The Thracians, a Hidden History

About the northern Thracians' descendants on
About the movie:
Europe's ancient history should be re-written! Long before Rome came into existence and before Greece flourished, the Thracian stirpes have populated vast areas of the European continent and they left their mark on its whole history.
We invite you on a journey to Europe's antiquity, where a new vision over ancient history will be presented to you. Many of the things you have considered before, as being well established, will be shaken. Little known facts and events will come to redefine history as you know it...
The material evidence and historical sources prove that the Thracians had an advanced culture and that they were sophisticated art creators; also, that the Greek world was strongly influenced by the Thracian one, the Greeks borrowing traditions and deities from the Thracians.
Concurrently, the excursion into the ancient Thracian-Geto-Dacian world will bring to you a close-up of the amazing gold and silver ancient treasures and the remarkable personalities of certain Thracian heroes that have remained deeply carved into humanity's memory.
Last but not least, you will discover that Thracian-Geto-Dacians have even reached as far as the rule of the Roman Empire themselves, a fact that was clearly mentioned and beyond any doubt by the Roman ancient historic sources themselves...
May this documentary's viewing be a useful one to you!
DANIEL ROXIN te invită pe site-ul Știință, mistere, istorie, dezvăluiri...

Пікірлер: 2 700

  • @didkaification
    @didkaification9 жыл бұрын

    Dear Bulgarians, Serbians, Macedonians, Greeks and Romanians, you can call yourselves whatever you like, but remember that we share common roots and thousands of years history! So please stop arguing and start working together for our common future. Divided we are easily controlled by the "great powers", together we can be strong and independent. Stop looking towards USA or Russia and look to your neighbour and your brother! You are great people with great history! Always remember that!

  • @VladidecSVMStudio


    9 жыл бұрын

    I salute you!

  • @iancualexandru3272


    9 жыл бұрын

    +Martin Sveshtarov Greetings from Romania. Allow me to shake your hand to the great truth that you wrote. I would have preferred a Balkan Union instead of European Union . In the Balkan peoples to decide their own fate and to manage wisely the rich resources it has instead become colonies of western and northern states, led by the dictum,, divide et impera ".

  • @dacvalah6317


    9 жыл бұрын

    iancu alexandru do you think?? dont be innocent. your balkan union existed in Vlaho-bulgarian tzarat during ASEN BROTHERS(pur vlachs rumanian today and even before) and the result was assimilation of vlachs. we have a old word saying that : if you dont let to die somebody(you help him) after he dont let you alive. maybe for the others has not sens but for you as rumanian it has. each artificialy mixture smels of shit. dont forget this. but today hironically is hard to understand what united(mixted) vlas(rumanian today) with the masse bulgaro-slavic different lingvistically. historia say that cause against bizantin empire wich growed up the taxes and vlachs as cattle growers want keeping their privileges. what is sure this senteced them to death our day in balkans and ofcours the chauvinist politics of greeks,bulgars,serbian. ask yourself why each hungarian in Rumania has hungarian name but each vlachs in balkans has greek, bulgarian,serbian name. in these countries ethnic epuration is state politics eliminated the first one. to have rumanian(vlachs name) you have to pay fortune. not to speak about denigration of vlachs being like some semi nomadic migrators(in other way like gipsy), better deniyng their ancient heritage. do you recognaise stalinist bolshevic propaganda??? i hope yes so thik again.All the best and long life for all those vlachs rumanian remains there, in ancient thraco-dacian space.

  • @dacvalah6317


    9 жыл бұрын

    ***** if you love and respect rumanians let the vlachs from Timoc praying in their rumanian language not only on the papers. Why took them years and years to have their own church in rumanian if you love them so much. They want just the rights serbian minority has in Rumania. nothing more. its so hard to understand?

  • @iancualexandru3272


    9 жыл бұрын

    +dacvalah Draga domnule nu sunt naiv si nici lipsit de gandire. Imperiul vlah al Asanestilor cuprindea bulgarii adusi de imperiul bizantin de rasarit (populatie de origine turcica) adusa de acestia in urma deselor rascoale ale vlahilor suddunareni. In momentul in care bulgarii nu au mai avut ce jefui au fraternizat cu vlahii impotriva celor care ii adusese si se folosisera de ei. Odata cu infrangerea Asanestilor, bizantinii sau razbunat crunt pe bulgari si i-au casapit pe toti, de la al cu tata in gura pana la cel cu barba sura. Actualii bulgari su slavi si ei ca si sarbii, ca si muntenegrenii sau macedonenii. In Balcani te puteai descurca foarte bine vorbind romaneste. Turcii temandu-se de razboinicii vlahi, ca si austriecii au fortat asimilarea vlahilor de catre populatiile slave sau de catre greci. Ca drept dovada in imnul de stat al Macedoniei aparea un vlah care s-a facut cunoscut prin tenacitate si vitejie impotriva turcilor. Daca ai chef sa citesti, citeste ce-ti trimit aici: ,,Când întâlnește Carpații, Dunărea este, după aprecierea lui George Vâlsan, „o simplă vale de eroziune, îngustă (…). Carpații nu se opresc la Dunăre, ci la Timoc”. Și totuși, românii, deși sunt așezați dintotdeauna pe ambele maluri ale fluviului, s-au lăsat orbiți de ideea „hotarelor naturale”, susținând și în 1919, la Conferința de Pace de la Paris, ideea așezării graniței pe Dunăre, care, după cum observa N. A. Constantinescu(apropiat colaborator al lui Iorga), e astfel „singurul dintre marile fluvii ale lumii care a primit rolul de hotar politic”. Una dintre observațiile fundamentale ale volumului din 1941 al lui N.A.Constantinescu „Chestiunea timoceană” (retipărită în 2000 de Ed. Litera Internațional, București, 88 pagini) este aceea că nimic „nu e mai păgubitor interesului politic ori național decât ideile greșite care de decenii și secole stăpânesc cugetarea și fapta noastră, necontrolate de știință, neverificate de experiență”. Acestea sunt, de fapt, „miturile” istoriei naționale de care ar trebui să scăpăm.Între Morava și Timoc slavii sunt imigranți. Regiunea a constituit multă vreme o stăvilă în calea slavilor. Sectorul românesc s-a întins multă vreme până dincolo de Niș, făcând legatură cu blocul albanez, cu pastorii vlahi din Balcani și cu aromânii. Această barieră a fost spartă, treptat, dar românii („vlahii”) din Timoc rezistă încă. De altfel, statul sârbesc medieval nu a înglobat niciodată această regiune, aflată sub stăpanire bizantină, încorporată de imperiul românesc al Asaneștilor, apoi independentă în perioada 1280-1397, sub numele de Țăratul de Vidin, și condusă de „țari” vlaho-bulgari, încuscriți cu voievozii munteni. Între 1368-1369, întreaga regiune a fost alipită deVlaicu-Vodă Țării Românești, pentru a o feri de invazia maghiară (scurta perioadă de unire e comparată de istoricul nostru cu izbânda lui Mihai Viteazul în ceea ce am putea numi „chestiunea ardelenească”, în 1599-1600), apoi oferită din nou țarului româno-bulgar Sracimir, căsătorit cu vara domnitorului Vlaicu. În 1397, după înfrângerea de la Nicopole, Baiazid transforma regiunea timoceană în sangeacatul (apoi pașalacul) de Vidin, care mai cunoaște o scurtă perioadă de independență (1792-1806) abia în timpul revoltei lui Pasvanoglu. Domnii Țării Românești continuă să întrețină relații cu românii din Timoc, construind mănăstiri (regiunea se află sub ascultarea episcopului de Râmnic), luptând cu turcii și intrând în balade bulgărești și sârbești descoperite în sute de variante. Cea mai veche biserică din Aria Balcanică ctitorită de Voevodul «Radule Vlah» (1450) (Vlaška Crkva)Carageorge și Miloș Obrenovici, creatorii statului modern sârb (mai întai în limitele Pașalacului de Belgrad) se lupta să acapereze regiunea care, spunea cel din urmă, „pentru legăturile noastre cu Rusia ne este tot așa de folositoare ca pâinea vieții”. Pentru că se opuneau revoltei antiotomane a sârbilor, Carageorge rade de pe fața pământului 13 sate românești. La 1833 Obrenovici vine cu armata și forțează Imperiul Otoman să recunoască dominația sârbă în regiune, după cum Rusia și Austria siliseră la același lucru pe turci, pe cale diplomatică, prin Tratatul de la Adrianopol din 1829. Este „cea mai revoltatoare încălcare a dreptului național în Peninsula Balcanică”, scrie N. A. Constantinescu, care încheie volumul cu „Drepturile imprescriptibile ale României la anexarea Daciei Ripensis„. Așa au numit românii regiunea după retragerea aureliană în sudul Dunării. Anexarea nu a mai avut loc." Asa ca marilor puteri trebuie sa le multumim pentru situatia romanilor timoceni, de situatia fosta si actuala din Balcani si a Romaniei de azi, nu uita ca se va federaliza tara noastra, ca vrem noi sau nu vrem si ne vom vedea zvarliti in patru zari, un popor fara tara. De asta ne-au adus in starea de letargie in care santem sa nu mai ripostam si asa se si intampla. Sa vad si eu cine va ridica macar un deget cand va veni un nou dictat ca cel de la Viena, ma refer la romani, cand Dobrogea va fi data bulgarilor la pachet cu Muntenia, cand Transilvania va intra in robie ungureasca, Moldova impreuna cu Basarabia sub talpa ruseasca si Banatul sarbilor. Nici restul nu vor scapa, va fi divizata si Serbia si Bulgaria, la fel vor pati si albanezii si grecii. Vor face un ghiveci etnic unde nu va fi pace in veci. Asa ca de preferat ar fi o uniune balcanica unde statele balcanice sa se descurce cum au facut-o de veacuri impreuna si cu siguranta se vor rezolva si problemele etnice existente doar cu rabdare si cu tact, fara a starni pe nimeni. O uniune balcanica e de preferat UE, care e mana dreapta a ocultei mondiale, condusa (UE) de grupul de la Bilderberg. E timpul ca Balcanii sa-si dea mana si sa-si apere fiinta, sa treaca peste orgolii si peste ambitii, altfel vom fi sclavii vestului si nordului pentru cel putin 1000 de ani si mult sange se va varsa degeaba.Ia exemplu dorinta Greciei de a se scutura de UE, ce a patit si cat trebuie sa plateasca, ca nu vor vedea scazand datoriile catre banca europeana si fmi generatii si generatii. De aia trebuie gandit mai mult decat varful nasului.

