This Christmas, help keep a cure in our sights - Fighting Blindness

Your generous Christmas gift to Fighting Blindness ‘In Our Sights’ appeal is an investment in research and a future without sight loss for children - like 2-year-old Cumhall from Co Cork
“Fighting Blindness is my organisation of choice because it represents the future. With investment, curing sight could be largely treatable. We want to make sure that the next generation of children doesn’t have to live with incurable sight loss.” - Liadain Murphy
Through Target 5000, Liadain found out more about all the other research projects Fighting Blindness is funding and she said it gave her family hope.
Ground-breaking research like that run by Professor Jane Farrar at Trinity College whose team has greatly expanded our knowledge of the genes involved in blindness and as a result, has identified potential targets for treatments and cures.
Like Cumhall, there are estimated to be over 272,000 blind and partially sighted people in Ireland.
Fighting Blindness is the leading charity in Ireland investing in research for treatments and a cure, but we need your help.
Any donation, big or small to our ‘In Our Sights’ campaign this Christmas will help us to continue to run life-changing programs and invest in a broad research agenda to find a treatment and cure for sight loss so that children like Cumhall can have hope for a future with sight.
Donate today:
