to feedback but would prefer it limited to things that they need to correct, millenials are even more open to feedback especially with corrections but also like occasional confirmation that they're doing things correctly that they may be less confident in, and finally gen z needs constant reaffirming that they're doing even the most basic tasks correctly and like/need constant praise for each action". If you don't work with gen z (yet) then you might think that reads like a long-winded joke or slight against gen z, but it truly (surprisingly) isn't (and isn't even intended to be) -- that has been our experience and it hasn't changed with any of the gen z we've hired over the last 4 years, so it looks like a work culture shift that's truly here to stay. I'll admit that it's been honestly weird for me to adjust to this style of interaction with gen z employees (it often feels forced and bordering a lack of being genuine), but at the end of the day it's the job I signed up for and it was probably hard for generations before me to adjust to my generation; so, if telling Josh that he did a great job today of for the 3rd time today, then I guess I'll do that, and someday the torch will pass and Josh will likely have to do a similar level of weird interaction with generation alpha and beta to keep them optimistic and motivated. I worry about gen z, man. I'm sure they'll be fine, but there's going to be unecessarily hard times in front of them.

  • @itsxela9617


    7 ай бұрын

    That's because the previous generations killed the economy, schools and media. We don't know different. We are taught to be depressed and slaves and stupid.



    7 ай бұрын

    What type of work does your company do?

  • @tripalink


    7 ай бұрын

    i work at a workplace like you described and i fully agree. im one of those genz's and since i have started only like 2 of the other genz's have left on their own accord.

  • @atrioc


    7 ай бұрын

    yo this is really interesting, thanks for sharing. might talk about it on stream

  • @goldstarsforall


    7 ай бұрын

    As a gen z with little want for growth or anything, its because there is a lack of value for work. I'm in an incredibly comfortable position for what I do, earning more then my Mum at 21 years old as well as getting a degree paid for by the government so I wont have loans as well. A lot of it is because I am now in meetings where 'synergy' and customer satisfaction is something that is spouted off daily and like... I work for the govemernt in property tax. No one is going to be satisfied. A lot of Gen Z dont want to spend their time in the office, so when they are they are going to do the bare minimum to make ends meet. I am not looking to min max my job growth, I'm looking to min max my job for comfort and effort and for many cases its just staying where you are. If I where to get a middle management role it would be a smaller raise for a lot more stressful job... I just wouldn't be able to do it, so why try?

  • @shrubninja6444
    @shrubninja64447 ай бұрын

    A friend of mine has a kid who just recently turned 18 and joined the workforce, and I worry about him a bunch. He was homeschooled, and has very poor social, reading, and math skills. We've invited him to join our d&d games and we're hoping that besides being enjoyable, they can help him practice these skills in a more comfortable setting. I dont have any kids myself, but I actually agree with the angry gen z video guy. Im not sure how our generation messed up these kids so bad, but it's kinda scary to think about the future.

  • @communaltrials2613


    7 ай бұрын

    Idk if Atrioc has watched the teacher video, but I'm pretty sure there was a video where a preschool teacher who had been teaching for a pretty long while said she had never seen a generation which such poor impulse control and behavior regulation. She says teachers consistently quit their jobs because of how bad it's gotten. I watched this on Dr. K's stream he had pretty good insight on the topic.

  • @xx_swamp-ass_698
    @xx_swamp-ass_6987 ай бұрын

    Atrioc will always be my favorite boomer. Enjoy the social security, king🫡



    7 ай бұрын

    He better enjoy it too I know for sure none of us zoomers are going to see a cent of it lol

  • @zants_


    7 ай бұрын

    @@HANIMEME From what I understand, it would take a wild swing in population (if not truly impossible) for it to actually go to zero. I think the last stat I saw was for millennials, every dollar they put in they'll get about 70 cents back in retirement. So, they're putting in more money than they'll get back, but they still do get money back in the end.

  • @isaacfullerton
    @isaacfullerton7 ай бұрын

    Love being 23 and seeing someone use a photo of an 8 year old to depict my generation

  • @fireswarmdragonp
    @fireswarmdragonp7 ай бұрын

    I count as a gen Z, and i definitely didn't grow up on an ipad, though i eventually did get one, my family actually didnt give me my own personal device till grade 3, when i finally got a ds lite. Eventually i translated to using an ipad certainly but i feel like not getting introduced to it from childhood let me get some cross generational experience, I did use vhs, i had a cassette player from my parents i loved to play with, etc

  • @santerilaakso3249


    7 ай бұрын

    Me too. Grew up watching films on vhs and listening to music on cds!