  • @vankk7356
    @vankk73568 жыл бұрын

    Big thanks to Romania from Bulgaria , for making this video

  • @georgecatalinsamson1997


    5 жыл бұрын

    I love bulgarian people !!!

  • @Dacicusify


    2 жыл бұрын

    That what we are . TRACODACIENS.

  • @neli3830
    @neli38304 жыл бұрын

    Firstly, I want to congratulate the initiators and creators of this video, lot of efforts were put in making such a truthfull explanaton ofthe European anciant history.Secondly, I admire the determination and the confidence of the Romanian archaeologists,claiming that the conventonal history is,to considerable extent, manipulated and wrongly-stated,and primarily I admire their main point EUROPEAN HISTORY MUST BE RE-WRITTEN !! Last but not least, I was pleasantly surprised when they show Thracians tumuli in Bulgaria and they made a conection between Thracians tribes lived in Bulgaria and Romania ,and especiallyI like the term Thracia-Geto-Dacian. Greeting from Bulgaria and BRAAVO for the good job! 🇧🇬

  • @estermihailova
    @estermihailova4 жыл бұрын

    Im forever grateful to the Romanian historians and people who made this movie. Bulgaria and Romania are connected! However in Bulgaria all of the politicians are corrupted and are suppressing the truth, I’m glad Romanian people are woke and fighting with corruption and the intentional destructions of our mutual history! Go Romania - Respect from Bulgaria xxx

  • @augustiniumihaila4466


    3 жыл бұрын

    @P3P4J If we check archaic vocabulary or romanian language and albanian language, is more than 50% similar. Even nowadays, after a week of living together, I started to understand one of my albanian friends fluently, he speaking albanian and me speaking romanian. Both thracian roots.

  • @dessievaughan5350


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@augustiniumihaila4466 Bulgarians and Romanians also share some vocabulary but more importantly, similar traditions, culture and belief system. Languages change but genetics remain.

  • @augustiniumihaila4466


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@dessievaughan5350 100% agree with you. In bulgarian case I belive that thracian root is as strong as slavic root. In fact , from Pannonia to Dalmatia and Balkans and Black Sea we are almost kin, both due to heritage or so many centuries of living together.

  • @dessievaughan5350


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@augustiniumihaila4466 Some contemporary scholars even challenge the so called "Slavic roots," arguing that "Slavic" is a much later, artificially created construct, made up to serve certain political agendas of the day. It is really a long and interesting theory that attracts more and more supporters.

  • @augustiniumihaila4466


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@dessievaughan5350 Some slavic element exists, but can be interrogated the proportion. I guess would be quite interesting...

  • @gergister
    @gergister3 жыл бұрын

    I've always wondered why Romanains and Bulgarians have so similar facial characteristics. Every time I saw a guy that is about to speak in this video, I couldn't tell if he will start speaking Romanian or Bulgrarian. So there may well be that we have more in common than we previously thought.

  • @nijagm


    Жыл бұрын

    @D eja n La zarevic Really?

  • @12radiolondon


    Жыл бұрын

    @D eja n La zarevic Spartacus was not Mongol from Volga Riva .

  • @iceblu4713


    7 ай бұрын

    Because we intermingled between the 7th and the 13th century. During the First Bulgar Empire and the Second Vlacho-Bulgar Empire

  • @TheYostef5
    @TheYostef510 жыл бұрын

    Great documentary! Greetins from your neighbours in Bulgaria!

  • @wthesilentw5569


    5 жыл бұрын

    You are not my are my brother!!!

  • @trison1730


    5 жыл бұрын


  • @chrisholt4804
    @chrisholt48045 жыл бұрын

    Seriously getting emotional watching this. Wow... I have never been so amazed by history in a very long time. I MUST GO TO THESE PLACES BEFORE I DIE.

  • @patrice7p


    Жыл бұрын

    😊 yes, you must go there… there is a extraordinary energy there, I was so overwhelmed visiting Sarmisegetuza, the ancient dacian capital, I just sat there and cried, as if every cell in my body felt I was coming home …

  • @aleksandramihaylova7396
    @aleksandramihaylova7396 Жыл бұрын

    I am Bulgarian and have always wanted to know even more about the trachians history. It is so lovely finding your video and learning more through the eyes of a fellow balkan.

  • @Ikaros1994


    Жыл бұрын

    Thracians are Greeks only

  • @Trakite


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@Ikaros1994😂😂What bullshits you are talking about? Thracian names, guns, mythology and language are so different than the grek!

  • @levesd3722


    11 ай бұрын

    @@Trakite They are, you are right on this although they are not related to Bulgarians in any way.

  • @narukami4959


    10 ай бұрын

    @@levesd3722 who are they related to then?

