Once Saved always Saved - What does the Word Say


Can a sheep say a prayer once in their life yet they do not follow the shepherd today? Parts of this verse is quoted many times but look at this verse in its entirety.
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. John 10:27-28 Let’s see what the Word says about this very thing. Why does he leave the 99 to bring back the one who wonders off and is lost?
We must be aware of the complacency that the term “Once saved always saved” for the ones who spoke this prayer years ago yet there is no evidence of spiritual fruit within their lives. The Bible says you will know who a believer is by their fruit. What does the Word say about the evidence of fruit? Please allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in seeing the truth on how we know one is saved. We still have time to turn our loved ones to the Lord who do not have spiritual fruits within their lives. Confession of sin and lifting the name of Jesus is evident if their faith is valid. As we will see free will allows one to leave their faith for other things of the world if they choose. This important message is very important because we all as the Word states have the ability to lead the one who wonders off back to the Lord. The harvest time is short so stay busy for the Lord.