  • @shepinel
    @shepinel7 ай бұрын

    I am personally friends with and have a lot of family friends that are (or were) teachers. All of the ones that were teachers, left because they hated the new kids. The ones that are say the same thing and half of them want to quit. Not all hate the new students though. Direct quote from one of my younger sister’s teachers “Compared to all the classes I’ve ever taught you guys are so nice but you guys are the worst musicians I’ve ever had… I changed the name of the band because I didn’t want you all to disgrace the quality that the band was known for”

  • @goldstarsforall


    7 ай бұрын

    yeh,,, thats happened to a band im in, we've gone from being a band that gets paid money to like,,, grade 3 grade 5 shit... BUT, that's mainly to do with the pandemic and people leaving music, which is getting rid of the quality of the band... In the UK at least, the closing of brass bands and the rising costs of joining ensembles has been detrimental to music,

  • @idontcare9041


    7 ай бұрын

    I'm 30 and that's what teachers said about us. Teaching is just a horrible job and most teachers hate the kids and want to quit. Kids just suck. It doesn't matter if it's 90s, 00s, 2010 or 2020s. Sure maybe the internet changed the way they were awful but they're still horrible.

  • @soasertsus


    7 ай бұрын

    I was a teacher until recently and while I don't hate the kids, I seriously, seriously worry about them to a degree I am genuinely surprised by. I was a young millenial raised by technology pretty much, on the internet from like 10 years old and playing video games way before that, so I always thought boomers worrying about "screen time" were out of touch, but when I see these kids today I actually went fully in the other direction and if I ever had kids I'd be more of a nazi about technology usage than the boomers were. The signs of genuine addiction I see are scary, like kids trying to stay off their phone literally remind more more than anything of fucking smokers I've known after a long plane ride. And you can tell a lot of them are genuinely incapable of controlling themselves and surprised by their own actions sometimes. Trying to take away a phone can feel like pulling a needle out of a heroin addict's hand, like they lose their self control and start going crazy even when they're normally pretty chill. And often I'll tell them to put it away or lose it only for them to pocket it and then pull it out straight away 30 seconds later and then look genuinely confused why they just did that. So many of them also have bad social skills and straight up no lives. Despite living in a huge city with excellent public transportation where you can walk 10 minutes from the school to a train system thatll take you anywhere, a lot of them never go anywhere aside from their own house and school and have never been to really popular places in their own city. When I ask them what they did over their breaks, 70% of them just say they stayed home and played mobile games or slept. Idk maybe I'm the boomer but I am really concerned about the next generation.

  • @hellogoodsir2502
    @hellogoodsir25027 ай бұрын

    Correction: I am 17 and I grew up on VHS because that was what we had

  • @ivanthaboi


    2 ай бұрын

    I had a vhs and an ipad, although the vhs wasn't really used a ton

  • @VoidicHerald
    @VoidicHerald7 ай бұрын

    The early generational warfare thing might have to do with the internet connecting people in different regions. Living outside the imperial core, in my case South Africa, means I dealt with VHS way more than a UK or US kid my age did, simply because of how developments flow outwardly from centres of economic strength

  • @Stealthybeef
    @Stealthybeef7 ай бұрын

    Feels weird to say, but as a gen z that was poor growing up, I was essentially raised a generation above me due to everything being older, and my mother being raised by much older people herself. I've literally done the walking 5 miles uphill both ways in the snow from the ages of 10-13. My mom wasn't good with money, and got me a laptop instead of clothing, food, and other essentials. We didn't have wifi, or any internet until I was 13, and it was only dial-up. It wasn't until I was 16 that I finally got my own phone, and started to be more like my fellow gen z. For reference I'm 24, and am a Navy veteran. I wanna say there's exceptions to all of this, but that's every generation. So it's a bit hard for me to relate, or give my take since I don't really have a lot in common with gen z outside of shows/games I played as a kid pretty much.

  • @communaltrials2613


    7 ай бұрын

    Third world countries always seem to have this. I live in India and I've noticed that our generations seem to lag one generation behind the first world countries.