  • @levesd3722


    10 ай бұрын

    @@narukami4959 The ancient Dacians and Getae maybe.

  • @alexanderhranov1534
    @alexanderhranov153410 жыл бұрын

    Hello from Bulgaria, Yes, my Romanian friends, North and South of the Danube we're the same people, and that's obvious even to the blind; nevertheless, blind is exactly what we are, since we need ancient history to teach us the obvious. Open mind, as oposed to egocentrism, is what can help us find the Truth. It is not only Bulgarians and Romanians that are the decendents of Ancient Thracians; It is much larger (hint: think the language of the Thracians..). Also, ask yourserlves what made the Ancient Thracians.. Thracians?.. It has little to do with origin, and everything to do with culture, character and way of thinking. Best Regards

  • @robert4598


    5 жыл бұрын

    @POP-FOLK • BULGARIA u stupid. Thracians got killed many years ago

  • @stroemirela1729


    5 жыл бұрын

    Poporul bulgar a fost ca si ungurii niste migratori.Tradu ce scriu ca limba traca se vorbea pe acest continent in perioada preistorica. Romanii sunt adevaratii urmasi ai TRACIEI si nu vorbesc de aia de prin ROMA ci de cei din ROMANIA ce avem acelas teritoriu de peste 3 mii de ani ciuruit dar mai e. Falsificati istoria fara pic de jena.

  • @robert4598


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@stroemirela1729sprichst du deutsch?

  • @stroemirela1729


    5 жыл бұрын

    @@robert4598 Nu.

  • @stroemirela1729


    5 жыл бұрын

    @POP-FOLK • BULGARIA Sunt artificiale dar originea acestui popor roman este trac indiferent de artificiile voastre. Tradu. Chiar de stiu engleza, franceza, italiana, spaniola sa faceti un efort sa cititi si in alta limba. Imperiul getilor mai ales era in preistorie pe o vasta intindere europeana. Originea getilor este straveche de peste 8000 de ani. Ne dau lectii sau vor sa ne decimeze urmasii migratorilor veniti din Africa si Asia. Bye !

  • @XabierXabi
    @XabierXabi5 жыл бұрын

    This is amazing. I am really intriged with tracian and dacian culture. It seems both have played a key role in european history

  • @georgecatalinsamson1997


    5 жыл бұрын

    Si señor , lo que me molesta , es que la humanidad no reconoce la importancia de los traco-dacios !Saludos desde Dacia !!

  • @petarbozadzhiev3580


    3 жыл бұрын

    Same culture,different tribes all of them was Thracian!

  • @tavibaroi


    2 жыл бұрын

    @@georgecatalinsamson1997 vrei o medalie, ceva?:)))

  • @ViktorZhostov
    @ViktorZhostov3 жыл бұрын

    Watching this in 2020 from Bulgaria. Thank you for your beautiful movie!

  • @user-uo7ps6ps2z
    @user-uo7ps6ps2z4 жыл бұрын

    🇧🇬🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇷🇴🇧🇬 Brothers, embrace our common history. Let us rebiuld our lands to their former glory. United we stay strong!

  • @gabriel1321


    2 жыл бұрын

    We are not allowed by the "bigger powers"

  • @ChrisHolman
    @ChrisHolman5 жыл бұрын

    Amazing documentary! Years ago I read about Thrace but didn't know where it was so I looked it up. This has opened my eyes to the history of Thrace that I didn't know. I love this!! God bless the descendants of ancient Thrace, God bless everyone!

  • @takinglives2441
    @takinglives24418 жыл бұрын

    Balcans=Brothers...Brothers sometime fight each other but never foorget the blood!!!Greetings from...Your Bulgarian brother

  • @aleksandarrusev8404
    @aleksandarrusev840410 жыл бұрын

    Hi from Bulgaria , we defenetly have common roots with the Romanians

  • @virgilneacsu2906


    5 жыл бұрын

    aleksandar rusev yes! cucumbers😂😂

  • @virgilneacsu2906


    4 жыл бұрын

    you're right to a point. we have common genes, because the Bulgarians settled in the Balkans, where there is already a Thraco-Dacian population

  • @virgilneacsu2906


    4 жыл бұрын

    Accelerated they are not idiots. they are our neighbors. and we must respect them.

  • @balkharianlion


    4 жыл бұрын

    @Accelerated One wise man here in a herd of idiots. Thumbs up.

  • @balkharianlion


    4 жыл бұрын

    What a fool.

  • @BGSoccerMagic
    @BGSoccerMagic10 жыл бұрын

    Bulgaria has to thank Romania for this very informative movie.

  • @Sorinocerul


    10 жыл бұрын

    Bulgaria did lots about Thracian culture, keep working hard on this, you are the best. Thracians (Celts, Illyrians, etc.) fathered most of European civilizations (Greeks, Romans, etc.) through their many tribes. They were not like their neighbours from Mesopotamia in science and arts. Still many secrets have to be uncovered (Bosnia's Pyramids and some other more spread all over the area till Romania).

  • @neutralpeace647


    4 жыл бұрын

    @POP-FOLK • BULGARIA go back to Volga non Balkan

  • @patriotpatriotic3894


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@neutralpeace647 BULGARIAN borders are from next to the China one to and includes Balkans... so, be quite.

  • @neutralpeace647


    3 жыл бұрын

    @TheLoneSamurai why dont you call yourselves Dacians? Isn't more historical right? I mean 'romanian' is like nonsense

  • @tuamadretuopadre240


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@neutralpeace647 we as thracians always let ourselves much influenced, even in our name, as bulgarians did with slavic lenguage because bulgarians are thracians

  • @NikolaNevenov86
    @NikolaNevenov868 жыл бұрын

    The reason there is no interest from the Romanian government to investigate the thracian link to modern day Romania,is because it will show a great link between Macedonians,Northern Grees,Bulgarians and Romanians.Basically we are one and the same people,divided by alien interests.However the lie cannot hold for long,and truth will prevail.Great to see that Romanians are seeking their origin.Keep up the good fight.

  • @cclupu


    8 жыл бұрын

    +Nikola Nevenov Good point ! You can add a lot of other populations that descend from this old branch of human kind. Greeks , Bulgarians, Albanians, and many others across Europe , includind a great part of russians, are only concepts. The base of population was thrakkian. Over them lays a super structure named "state", imposed within military means, wich force population to adopt different official language over thousands of years. As a variation, in far east Russian Federation, are a lot of populations that call themselves "russians", but they don't even know the language. Of course , that is a very short explanation, sustained by documents and observations of various travellers that were not politically involved.

  • @GholaTleilaxu


    7 жыл бұрын

    That was 2000 years ago. Since then too many tribes originating from too many different places have mixed in those lands. Yes, they all came for the gold and silver. This is most likely the place where the myths of the Dwarfs originated. And we all know what happened to the dwarfs. Replaced by orcs and goblins they were.

  • @michaelram9055


    5 жыл бұрын

    Nikola Nevenov there are no modern Macedonians

  • @WizavPRO


    5 жыл бұрын

    @POP-FOLK • BULGARIA Latin language emerged on Balkans then spread to Italy.

  • @augustiniumihaila4466


    3 жыл бұрын

    Good point , bro! Also has to be investigated pre-deluge history of Pontic lake, as Carpathian Arch and Pontic Lake shore is the cradle of Aryan Civilisation, the place where history begins, not some desertic places around mesopotamia....

