The Urgency of Disarmament: International Action to Prevent Nuclear Confrontations and War

The Treaty for Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is a critically important vehicle in the struggle to prevent nuclear war and to create a nuclear weapons-free world.
The Second Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (2MSP) will be held at the United Nations New York Headquarters on November 27 to December 1. Our office, in collaboration with international peace and disarmament organizations, organized on Nov. 29 an uniquely important civil society forum to respond to the urgency of the moment.
This event featured:
Setsuko Thurlow, Hiroshima Hibakusha and co-recipient of Nobel Peace Prize
Enkhsaikhan Jargalsaikha, Blue Banner, former Mongolia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Reiner Braun, International Peace Bureau
Jackie Cabasso, Western States Legal Foundation
Molly McGinty, International Physicians for Prevention of Nuclear War
Tom Unterrainer, Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation
Leonardo Bandarra, Middle East Treaty Organization
Gaku Kogosuri, Gensuikyo (Japan Council against A- & H-Bombs)
Organized by: International Peace Bureau, Peace Action New York State, Brooklyn For Peace, and Campaign for Peace, Disarmament and Common Security, Rosa Luxemburg Stitung-New York Office.