  • @Albinamo
    @Albinamo7 ай бұрын

    im 22, difference with us and people who are like 14/15 they got access to phones n shit that bit younger. i got my first phone when i was 12 so did most of me mates. before that it was ds and an ipod. also social media barely was a thing when we were kids and so doom scrolling didnt exist

  • @yammers8
    @yammers87 ай бұрын

    I do software for a healthcare company, and what I’ve been told are two of the big reasons why health insurance profits are down are: because Biden made changes to how much insurances can charge (often overcharge) the government for covering medicare ,and because a lot more of the elderly and high risk patients are finally starting to take elective surgeries that they deferred because of the pandemic, costing insurances more.

  • @shauryasuri3653
    @shauryasuri36537 ай бұрын

    Atrioc gotta realize not all gen z kids were from the west. For me in India, I wasn't allowed gadgets at the dinner table, in fact the first time I watched a KZread video was when I was 10. I started playing video games (PS2 and Wii from age 6).

  • @jimmy13morrison


    7 ай бұрын

    And you gotta realize that he's generalizing about his own regional experience with people of similar regional experiences nothing he said at any point was talking about a global truth

  • @emmanuelalagbala9590


    7 ай бұрын

    Yeah i think hes confusing Gen Z with alpha. Gen Z grew up alongside social media. Alpha are growing up ON it

  • @WillHellmm


    7 ай бұрын

    I'm gen z in the US, didn't have an iPad, but had an I pod. We definitely were never allowed to use it at the dinner table, especially in public.

  • @communaltrials2613


    7 ай бұрын

    I think it's a pretty common generalization people make when they live in america especially but really any first world country. It's very disconnected from the way other parts of the world work. Not really taken into consideration when coming to a conclusion. I think it's a very normal thing to do though not exclusive to atrioc.

  • @tokyowwww
    @tokyowwww7 ай бұрын

    my parents made me read books instead of giving me an ipad as a kid and im gen z

  • @orinblank2056
    @orinblank20567 ай бұрын

    Sometimes I feel out of place as Gen Z. I didn't have TV growing up, and a lot of time I lived with my dad only having radio and books, using oil lamps for the light to read. My mom had a TV when I was around 10 or so, but we only had old VHS tapes to watch. I obviously am tech literate now, but it can feel weird talking to people my age and not being able to relate to seeing any of the old cartoon network show discussions. Then if I talk about how hype He-Man was, people have no idea what I'm talking about. Somehow everyone still knows who Skeletor is though, which I find odd

  • @fireswarmdragonp


    7 ай бұрын

    Did your friends not watch teletoon retro? All the classic shows were on there, though I never caught heman I'd always see the promos. I think it might just be a Canadian channel though

  • @xanderabbey8529


    7 ай бұрын

    Skeletor is an internet phenomenon on his own lol so it's not surprising people know about him.

  • @devinward461


    7 ай бұрын

    "oil lamps for light" is something I've genuinely never heard from someone who's young enough to still be alive, yet alone Gen Z

  • @luisgapro


    7 ай бұрын

    @@devinward461 Oil lamps for light is wild

  • @MettleDawn
    @MettleDawn7 ай бұрын

    I’m 17, I remember using the I-Pad at a restaurant once when I was ~8 the difference was I had a leap frog when I was little so my I-Pad was stocked with nothin’ but learnin’ and creative outlets. I learned the word ecstatic while I waited for the food to arive and made a whole storyboard after I was done eating and the adults were talking. That was absolute gasolina 🔥 All in all I think these broad generational labels can be helpful for internal assumptions on strangers but shouldn’t be weaponised against ourselves ❤

  • @TheAIVault-pg8og


    7 ай бұрын

    Your point makes sense but you are 17 so I disagree

  • @jason2mate


    7 ай бұрын

    The issue being, the average parent that allows this in this day and age, has them playing really dumb KZread videos, out loud, rather then actually learning anything.

  • @khmer5o3
    @khmer5o3Ай бұрын

    "Please be kind and rewind." ifykyk

  • @Bombsuitsandkilts
    @Bombsuitsandkilts7 ай бұрын

    Millinial was originally defined as born from 1982 to 2000 and was only changed later to stop at 1996, but originally it was meant to be people who were born before 2000 who turned 18 after 2000

  • @battlebots1


    7 ай бұрын

    When I was in high school in early 2010s we called the kids born AFTER 2000 millennials and I only learned different in like 2018 when people started talking about gen z more.