  • @julian14204
    @julian142048 жыл бұрын

    Thracians were the first civilization in Europe



    8 жыл бұрын

    +Юлиян Димов not in Europe, in the world

  • @user-go1vz9vt7i


    4 жыл бұрын

    @Daniel Butuc Цивилизация

  • @deanticocombar7529


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@@ONLYAMADEUSno only in Europe not in world . Egypt and mesopotamia was first civilization in world

  • @leighcurrier3077
    @leighcurrier30776 жыл бұрын

    we salute romania from canada. peace to all peoples!

  • @georgecatalinsamson1997


    5 жыл бұрын

    Hi from România !!!

  • @marylindagail
    @marylindagail8 жыл бұрын

    How refreshing and genuine. It rounds out history and not just one people made it happen. This is a terrific documentary, would like to see more.

  • @knutandersen1590
    @knutandersen15907 жыл бұрын

    Thank you, dear Romanians! Great video! Very good narrator and so educational content!

  • @zdrdim
    @zdrdim3 жыл бұрын

    Dear Mr. Roxin, thank you for this film and for the English translation. Thank you.

  • @bridgetechsolutions6580
    @bridgetechsolutions65805 жыл бұрын

    Thank you very much for this program... May your efforts be successful in educating not just us "urmasi Geto-Dacilor" but all who love and want to know the truth about our ancient history.

  • @flobut2509
    @flobut250910 жыл бұрын

    Love it!!!Today on youtube,tomorrow in our history books!!!!!

  • @janicegoodfellow3459
    @janicegoodfellow34598 жыл бұрын

    Very impressive and amazing part of the history which we forgot. Thank you very much you put this together for the rest of us to understand how the actual world is what it is now

  • @skiceman9611
    @skiceman961110 жыл бұрын

    What i find very interesting is the statues of Dacian men in the roman cities. I don't think the romans did that with any of the nations they conquered. This would require further investigation. I am very interested in their motivation.

  • @adiyo7159


    5 жыл бұрын

    You can check this video:

  • @sorinatantagoi8833
    @sorinatantagoi88333 жыл бұрын

    We East European really need to dig more into our origins. Great documentary.

  • @giorgio5487


    4 күн бұрын

    What origins!?! You came down from the Steppes of Ukraine after the Roman empire was divided & western empire (Rome) collapsed // That's it // Afterwards Cyrill & Methodius from Constantinople/Konstantinoupolis came to U & gave U the Lights of Civilization_Alphabet etc.etc.etc.

  • @argajl17
    @argajl175 жыл бұрын

    It is nice to see part of the truth appears. Only a part because Thracians, Dacians and Illyrians are the same people as people living today in same places, just divided in many nations. We could be called slavic or thracian or anything but we were the same people and we are here from prehistory.

  • @victoriaalbastra6325
    @victoriaalbastra63252 жыл бұрын

    It's very curious that this history is so suppressed. You cannot even choose this as a curriculum at university. You can learn Egyptology, Germanistik, Finungristic, Greek and Roman history but not Thracian history. Peculiar indeed.

  • @cuanamar
    @cuanamar10 жыл бұрын

    Yes!!!! Finally!!! in English!!! very good!!! Thank you!!!

  • @Nick-cr6bj
    @Nick-cr6bj9 жыл бұрын

    The Roman Empire controlled mostly the souther Romania for 160 years. Why is it that Romanians from all four corners of this European country speak the same language? Considering that language is a tool of communication it is therefore logic to conclude that Latin was built by an advanced civilization. The slavic languages were formed late into CE. Even Emperor Traian when going against the Dacian king Decebal said: "I am going against the mother land". Thracians were the remnants of a far more advanced civilization. Also look into old music (off current musical scale) you will find that Bulgarian and far north Romanian (Maramures) old music is not that different at all.

  • @petarbozadzhiev3580
    @petarbozadzhiev35803 жыл бұрын

    Long time ago we was same people,spiking same language and share same culture( 🇧🇬🇷🇴🇲🇰🇬🇷🇦🇱 🇲🇪 🇷🇸)

  • @Trakite


    Жыл бұрын

    The reality is that a thracians are only this countries - Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia and Serbia! Greece are difrent people!

  • @kavaldzhia
    @kavaldzhia9 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for posting this excellent video !

  • @matfejpatrusin4550
    @matfejpatrusin45506 жыл бұрын

    Here goes 1 thumbs up from a Hungarian patriot. All peoples have the right to discover and embrace the history of their ancestors!

  • @baalgur
    @baalgur8 жыл бұрын

    A very good film with very reasonable conclusions, very objective. Well done! Only another point that could be added is the language, and then I think the results of the research will be astonishing.

  • @martacute3620


    2 жыл бұрын

    Zalmolxis the God of Geto Dacians documentary muvi channel Daniel Roxin

  • @ironpirites
    @ironpirites9 жыл бұрын

    Excellent video. Reading Herodotus, one has an impression of a Greek attitude to the world which is much different from the one widely held today. 20th century academics, at least below the level of the graduate schools, emphasized the differences between cultures and the separateness and supremacy of the culture derived from the Greeks. Herodotus clearly did not view the world from that perspective and did not demean the neighbors of the Greeks. This video represents a 21st century way of looking at the ancient world and, ironically, one that is in greater accord with the way the ancients viewed it themselves.

  • @user-kc8px7xf4e
    @user-kc8px7xf4e9 жыл бұрын

    Thrace is not Greece and Thracians are not Greeks, remember it! Thracians were natives of the Balkans some come 4000 BC, but the Greeks have been here since 2000 BC Chr. Thracians were divided into 77 tribes but as Herodotus says all have the same customs. We know that the Thracians not called so Thracians call them Greeks, the first written evidence of the Thracians from Homer Iliyada! (pls BG subs) :)

  • @saxon193


    9 жыл бұрын

    NuMaiVremPamant What? Isn't Romanian a Latin language?

  • @saxon193


    9 жыл бұрын

    NuMaiVremPamant Wow! Are you saying all Latin languages (including the now dead Latin) originated from a language spoken in what is now Romania?? I don't mean to be annoying, I am genuinely interested in why today's Romanians speak a Latin language, when you're surrounded by Slavic and Hungarian-speaking people. I am also really curious as to why today's country is called "ROMAnia" - wasn't that what some Romans called the Roman Empire? P.S. I'm Bulgarian

  • @saxon193


    9 жыл бұрын

    NuMaiVremPamant I'll check your videos out. Thanks

  • @floringhergu3354


    9 жыл бұрын

    pavel h The answer is simple, the resistance against the influences of migratory peoples. Romanians and Aromanians (Vlachs those called by the Greeks and Slavic peoples).

  • @korndead100


    9 жыл бұрын

    pavel h The same reason why hungarians speak hungarian even though they're surrounded by slavs, romanians and germans, lol.

  • @tracii3751
    @tracii37513 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for a good Thracian Continuity video, I completely refuse that we were Romanized, especially since Roman law and history would say otherwise, especially the fact that romans weren't allowed by their law to mix with non roman citizens and also the fact that romans allowed other cultures to keep their cultures rather than to assimilate them.

  • @ventsislavnenkov1423
    @ventsislavnenkov14235 жыл бұрын

    Congratulations and thank you for the great job!

  • @smroog
    @smroog9 жыл бұрын

    Nice to see that "History is written by the winners" is slowly coming to an end. Keep up the spirit of truth. Great video ! ! ! How little we REALLY know of the past. And how lucky we are to have the internet and "youtube".

  • @DniBukowski
    @DniBukowski5 жыл бұрын

    Nice work. Thank you for translate.

  • @MissCattitude63
    @MissCattitude638 жыл бұрын

    What a beautiful documentary! It was a joy to watch. Also, no lies! Very refreshing. Thank you for uploading this jewel!

