The Weird: From Interesting to Gonzo and Everything In Between


The Weird helps you make every encounter, adventure, and even campaign more engaging, memorable, and fun-no matter what game you're playing. From interesting to surprising to over-the-top gonzo-and even whimsical-these sorts of details fill your games with color and life. They engage the players, make encounters vivid and fun, and create moments your group will never forget.
Check out the BackerKit crowdfunding campaign, from September 13th through October 7th!

Пікірлер: 11

  • @epicbrowndragon
    @epicbrowndragon Жыл бұрын

    Late to the game - my dear friends at Monte Cook Games... But we absolutely love Invisible Sun and will be doing a series of videos about it. This is the 'teaser' : Hope you enjoy! Cant wait for "The Weird" ;)

  • @Silverset_
    @Silverset_ Жыл бұрын

    Lol those potatoes at the end! 😂

  • @richg.8371
    @richg.8371 Жыл бұрын

    Organized by the level weirdness…love it.

  • @rodneykelly8768
    @rodneykelly8768 Жыл бұрын

    I have a LOVE/HATE relationship with Monte Cook Games. I have been TTRPGing since the fall of 1976. What I like best about Monte Cook is the ideas. My favorite "Creature" is the Latos. Also, this is the first game system I have found that provides rules for "Founding a Community." On the other hand, there is no continuous base to link the multitude of game elements together. Most game systems use setting. "D & D" uses a medieval setting, "Traveller" uses a economic based sci-fi setting, "The Call of Cthulhu" uses the historic 1930s, and so on. I find myself mining Monte Cook products for ideas to use in other games.

  • @temporary67315


    Жыл бұрын

    I think Monte Cook Games' appeal is that they're weird and ground breaking in the few settings they make and how they don't precisely map to the usual settings per se. The Ninth World takes place in a far future Earth after the fall or ascension of eight other civilizations. (and even that's not conclusive) It's in a post-apocalyptic medieval state but juxtaposed with technology and science that looks to the inhabitants to be magic for the way they break reality. There's even a rough, sci-fi equivalent of the Catholic Church called the Order of Truth (though they don't worship God per se, they venerate knowledge above all else instead) It's basically science fiction pretending to be fantasy. The Actuality in the Invisible Sun constitutes eight or nine suns which are more like separate universes but it's more like they're different versions of the same sun and which make up a Path of Suns with the Nightside as a reverse path. Players are vislae (mages basically) returning from the Gray Sun or Shadow (our own universe) to Satyrine in the Indigo Sun, where they can pursue their own goals using their magic according to the four orders of the vislae, with an informal, fifth one for those who want to use their own, individual magic. The settings Monte Cook Games makes can be both familiar and yet alien depending on how you see them but the weirdness is at the heart of it all, to keep it interesting and exciting. As for why they have so few settings or a continuous base to use to link the game elements together, maybe they want players to make their own settings to set up those ideas?

  • @dangarthemighty0980


    Жыл бұрын

    I can definitely see mining ideas also but I see that in just about every game to use in whatever current game that I am running. I love the cypher system though I am not currently running it but the system and its settings are definitely weird and fun.

  • @brandonkelbe


    Жыл бұрын

    They literally left cities ‘blank’ in numenera so you could make things up. I think a LOT of people have strayed from the vision of Gygax. He once said he would know everyone was playing D&D correctly if he was unable to understand what was going on at their tables. Monte seems to have a similar approach; ‘in numenera a player might be able to figure out what one switch does, but even so there should be a multitude of dials and levers he can never understand.’ (close enough.) Even the ‘official rules,’ D&D releases are just things people have house ruled for years. WoTC is behind if anything.

  • @epicbrowndragon


    Жыл бұрын

    DnD 5e's 'inspiration' point is made incarnate in Monte Cook. lol! Not fully seeing where you're coming from with making it continuous... Do you mean DnD, and how they are trying to link everything (including Eberron) to the Forgotten Realms universe. (egad) :P I hear you - suppose it depends on how much you wish to homebrew... ... having said that, I do wish Invisible Sun would have adventure modules. (I get, the very nature of Invisible Sun is probably the reason they don't) But GM's and players alike, can always have options. You started in 76? I'm old enough to have been an 'older gamer' - now I'm just an 'old gamer' lo! (Started with 5e before my kids all grew up.) Speaking of 5e - strong dislike for their rules. The way it was presented, with Jeremy needing to update and clarify (what turned out to be very basic) every week (so it seemed) was a bit too much. * However, I love what Chris Perkins has done with the actual adventures and campaign books. PotA - (Prince of the Apocalypse) was my 1st 5e game... I used Eberron instead of the Realms. * DnD Online (not neverwinter) got me into D&D as I loved the 'steam punk' of Eberron. (I get its not actual steam punk... for most) ;) * note: As mentioned, I enjoy the inspiration from 5e's campaign books, but myself and my players - were at a loss to how 'not unique' their magic was. Take all the time building a character to compare spells to see... they are all basically sharing. (So 6e... or DnD One ... is forgoing that illusion! lol!) Now, I started a new campaign with my (now grown) kids... Its Eberron's skin, with all the magic of Invisible Sun (and starting with numenera ruleset) ... Invisible Sun, while mechanically different, actually shares (unsurprisingly) a lot in common with Numenera - just wording is different. ie.. Im a "blank" that "blanks" , etc. (with an extra little something in that category) Starting a new series on Invisible Sun for people who never heard of it (obviously not you guys... some of whom, have quite a bit more experience - in ttrpg's in general), hoping that it will inspire others - (though buying the pdf version is a bit odd, with the amount of material that 'needs' to be printed. At least if you live in Central Europe, good luck with that) :) Have fun at the table!

  • @midnightshadowz12
    @midnightshadowz12 Жыл бұрын

    can't wait for the weird. I need it now ;) So is it coming out during summer or between sept-oct?

  • @realmjammersoftheimaginari1906
    @realmjammersoftheimaginari1906 Жыл бұрын

    Nothing gets me hyped like an MCG release. Beware the Talking Potatoes! (Please create a Weird playable chronicle/module centred on the Talking Potatoes.)

  • @cbertstien
    @cbertstien Жыл бұрын