  • @liebert234
    @liebert2347 ай бұрын

    as a geriatric gen z (23 years old) i was literally watching pokemon on vhs on a crt as a kid, listening to music on a walkman, and then got my first smartphone as a teenager like yes better technology existed but you overestimate how many people could afford to just upgrade their tv and buy a blu ray player and a bunch of discs when theyre brand new

  • @meowmura349


    7 ай бұрын

    As a 17 yr gen z I had a bid of both. I got an iphone at 3yr and pc at 9. I also used to watch different shows on vhs on a crt too for a long time. I also played the gamecube on a crt. At one point I had an old nokia phone for a few years. I feel that a few things that helped my brain not rot were, the available content and my dad's help. I'm from Finland, so the youtube that I watched when I was small, didn't have that much weird brain rotting stuff. It was mainly tv shows and a few different sketch or gameplay youtubers Also my dad paid close attention to what I watched and only gave me stuff after teaching me how to use it, and what to watch and do. Still it feels weird relating to some of the super old technology stuff, while having looked like a stereotypical ipad kid. Also kinda annoying how people say that only negative stuff can come from early phone usage, when for me it has been mostly beneficial.

  • @drawster00


    7 ай бұрын

    Same age, didnt get my first phone until middle school years,, and it was one of those slide out keyboard phones. Only had a DS for personal use and our family Playstation 2 was our only DVD player. We had old VCR's and VHS tapes throughout my childhood, and would bounce between listening to cassettes on walkmans and cd's on those little 'supersonic' brand portable cd players... Gen Z had the opportunity to be Ipad kids,, if your family was financially able to support it.

  • @Drawfield


    7 ай бұрын

    @@drawster00I remember the first time I saw someone I knew get an iPhone right when they first came out. Took my parents years after that to swap from Nokias to the iPhone 5. I’d also say that internet access was huge in how much of an “iPad kid” you could be - we didn’t get WiFi until 2014/2015 because our internet was so slow in the rural area we’re at. On my bus ride every morning all through middle school I’d use my kindle to spam click public WiFi networks to download free books and puzzle games because we didn’t have internet to connect to at home.

  • @xX-DogSama-Xx
    @xX-DogSama-Xx7 ай бұрын

    3:35 Im pretty sure the point isn't just "ipad babies suck and we're so much better", but rather Gen Z knows what it's like being dumped in the digital world that early in your life and the effect it has on your mental, it's just getting magnified because they're getting personal devices even sooner and now theres an established market looking to take advantage of them online

  • @Kiritomens


    7 ай бұрын

    Also it has gotten much worse IMO. Allot more people have data on how to take advantage of internet retention and it's impact nowadays. Gen A now is going to grow up with Chat GPT being the standard. I mean i may be dogshit at head math (mostly because i had a really bad teacher in grade school). But i at least know formulas, and how to do all calculations on a calculator. Gen A is probably going to rely on AI even more then our generation already is. I mean RN i am even using Chat GPT to write scrips for me in an IT exam, and that's the standard in my class lol.

  • @mac_antonio
    @mac_antonio7 ай бұрын

    As genz, the strategy in order to get ahead is to be what Atrioc/Ludwig millennials are for genz for gen alpha. Be the genz to genalpha KZreadr that millennials KZreadrs were to genz.

  • @zants_


    7 ай бұрын

    My brain broke

  • @theWeirdo__


    7 ай бұрын

    Sooo something like IShowSpeed?

  • @SilharaTheChosen


    7 ай бұрын

    Did not have to start that phrase with "as genz" at all

  • @jaggerlee1069
    @jaggerlee10697 ай бұрын

    My little brother is gen alpha and he said they’re already planning roasts for gen beta (it’s not hard)

  • @Palozon
    @Palozon7 ай бұрын

    "Old man yells at clouds" but the "Old man" is this 21 year old zoomer and he _is_ an old man as far as the gen alpha kids he whining about are concerned.

  • @mfahy0718


    3 күн бұрын

    Millennials be like, "What goes around, comes around. Now get us our coffee, bitches."