  • @bgbest5790
    @bgbest5790 Жыл бұрын

    Bulgarians and Romanians are ancient brothers and sister. One day the truth will come out internationally and the world will see who are the Bulgarians and Romanians. We are brothers and sisters, we became isolated in ancient times, many thousands and thousands of years ago. As time goes by our languages developed individually, being the languages they are today. Both Bulgarian and Romanian languages are of one root, same with Albanian, all paleo-balkanic! Of course they have many differences but similarities as well, but the differences are because of the thousands of years of being isolated and separated from each other! As Herodotus says, ancient Balkan tribes were separated for a long time, they were isolated from each other and fought each other, if they were united and in peace, they would have been the most powerful nation on earth! The Bulgarian, Romanian, and Albanian language all are started from Indo-European language, then separated into a paleo-balkanic branch, which separated into more branches thus why the Bulgarian, Romanian, and Albanian languages become different from each other, all languages in Europe went through that process, that’s why all are different from each other even though they were once ONE language. There is no such thing as Slavic languages! These languages come from Bulgarian! All languages called “slavic” originate from Old Bulgarian language that they adapted in the 9th century because Old Bulgarian was one of the only languages in Europe with an actual writing system! These countries called “slavic” never had a writing system before Bulgaria. No such languages as “slavic” ever existed before Bulgarian! Historians say it all comes from “Proto-Slavic” when not once was such a language mentioned in all of history! Not once has there been any form of evidence found of such “Proto-Slavic” language existing! How did historians or even linguists come up with the conclusion that the “Slavic” languages originated in Ukraine? Not to mention before Ukraine began existing it was part of Old Great Bulgaria! They didn’t! All the words in the “Slavic” languages are identical to Thracian and/or Old Iranian language remains! Can the world wake up already? Not once in history has there ever been Proto-slavic remains or graves found! The existence of the so called “Slavs” are based off of a few Byzantine authors that never even used the word “Slav” in their writings! They used the word Sclaveni which means “slaves” in Latin. The ancient Balkan tribes were referred to slaves by the Roman’s! Many Roman authors label Thracians as Bulgarians! Because that what they were. The propaganda that Proto-Bulgarians were Turkic was created in the 1800s by a Czech and Russian historian. All linguistic, archeological, historical, and DNA evidence shows that the Proto-Bulgarians (Bulgars) were Indo-Europeans speaking Indo-European languages! Their skulls were Caucasoid! They were never Turkic and it’s about time for that statement to be fully debunked. Writings also say that the words “Bulgar/Bolgar” even “Balkan” originate from the Balkans! These words have even been found carved in ancient places in Bulgaria and Macedonia dating back may thousands of years ago and have been as ancient Balkan names! Even the words Dule and Aspar have been used as Thracian names. The Dulo symbol |Y| has been found in Bulgaria by archeologists dating back over 6000 years ago! You know Asparuh right? Aspios means horse in Thracian, Aspa means horse in old Iranian languages. Kubrat- Brat means brother in old Iranian languages and is said to mean brother in paleo-balkanic languages. Krum is of paleo-balkanic Bulgarian origin meaning stone! All words and names of the Proto-Bulgarian language is of Paleo-Balkanic and/or Old Iranian origin! The Thracian language had many similar words to Old Iranian languages. And again, even all words in the languages called “Slavic” have paleo-Balkanic or and/old Iranian origins! The word Slavic is just a replacement for the word Bulgarian. Ancient Balkan people inhabited all of Eastern Europe even Central Europe. Wake up!

  • @erinmboehm
    @erinmboehmАй бұрын

    American here, and I’ve been into history forever, it’s amazing to learn about the thracians and what countries these ancient people came from., supposedly spartacus was a Thracian and he’s always amazed me

  • @thefallenshallriseagain9472
    @thefallenshallriseagain94728 жыл бұрын

    Greetings from finland,great document.balkans area are pretty amazing and vital point to understand european history, for example danube valley civilization and oldest writing system?

  • @hiperborejacsansara8652


    8 жыл бұрын

    It is not yet confirmed.. here's the article about an even older culture

  • @NASAE-wt1ec


    5 жыл бұрын

    bro,youre thracian 1133 Denmark were called Daciæ and all scandinavs were called dacians too.the vikings came north from Dacia

  • @HZTV1


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@hiperborejacsansara8652 bulgaria have older culture than this.

  • @augustiniumihaila4466


    3 жыл бұрын

    Tartaria plaques , dated 9000 bc are presumed to be first recorded writings in human history. Summer writings, compared, are relatively new .....

  • @davidmark225


    3 жыл бұрын

    @@NASAE-wt1ec Northern people were called dacians by the pope, not by themselves. Read more please.

  • @atgunchev
    @atgunchev10 жыл бұрын

    Great documentary. Awesome final words. Greetings to all my brothers across the Danube.

  • @NASAE-wt1ec


    6 жыл бұрын

    Atanas Gunchev hi,brother

  • @mancamiatipoola
    @mancamiatipoola Жыл бұрын

    Very interesting doco. I knew a little bit about the thracians, but this has filled in many gaps. I must add that there is an ancient thracian temple ruin on a peak on Mount Nemrut, in the province of Adiyaman-Turkey which displays some giant seated statues without heads. Archaologists later on discovered the heads in the rubble and restored them. Some of these heads are of bearded men with hats similar to the thracian hat, women with ornate crowns and eagle heads. In the same ruins reliefs have been discovered that depict people wearing traditional thracian-dacian clothing. This temple is close to Syria, which means the ancient thracian people used to stretch at least to the mesopontic region (between the two seas) where Armenia is today.

  • @levesd3722


    11 ай бұрын

    Thracians were highly sought mercenaries. Some of them were probably found all over the Mediterranean.

  • @deegabrielle123
    @deegabrielle12310 жыл бұрын

    Domnule Roxin, ma bucur mult de subtitrare in limba Engleza.

  • @biancabeluga1597
    @biancabeluga15979 жыл бұрын

    Fantastic documentary!!!! I didn`t knew all these things!! It is so amazing!!! I didn`t knew anything about the history of these people! Because in today`s history they are not mentioned almost at all!!! It is such a shame! I didn`t know that Bulgaria and Romania are so rich with all those archaeological site`s!! Wonderful! I would love to visit them one day! :)

  • @cmny926
    @cmny92610 жыл бұрын

    Amazing Documentary Daniel. I wish all of your videos came with English subtitles but nonetheless this was a great watch, can't wait for the next one. Thanks!

  • @micazegheanu392
    @micazegheanu39210 жыл бұрын

    Documentar medicament ce ajuta la recapatarea identitatii nationsle . Minunat! Felicitari!

  • @WongTinKay
    @WongTinKay8 жыл бұрын

    Thank you very much for posting. I thoroughly enjoyed that. And yes, it was indeed enlightening. I hope your government realizes how much it has inherited from this civilization and to invest much care into giving it back to its people.

  • @cristisun184
    @cristisun1848 жыл бұрын

    A very rare situation where beautiful people from all Tracia are gathered and they are communicating and share stories and knowledge about our common ancestors.Bulgarians,Serbians,Albanians and other, people that don't behave politically but as friends.Rare and beautiful.Hope the best for you all!You have to respect all but you have to respect and help neighbors better.

