The Tongue tells us whats in our Storehouse


What's in our storehouse? Well our tongues will certainly tell us and others. How can we as believers have such a small member within our body betray us? Find out how it happens, where it comes from today! Learn how demonic spirits can trespass while speaking lies and curses into our hearts which then can manifest and come off our tongues. We must guard our tongues and more importantly our hearts. As believers, our tongues hold the power of Life and Death which comes out of our heart.
It is vital for us to read the Word of God and cast out any unclean spirits within our hearts before these spirits manifest and come off our tongues which can hurt us and others. Unforgiveness that we hold on from those who have hurt us allows these trespassing unclean spirits to speak word curses over us. It is vital that we forgive and not hold on to bitterness. Through unforgiveness these demonic spirits trespass into our temples. James 3 tells us this. Willful sinning as a believer can also open doors to demonic spirits to hinder us. Our hearts is where we store up and harbor their lies if we are not careful. We can be free of and vacate these unwanted guests by the authority of Christ Jesus. This message of the untamable tongue can help us better understand how the enemy uses our smallest member to do his work. There is Life and Death within the tongue. It is my prayer for 2024 that we all have more discipline over our tongues but more importantly as David said, Renew the right Spirit within our hearts.