  • @genethebean7597
    @genethebean75977 ай бұрын

    Good on that Electrical Engineer. I'm doing the same and am at a 3.04

  • @CptRhys
    @CptRhys7 ай бұрын

    Great stuff!

  • @diemidnight2365
    @diemidnight23657 ай бұрын

    May I point out that we as gen z don’t want to work real hard for a job that is not going to pay me a livable wage.

  • @exMuteKid
    @exMuteKid5 ай бұрын

    I agree, but I was lucky enough that my parents didn’t even let me have internet access until in the 5th grade or any personal device with internet access like an an iPod until the 8th grade, so while I am also 21, I wasn’t really an iPad kid. And I remember growing up hating them for not letting me be like everyone else but now I realize that may have actually been the best thing. I was so disconnected from the others growing up and I kinda stopped trying to fit in and just did my own thing.

  • @Rei_geDo
    @Rei_geDo7 ай бұрын

    To the chatter who wrote "Floch core" when someone mentioned Atrioc's hair, you're dead on

  • @jimmy13morrison
    @jimmy13morrison7 ай бұрын

    Im a millenial i wasn't a ipad baby because my family was to poor but i sur act like one now at 28. My zoomer 17 yo brother was an ipad baby and my 11 yo gen alpha brother is an ipad baby. Were all the same stop hating each other

  • @TheFeelTrain
    @TheFeelTrain7 ай бұрын

    An ædish highlights vid on the main channel and here today. Is this guy even human? Also I thought the other one was the clips channel at first lol

  • @reel_blackipino
    @reel_blackipino7 ай бұрын

    i really like atrioc explaining things i know little about

  • @roberteriksen6434
    @roberteriksen64347 ай бұрын

    90's kid, I remember spending so much time playing video games, so i were dismissing the worries people had about introducing videogames and tablets/ipads to little kids. I'm horrified looking at kids 'playing together' now, they just sit in a couch with their face buried in their ipads not saying a word to eachother. The last 5 years really changed my mind, i am vividly against a lot of screentime for kids. The difference i think, is that i played games in an environment that encouraged social gatherings. Pokemon was about exchanging Pokemon and battleing each other and exchanging cards, and PC games were played exclusively over LAN where we all sit together. You were always playing with another person, just like with football. None of that exists today, and i think i underestimated just how important that aspect of playing videogames are for developing social skills.

  • @battleprog8014
    @battleprog80145 ай бұрын

    The fact that the 21 year old dude tries so prove his generational superiority while saying "I saw it on a TikTok" is wild

  • @korpen2858


    5 ай бұрын


  • @sunbear2340
    @sunbear23407 ай бұрын

    almost like every older generation ever has said the same thing about people slightly younger than them

  • @daniman0114


    7 ай бұрын

    Yeah but this time it seems like lockdown really did a number on the children.

  • @LowbrowDeluxe
    @LowbrowDeluxe7 ай бұрын

    5:10 Gen-X looked up at what was going on, then hunkered back down over their drink without getting involved or drawing attention.

  • @DJFD-go8yt
    @DJFD-go8yt7 ай бұрын

    What would be the calculated inflation if we substituted the insurance portion’s data for the last reports insurance portion data? That’s crazy

  • @RelicOfTheClassics
    @RelicOfTheClassics7 ай бұрын

    Bro im 22 and grew up during the transition from VCR to DVD, I pads arnt that old yet

  • @jerrelldaniel3320
    @jerrelldaniel33207 ай бұрын

    i used to stay bringing my DS lite to restaurants

  • @iiiiiic9823
    @iiiiiic98237 ай бұрын

    At my highschool sometime we have to go help out with stuff at the middleschool and grade school, those guys legit cant read its insane

  • @meowmura349
    @meowmura3497 ай бұрын

    I had the pandemic at the perfect time. Middle of the 1st year of middle school. Really didn't matter or change that much. Already made some friends and we really didn't learn anythign that important that couldn't be learned at home. Also the Finnish education systme in general prolly helped a lot

  • @ParkPants
    @ParkPants7 ай бұрын

    The perspective thing is really fucking me up. Like yea when I was a kid, I didn't have CocoMelon on repeat on an iPad. But if my mom wanted me to chill out while she was shopping, I'd be playing my GBA the whole time, lol.