  • @aplaguedoctor406
    @aplaguedoctor4068 жыл бұрын

    I've been to Perperikon, lovely place

  • @Lorra
    @Lorra5 жыл бұрын

    Beautiful work ! Thank you

  • @jahnsahn7695
    @jahnsahn76955 жыл бұрын

    Very informative. right up my alley. Thanks

  • @3RedArmy
    @3RedArmy3 жыл бұрын

    The Bulgarian title "Kan"( eng.- Khan ) mean "king". The all name of the title is" KanazuBigi", "u Bigi" ( from the God ), "az" ( I (have) ), "Kan" ( the power ), that title exist even in Sumer. So "Kan" means king,lord,ruler an also kingdom,land and that title is not from Asia. "Bal", "bul", "bel" means "white", the old name of Thracians is "Belazgi"( the Danaians call them "Pelasgi" ) and that name means "Bel"( white ), "azgi" ( people ) . After that they call himselfs "Thracians" and "Bulgarians" ( Bul - white, Arians - people ), even Herodotus write for the Thracians and for the Bulgarians like for one people. Balkan ( Bal-Kan ) means "kan" - kingdom,land and "bal" - white, "the land of the whites". Balkans are the homeland of the White race. The chosen nation from the Bible is the White race, the Belazgians, and they give the culture to the other nations ( races ), so the influence is from here-there, not from there-here.

  • @levesd3722


    11 ай бұрын


  • @M.Georgiev8527
    @M.Georgiev852711 ай бұрын

    Excellent documentary Daniel. Best wishes to you and our northern neighbors .

  • @TheWayandWordofLife
    @TheWayandWordofLife10 жыл бұрын

    ~ This was very enjoyable learning! The paper~thin, golden Oak leaves, winding about such a delicate circlet of gold branches = forms the most beautiful crown! It almost seems Elven~like, even ethereal!

  • @dessievaughan5350
    @dessievaughan53502 жыл бұрын

    Greetings from another Bulgarian! Great job!

  • @barbararey-constantin5679
    @barbararey-constantin56798 жыл бұрын

    I learned a lot. Thank you.

  • @Anonymous-qx1vd
    @Anonymous-qx1vd5 жыл бұрын

    there are 60000 tombs in Bulgaria but only barely studied are 1500

  • @eldorphoto
    @eldorphoto9 жыл бұрын

    Foarte bine facut! Felicitari echipei!

  • @anthonyrum5740
    @anthonyrum57405 жыл бұрын

    Hello to every one who is interested in the history of the Balkans. My name is Antoniy and I am proud Bulgarian. After so many posts from the greek readers, with misleading greek propaganda, I decided to post my DNA results. Eastern Europe and Russia 55%, Greece and the Balkans 35%, Italy 9%. So would any of the greek readers tell me when I was turik, or any other Asian? Romanian Driver got it right! If we, Eastern Europeans, don't take care of each other, nobody will take care of us!

  • @gabriel1321


    2 жыл бұрын

    No other nation who invaded someone could change the origins of the curent population, in history no one! Thous are storyes, we was conquered by turks also but we have no mosques in Romania.

  • @ivantom1262
    @ivantom126210 жыл бұрын

    extraordina .... mereu am fost mandru ca ma trag din neamu asta de viteji dar dupa acest documentar ma simt extraordinar . asta trebuie sa se predea in scoala nu minciunile ordinare care se prenau de genereatii intregi. RESCRIETI ISTORIA SPUNETI ADEVARU

  • @gst2800


    3 жыл бұрын


  • @marianactiv89
    @marianactiv899 жыл бұрын

    Felicitari Daniel Roxin si intregii echipe de cercetare !! Un documentar impresionant si fara egal pana acum in Romania !

  • @bobifetski
    @bobifetski8 жыл бұрын

    The nation Bulgaria is closest is Romania in every aspect and the two are descendants of one people Thracians/Dacians

  • @cristisun184


    8 жыл бұрын

    and we behave like we are separated by a million kilometers and when we realize that we are so near we try to find defects or how bad or worst is our situation as nations.I respect all my neighbors as people, not politics,by neighbors I mean US whom were here since the beginning.

  • @bobifetski


    8 жыл бұрын

    Cristi Soare i mean we have the same traditions for example the calusari and the winter traditions (koledari and survakari) this one is from Romania And this one from Bulgaria we have the martenica in the spring, we have the same clothing traditions in some places! And so mutch more that i dont even know! Not to mention that our antropology is the same - pontid phenotype which is native racial tipe of the East Balkans and is taking place from the Egean sea north to south parts of Ukraine including!

  • @cclupu


    8 жыл бұрын

    Even your name is translated in romanian language as Boian Petre. There are a lot of people named Boian here in Rmania, and is also the name of an old legendary character kept in winter traditions wich I suppose that you have too.

  • @bobifetski


    8 жыл бұрын

    Тell me more about the tradition so i can answer, yes we have many traditions which are common only for bulgarians and romanians! A shining example is the "martenica" tradition in spring season (the red and white dolls made of wool and threads Constantin Lupu

  • @cclupu


    8 жыл бұрын

    Is a very long story. The most important thing is that you have (as country) an improper name and language imposed by a small group of peolpe named bulgarians wich came in your teritory around 400-500 a.d. Your name is related to a population which is supposed to belong to a moldavian tribe named "boii" settled in most parts of Moldavia on both parts of river Prut. A lot of people are also named Boian in our days. Is interesting to say that all thracian tribes are named upon their preponderent ocupation, or social category. In that respect, dacians are supposed to be warriors, other farmers, etc. I don't know many details.

  • @patrice7p
    @patrice7p Жыл бұрын

    Excelent video!

  • @robt3078
    @robt30789 жыл бұрын

    Some amazing stuff in this documentary, the Bulgarians should be proud.

  • @vesnanuspahic7510


    3 жыл бұрын

    So sad ☹️that they lost their orginal name !!!!They should have been called Tracians .

  • @jojijohn7121


    Жыл бұрын

    Why slabs if tharcia is Romania idiot

  • @levesd3722


    11 ай бұрын


  • @chrisrosenkreuz23
    @chrisrosenkreuz233 жыл бұрын

    9:50 look at those horses. Thracians had better perspective in drawing 2500 years ago than a lot of medieval church art. To get the gist of the comparison imagine a horse in perspective but with both eyes on one side.

  • @thruthebook
    @thruthebook10 ай бұрын

    Great presentation! My attention has been drawn to Thrace through the 'Sea People' (1200's B.C. approx.). It seems they were led by Thracians and a Thracian king Beder appears to have ruled in the city of Dor in Palestine.

  • @Burebistaruler
    @Burebistaruler9 жыл бұрын

    Why do you all think western and eastern Europe look at Romanians and Bulgarians in the same way? Because many many years ago our nations were born from the same root! Today the difference is that the Bulgarians took slavic language while Romanians kept their ancient latin language but we have same blood !

  • @didkaification


    9 жыл бұрын

    bubibuLo13 Bulgarian Asparuh crossed Danube with 10000 people, and united 2 million? How a different looking mongol/turkish guy, with different language and different god can do this? And that "mongols" also created the slavic alphabet. How logical is all of this? History is a big political speculation.

  • @didkaification


    9 жыл бұрын

    They were never slavized and they were never mongols. And there were never slavs before 15th century, the word slovo means language and is possible refference to same language speaking people. All of what you show me are "possible translations". By the way DNA shows that Bulgarians have as much Mongol and Turcik genes as all the "slavs"- near zero (only Russia and Ukraine have a bit more).

  • @didkaification


    9 жыл бұрын

    As i wrote you there is no proof for that. There are about 20 theories.

  • @didkaification


    9 жыл бұрын

    Slava - (slavic - glory), slovo (slavic - language), sclave (old latin - slave), three words that historians still translate as slavs, because its more convenient. You can check even wikipedia for proofs about slavs. The first that is sure to be mention of slavic is from the 15-16 century.

  • @didkaification


    9 жыл бұрын

    1. No turkic origin was proved, they even remove it from books now. 2. 2 million take the name of 10k? 3. ḱlewos is some tribe, which may have connection with modern slavs but..