  • @NotNotNotNotNotChicken
    @NotNotNotNotNotChicken7 ай бұрын

    Bro im a 2008 kid and I can confirm covid fucked a lot of kids up. We were the worst grade 8 class the school has ever had l. Half of my math class was failing and in other classes at least 5 kids were failing, but because they cant fail grade 8 or 9 they were pushed up in now in grade 10 they are even more behind and the new grade eights are all brainrotted to the core. I'm lowkey glad my family was poor growing up so we couldn't afford Ipads and even though I am a bit brainrotted now, its not as bad as it could be. For example I saw an eight or ninth grade kid in an amongus hoodie walking into a wall saying he was blind for like 5 minutes straight and I dont know if hes on the spectrum or just brainrotted or neither

  • @micxed786
    @micxed7867 ай бұрын

    Gen Z aren’t just hating on gen alpha, we are also hating on our own generation that are born after say 07. Everyone before 06 had boomers as parents for the most part and they therefore didn’t grow up on iPads, mostly on consoles like 3DS or 360. Everyone after 07 are just lost causes for the most part.

  • @ivanthaboi


    2 ай бұрын

    As someone born in 07 i grew up mostly on youtube gaming playthrough vids, actually good mobile games and emulated gba games because i didn't have any consoles. I wouldn't really classify that as gen alpha brainrot. I'd say the real brainrot started after 2010

  • @kinfongyeung5400
    @kinfongyeung54007 ай бұрын

    its called asymmetric warfare.

  • @ninedude
    @ninedude7 ай бұрын

    I found my sense of courage. I'm not scared of talking to others anymore.

  • @sharlockshacolmes9381
    @sharlockshacolmes93817 ай бұрын

    Being a day walker feels so good you can just play both sides for your own enjoyment

  • @Se7enRemain
    @Se7enRemain7 ай бұрын

    "You didn't have a VHS, bro" I had poverty time dilation. I had a VCR player, an MP3 player, and an N64 in 2010 LOL. You're not wrong, though. I had younger family that was absolutely watching Backyardigans while min-maxxing cookie clicker at dinner.

  • @TheLethargicWeirdo985
    @TheLethargicWeirdo9857 ай бұрын

    Perhaps I'm just doomed

  • @KlausKlass
    @KlausKlass7 ай бұрын

    3:00 I went to high school with this guy lmao

  • @dandastardly2792
    @dandastardly27927 ай бұрын

    Big A clips is my favorite Atrioc channel 😁

  • @AvalonIsle
    @AvalonIsle7 ай бұрын

    Bro same

  • @walterwhitewatchesyoutube9229
    @walterwhitewatchesyoutube92297 ай бұрын

    get with the skibidi bro ! damn millennials with no ohio rizz

  • @dcp0102
    @dcp01027 ай бұрын

    i mean im 21 years old and when i was super young all i did was play with toys and legos n shit but around 10ish i started using a computer constantly lol, og roblox days. the beginning of the downfall of my socail skills lmao

  • @bugrasevinc9696
    @bugrasevinc96967 ай бұрын

    can't compare Markiplier with that Cocomelom bullshit, those kids are gonna smoke symbiotes when they grow up I'm gonna smoke regular old weed

  • @mikpiotto
    @mikpiotto7 ай бұрын

    Mech engineering in uni doesn't teach you how to manifacturing anything. And hell, it's one of the easiest things to learn

  • @Jus4ya
    @Jus4ya7 ай бұрын

    My friend group is Millie’s and Zs

  • @NickelW
    @NickelW7 ай бұрын


  • @bitterbatterdog
    @bitterbatterdog7 ай бұрын

    I'm 30, and remember wondering why half the kids were in restaraunts were on smart phones watching youtube as a teen. All that changed is the screen is bigger

  • @RobVI
    @RobVI7 ай бұрын

    I'm 18 and I grew up with a vhs

  • @notRvdy
    @notRvdy7 ай бұрын

    Another classic hood banger

  • @obits3
    @obits37 ай бұрын


  • @vgr9495
    @vgr94957 ай бұрын

    I work as a health insurance broker and I can safely assure you that prices are not going up. Industry wise they have been going nothing but up.

  • @Baset_
    @Baset_7 ай бұрын

    Idk if it's just the Ipad rotting kids brains, I'm Gen Z and I didn't get a computer til I was 15 and I'm still fucked up without social skills LOL

  • @santerilaakso3249
    @santerilaakso32497 ай бұрын

    Does atrioc know that early 2000s kids grew up with vhs and cds as well 😂 like all my childhood until like 2007-2008 i had a vhs tv also got a phone with worm game on 2nd grade like we grew up not so different

  • @ShaneFolden
    @ShaneFolden7 ай бұрын

    My personal cutoff for Gen Z vs milennial is if you remember 9/11 or not.

  • @CountCristo
    @CountCristo7 ай бұрын

    The gen z kid is on to something - it’s no good putting out content about bad parenting when the generation is 30, 21 is the perfect age to hear this!

  • @James-gd3sp
    @James-gd3sp7 ай бұрын

    5:42 As a third year aerospace engineering student, you dont get taught how to make anything. Not yet at least. I know mechanical take more manufacturing focused classes, but everything up to the 3rd year is identical between aero and mechanical. Soon it will start branching significantly to cover those manufacturing based classes. Needless to say "first year" my ass.

  • @HankTanker
    @HankTanker7 ай бұрын

    Lol rasing kids is hard as shit but throwing a screen in front of em is a cop out

  • @DavidAndersonKirk
    @DavidAndersonKirk7 ай бұрын

    Gen x here: millennials were iPad kids too.

  • @zants_


    7 ай бұрын

    That's... literally impossible. The youngest millennial would have just become a teenager when the first iPad came out. I do think the personal computer and game consoles are the closest analog millennials had that fits the "iPad Kid" idea, but there was definitely a different interaction happening there. I feel like iPad kids are defined by pure consumption of content, algorithmically decided for them, whereas the games/websites/instant messengers used by millennials were often focused on socializing and exploring hobbies, or at the very least "taking a break" from other things like homework. Millennials were also typically using these things despite their parent's desires, often sneaking in usage, whereas the defining factor of iPad Kids is that the parents are themselves initiating the action to basically babysit them and keep them occupied. I think that the "iPad Kid" truly is a newer development in parenting. It looks like the vices previous generations had, and as a result it's been treated similarly, but ultimately it's something that we haven't seen before and haven't fully realized the implications it'll have on their development (especially education) and perception (especially self image).

  • @jimmy13morrison


    7 ай бұрын

    ​@@zants_"ipad baby" is a concept give a child a gameboy/ds and its the same fucking thing

  • @jackporter2251
    @jackporter22517 ай бұрын

    I'm socially akward enough as it is pointing it out isn't helping

  • @kresimirjambrusic7910
    @kresimirjambrusic7910Ай бұрын

    Younger generations have become smarter and most have realised that work stays in the office We have our private lives too

  • @literallyhomeless1043
    @literallyhomeless10437 ай бұрын

    In some groups you're the weirdo for not being an iPad kid, like not knowing a meme that the collective laughs at and if you don't then you get that disdainful look

  • @spencechan
    @spencechan7 ай бұрын

    If health insurance company profits are dropping, doesn’t that mean that health care costs are inflating? So inflation numbers shouldn’t change? I guess it could also just mean that people are canceling their insurance, which is always a great sign of a strong economy…

  • @shyguypro9876
    @shyguypro98767 ай бұрын

    As 27 year old, Big A's correct in that I don't really identify with either Gen Z or Millennials. The earliest KZread I remember getting into is the Yogscast playing Minecraft. My childhood console was the GameCube. I was already a weeb by the time the first season of Attack on Titan came out and remember thinking how crazy it was that an anime was being talked about by my classmates.

  • @hankyboy42594
    @hankyboy4259423 күн бұрын

    Bruh when I was a kid..weed was illegal and people had house phones.

  • @seaskip8263
    @seaskip82637 ай бұрын

    I'm a gen z manager in food service and I talk shit about my millennial servers lmao

  • @FreakStormer
    @FreakStormer5 ай бұрын

    As a millenial on the younger side, I have no problems whatsoever with Gen Z.

  • @itsxela9617
    @itsxela96177 ай бұрын

    All the different generations have some negative feelings about the others. Just because they have differences really. What has been always true for entire history is that the younger generation was always right and the younger generation always shapes the future.