  • @dancoman1798
    @dancoman17983 жыл бұрын

    Romanians and Bulgarians, same mother! Blood brothers.

  • @naisak7647
    @naisak76472 жыл бұрын

    Bine că, în sfârșit, ați reușit să și traduceți în engleză!

  • @gerry343
    @gerry3435 жыл бұрын

    Very interesting, thank you.

  • @bobquick8587
    @bobquick858710 жыл бұрын

    Wonderfull presentation...

  • @Elikrisos
    @Elikrisos9 жыл бұрын

    In Greek mythology, Thrax (Ancient Greek: Θρᾷξ; by his name simply the quintessential Thracian) was regarded as one of the reputed sons of Ares.[1] In the Alcestis, Euripides mentions that one of the names of Ares himself was Thrax since he was regarded as the patron of Thrace (his golden or gilded shield was kept in his temple at Bistonia in Thrace)

  • @Elikrisos


    9 жыл бұрын

    Modern-day Thrace consists of the southeastern regions of Bulgaria, northwestern Greece, and the parts of Turkey that separate the Black Sea from the Sea of Marmara. But the antiquity of Thrace dates back to Greek legends and the geographical boundaries of the Kingdom of Thrace were the Bosphorus Strait, the Balkan Mountains, and the Rhodope Mountains Greek mythology suggests that Thrax, the son of Ares (Greek god of war), made Thrace his home. Thracians, thus, were believed to be the descendents of the mighty Thrax. In his epic, The Iliad, Homer describes Thrace as a kingdom that allied itself with the Trojans in the Trojan War. Homer also mentions two powerful Thracian monarchs in The Iliad - Cisseus and Rhesus. Thrace seems to have enjoyed close ties with Troy, the royal families of both kingdoms often marrying into each other. Ovid's Metamorphoses is another legend about the Thracian king Tereus. Many other Thracian kings such as Diomedes, Eumolpus, Oeagrus, Phineas, and Poltys found their place in Greek myths and legends. Thracian Culture Greek historians such as Strabo and Herodotus have documented the superior culture and advanced social mechanisms of the Thracians. A love for music, poetry and fine arts seem to have characterized Thracian society. Thracians were also very skilled warriors, who. often were hired as mercenaries to fight for the Greek and Macedonian forces. The Thracians had colonized many parts of the southern coast such as Propontis in Hellespont, Tomi on the Black Sea, Byzantium, Abdera, Apollonia, Aeneas, and Mesembria. Ancient Thrace was rich in gold and silver, and maintained healthy trade with Greece and other European kingdoms. Thracians was more similar to the pontic greeks Persian and Roman Annexation Invasions around 516 BC to 510 BC, Thrace was invaded and annexed by Persian emperors. In 360 BC, Philip II, King of Macedon, annexed Thrace as part of the Macedonian empire. When his son Alexander the Great set out on his massive expansion campaign, Alexander greatly relied on the Thracian warriors who were part of his army. Initially the Thracian kings were vassals to the Roman emperors and reigned over their own territories, but by 46 BC Claudius I took direct control of the Thracian province. During the Roman rule the major cities of Thrace were Adrianople, Philippopolis, and Sardica. By the third century AD, Thrace was reduced to a veritable battleground with various barbarian tribes such as the Goths, the Visigoths and the Slavic tribes. By 1453 AD, Thrace fell to the Ottoman invasion and much of it was annexed by the Ottoman Empire. The many wars and invasions caused many of the native Thracians to migrate out of their homeland. Most of the populace in Thrace is now of Turkish, Greek, and Bulgarian descent. Thracians don't have nimrod they have Ares dionysus mother goddess similar to them was the Pontic greeks

  • @Elikrisos


    9 жыл бұрын

    Elikrisos thracians was even connect to Athenians

  • @mkelkar1


    4 жыл бұрын

    Thraco Phrygians are the Bhrugu's of the Rig Veda. English is an Indo European language of the West Germanic branch. English milk, Tocharian malke, Latin mulgeo, Old Irish melg, Greek amelgo, Russian moloko and so forth. Linguistic, textual, genetic and archaeological evidence for the Out of India Theory of Indo European Languages Baghpat Chariots, Weapons and the Horse in the Harappan Civilization - Dr. BK Manjul Findings from the latest genetic study conducted by ASI in collaboration with the Reich Lab at Harvard using ancient DNA from Rakhigarhi slides at 29:00 mark Here are the tribes that spread the Indo European languages from South Asia to West Asia, Central Asia and to Europe Avestan) Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Sairima (Śimyu), Dahi (Dāsa). NE Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Nuristani/Piśācin (Viṣāṇin). Pakhtoonistan (NW Pakistan), South Afghanistan: Iranian: Pakhtoon/Pashtu (Paktha). Baluchistan (SW Pakistan), SE Iran: Iranian: Bolan/Baluchi (Bhalāna). NE Iran: Iranian: Parthian/Parthava (Pṛthu/Pārthava). SW Iran: Iranian: Parsua/Persian (Parśu/Parśava). NW Iran: Iranian: Madai/Mede (Madra). Uzbekistan: Iranian: Khiva/Khwarezmian (Śiva). W. Turkmenistan: Iranian: Dahae (Dāsa). Ukraine, S, Russia: Iranian: Alan (Alina), Sarmatian (Śimyu). Turkey: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Phryge/Phrygian (Bhṛgu). Romania, Bulgaria: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Dacian (Dāsa). Greece: Greek: Hellene (Alina). Albania: Albanian: Sirmio (Śimyu). Shrikant Gangadhar Talageri Five waves of Indo-European expansion: a preliminary model (2018) Igor A Tonoyan-Belyayev I. Tonoyan-Belyayev

  • @Agrippa31BC
    @Agrippa31BC3 жыл бұрын

    After genetic research has shown me my ancestral male line is of Thracian origins, I decided to study the Thracians. Super cool people, with a very rich History.

  • @phillipcollins1103
    @phillipcollins11038 жыл бұрын

    very like to know more

  • @eddiecameo418
    @eddiecameo4189 жыл бұрын

    very informative

  • @bozhintraykov9339
    @bozhintraykov9339 Жыл бұрын

    This is continuation of the work of the late professor Alexander Fol who was an ambassador of Balkan culture and history, connecting the people in the region. He created the Institute of Thracology in the Bulgarian Academy of Science in 1972 and popularized the Thracians in the Western world, especially Germany and Canada. He worked together with his Romanian colleagues, in 1976 the Romanian Academy established its Romanian Thracology Institute. Professor Fol organized the International Congress of Thracology in Sofia, Bucharest, Moscow, Vienna, Rotterdam. I had the privilege of taking a class with a true original thinker and educator, whose erudition and knowledge could hardly be measured nowadays.

  • @ImperatorGabrielis
    @ImperatorGabrielis10 жыл бұрын

    Nice !

  • @spookyname2419
    @spookyname24197 жыл бұрын

    Could you please make a video of your full intro theme. Just an audio, it's epic.

  • @bambambambam6650
    @bambambambam66504 жыл бұрын

    This Romanian guy reminds me of Drakulia :)

  • @keithcalvosa5894
    @keithcalvosa58942 жыл бұрын

    The in-between Italian and Greek with Slavic influence I can understand some romanian coming from a Puerto Rican it's beautiful I felt like with 5 yrs I could speak it fluently within a year I could read a lot it's the Slavic I would have to learn da

  • @anka6356


    3 ай бұрын

    It's a romance language, close to vulgar latin. There are Turkish influences too, since we're talking about it.