  • @SteveNBrule-ol8tm
    @SteveNBrule-ol8tm6 ай бұрын

    I love when people who don't have kids talk about their perfect unquestionable parenting strats, especially when those same people haven't even graduated high school and are teenagers lol. I also have no kids but I don't go around acting like I know shit about how to raise them

  • @Steinmetal4
    @Steinmetal46 ай бұрын

    Trust me, when you are paying for a nice dinner with the wife who you barely get any time with and your kid starts screaming... you hand them the ipad nearly every time. In the past restaurants for familys had little arcades so the kids could just bounce. Its been the same shit forever.

  • @joemarais7683
    @joemarais76837 ай бұрын

    The only weird thing I’ve found is that the young people can’t like, Google stuff and figure things out on their own. Like, at my job, these people ask me very simple labor law stuff, like how much is minimum wage. Stuff that they could find in the first answer of a Google search. They’re not even dumb though, these kids are way smarter than me, it’s weird.

  • @tonaerio
    @tonaerio7 ай бұрын

    Personally I don't agree with the no ipads at a restaurant take. Older kids yeah that's not good. But parents have ALWAYS took stuff to the restaurant for their kids to play with, be it toys, ipads or crayons and paper. Little kids (once again I'm not saying teens or like 10 year olds) are going to cause a scene and start getting bored if they just have to wait doing nothing at a restaurant table, it's literally the reason most restaurants used to give puzzles and word searches on their kids menus

  • @BigUrta
    @BigUrta7 ай бұрын

    im only 20 and i didnt have an ipad

  • @arturdias6399
    @arturdias63997 ай бұрын

    My coworkers from gen Z are horrible

  • @artan_kaare3504
    @artan_kaare35047 ай бұрын

    its becouse its oure siblings

  • @sizier
    @sizier3 ай бұрын

    Radio, TV, Portable Music Device, Video Game Device, Computer, Cell phone, Tablet... Whats next on the, "Stop using this to raise your kids its rotting their brains!" list?

  • @takimonyt
    @takimonyt7 ай бұрын

    id say older gen z are in an awkward place bc atleast for me, we didnt have like ipods/phones until like 12-13ish and social media was just starting to be a more popular thing and it wasnt anywhere near developed into what it is now. there was no tiktok or reels or anything. i think thats the real killer. tiktok/reels r just rotting brains from birth

  • @1draigon
    @1draigon7 ай бұрын

    Okay I’m 22 and I didn’t grow up with an IPAD (I had the same old NOKIA as everyone else) so I also hate iPad kids

  • @HBEggspert
    @HBEggspert7 ай бұрын

    "I saw a tiktok" is a red flag that the conversation your about to have is going to be horrible and the topic is going to be a single isolated incident that might not even be real, 4 million people saw.

  • @DrGandW
    @DrGandW7 ай бұрын

    Eugh, manufactured drama.

  • @Mirtual
    @Mirtual7 ай бұрын

    Genz is trying to cancel Eminem??

  • @smizzmeister
    @smizzmeister7 ай бұрын

    The guy telling some mother about how she's raising an iPad kid is getting all his selfworth from TikToks. Giving the Average Joe and the Below Average Barry platforms was a mistake. This child has not had a sleep deprived day in his silver spoon life.

  • @emnersonn
    @emnersonn7 ай бұрын

    I was about to type a comment defending gen Z and then I realized that we totally had a family iPad that we’d beg to use in the car 😭😭😭

  • @tonaerio
    @tonaerio7 ай бұрын

    ReallyMad Atrioc calling Ipod kids "Ipad Kids" /j

  • @Mcskill
    @Mcskill7 ай бұрын

    The reason zoomers shit on gen alpha super early is cus they're constantly getting bombarded by ageism like this my g 😂

  • @ZeromuS_
    @ZeromuS_7 ай бұрын

    Lmao summer camp gen z "worst behaved generation"... Well if youre gen z at summer camp, as a supervisory position, how many generations have they supervised other than gen alpha???

  • @meta02
    @meta027 ай бұрын

    generational feuds have always been the stupidest shit

  • @MyNamesHunter75
    @MyNamesHunter757 ай бұрын

    I'm a zoomer I'm 21 born 2002 and I hate iPad kids, I had a VHS player and then box tvs. I do think it is extremely dumb to give younger and younger kids (under the age of like 13-14) portable entertainment. It does mess with their attention spans massively and their social skills are pretty awful