  • @66di1
    @66di110 жыл бұрын


  • @durasdual7467
    @durasdual74674 жыл бұрын

    Dacians (Romanians) and Thracian ( Bulgarian ) , is the first people to build the civilization of Europe! Vatican historians have discovered in ancient manuscripts that the Dacian language is the first Latin language. Thraco-Dacians the only empire that did not have and did not use slaves! The Dacians, the fairest and bravest people in the world, as they were named by Herodotus!

  • @eldacio6305


    4 жыл бұрын

    Nu confunda termenii. 🙂 E adevărat că la sudul Dunării acel teritoriu se numea Tracia dar Tracii trăiau peste în Estul Europei și nu numai. Din Asia Mică până în Cehia de azi. Dacii la rândul lor tot Traci erau. Deci să spui că noi suntem Daci iar ceilalți Traci e ca și cum am spune că Muntenii nu sunt tot una cu Românii. Pe zone mici aveau nume diferite ca și în ziua de azi (munteni, olteni, bănățeni) dar cu toții erau Traci. Vorbeau aceași limbă, aceleași tradiții, aceași religie. În Moldova de exemplu nici nu trăiau Daci, ci Tracii Carpi. (De aici și numele Munților Carpați). Dacii erau Tracii Bănățeni. Dacă ne uităm și la numele capitalei lor vom observa că conține numele a două triburi: "Sarmi" (sarmați) și "Getuza" (Geți). Dacii s-au făcut cunoscuți la contactul cu Romanii, până atunci se vorbea mai mult de Geți. (Ei fiind cei mai viteji dintre Traci).

  • @mkelkar1


    4 жыл бұрын

    Thraco Phrygians are the Bhrugu's of the Rig Veda. Dacians are the Dasa of the Rig Veda and Dahae of the Avesta. English is an Indo European language of the West Germanic branch. English milk, Tocharian malke, Latin mulgeo, Old Irish melg, Greek amelgo, Russian moloko and so forth. Linguistic, textual, genetic and archaeological evidence for the Out of India Theory of Indo European Languages Baghpat Chariots, Weapons and the Horse in the Harappan Civilization - Dr. BK Manjul Findings from the latest genetic study conducted by ASI in collaboration with the Reich Lab at Harvard using ancient DNA from Rakhigarhi slides at 29:00 mark Here are the tribes that spread the Indo European languages from South Asia to West Asia, Central Asia and to Europe Avestan) Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Sairima (Śimyu), Dahi (Dāsa). NE Afghanistan: Proto-Iranian: Nuristani/Piśācin (Viṣāṇin). Pakhtoonistan (NW Pakistan), South Afghanistan: Iranian: Pakhtoon/Pashtu (Paktha). Baluchistan (SW Pakistan), SE Iran: Iranian: Bolan/Baluchi (Bhalāna). NE Iran: Iranian: Parthian/Parthava (Pṛthu/Pārthava). SW Iran: Iranian: Parsua/Persian (Parśu/Parśava). NW Iran: Iranian: Madai/Mede (Madra). Uzbekistan: Iranian: Khiva/Khwarezmian (Śiva). W. Turkmenistan: Iranian: Dahae (Dāsa). Ukraine, S, Russia: Iranian: Alan (Alina), Sarmatian (Śimyu). Turkey: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Phryge/Phrygian (Bhṛgu). Romania, Bulgaria: Thraco-Phrygian/Armenian: Dacian (Dāsa). Greece: Greek: Hellene (Alina). Albania: Albanian: Sirmio (Śimyu). Shrikant Gangadhar Talageri Five waves of Indo-European expansion: a preliminary model (2018) Igor A Tonoyan-Belyayev I. Tonoyan-Belyayev

  • @wankawanka3053


    Жыл бұрын

    Minoans had them beat

  • @AlexElGuapo23
    @AlexElGuapo23 Жыл бұрын

    Bulgarians and Romanians are descendents of the thracians, there is no doubt about it. The actual history is very manipulated, especially that of the Bulgarians. The genetic research proves it. Bulgarians and Romanians are the same people. Wallachia and the Moldavian voivodeships had a Bulgarian character. Some of the Bulgarian kings were titled "king of Bulgarians and Vlachs". Until now, most Romanian surnames are from Bulgarian origin. They do not make sense in the Latin modern Romanian language, but they are the same as the Bulgarian names, without the suffix "ov", "ski", "ich" (Vasile, Mirchovici, Bogdan, Choban, Paraskiv, Todor, Angel, Kalin, Tanase, Mirchea, Sabin, Ivan, Andrey, Konstantin, Stoica, Stefan, Nikolae, Stoyan, Trayan, etc.). If we talk about the Bulgarian words in Romanian, even after the Latinization of their language, they are sufficient in number (15%). A simple example: "yes" is the same in both languages ​​and has no equivalent in the Latin languages. When Romania was created in 1861 Latin vocabulary is only 20%.. Others equal words - "supa", "masa", "vreme", "priqtel", "vina", "grija", "chorba", "trendafil", "haide", "trebe", "salata", "stoy", "pijama", "maslina", "prost", etc.

  • @Kanasubigi896


    19 күн бұрын

    Yeah before the relatinisation old Romanian was 35% Bulgarian. I can understand a fair bit of it but not completely

  • @TodorVankov
    @TodorVankov7 жыл бұрын

    great movie :) respect ! :)

  • @user-yc7sv5yy1u
    @user-yc7sv5yy1u4 жыл бұрын

    Фракийцы всех стран , объединяйтесь ! Thracians of all countries, unite !

  • @denim1man
    @denim1man9 жыл бұрын

    Good video

  • @timeisapathwalkingtounderstand
    @timeisapathwalkingtounderstand6 жыл бұрын

    Mulțumesc foarte mult

  • @qapmax1
    @qapmax16 жыл бұрын

    Thank you for document in English. I was watching your another you tube movies in Romanian. I didn’t understood much but I felt that Decebal story is important to whole today historical Europe ass for Scytho-Sarmatians, Celts, Slavs, Hellens, Slavo-Germanic, Slavo-Bulgarians, Croats, Serbs, Macedon not to mention DRaCo-Tracians from Transylvania sorry Daco-Tracians, Valachians and Natolians to understand the past and go ASs brothers in the future in peace, ASs OUR FOREFATHERS DID once. SLAVA and Hvala from Sarmatian in Uplandia.

  • @annaalex277
    @annaalex2778 жыл бұрын

    I invite you to join the group on Facebook called "The Thracian's descendants". Please join and feel free to share your historical research, cultures and customs. This is our place where we can once again be a one people as we used to be in the past.

  • @jameshartsfield8585
    @jameshartsfield85855 жыл бұрын


  • @phx33herm64
    @phx33herm648 ай бұрын

    You have provided the missing link. Thank you.

  • @deanmorgan5051
    @deanmorgan50513 жыл бұрын

    Great to see more of this amazing history 'unearthed', discussed, debated and hopefully - one day - filtered and digested properly into that wonderful regions' heritage. Do be aware of political skulduggery, it would be grand if these treasures were protected from the collectors and treasure hunters, recorded authentically, managed well and preserved for future generations. Thanks for sharing this documentary, although the subtitles and narration are waaaay too fast to digest on the first viewing. "Those mountain wolves", viva the Bessi....

  • @magemaatikko
    @magemaatikko10 жыл бұрын

    Very good and in-depth documentary. Thank You!

  • @milkomanolov4727
    @milkomanolov47279 жыл бұрын

    Благодаря на северните съседи за видеото,което за пореден път доказва,че ние българите сме най преките наследници на траките.

  • @podzemo


    9 жыл бұрын

    ti si naslednik na Tatarite lol

  • @patriotkk9898


    9 жыл бұрын

    Gogo Belopavelic Ебахме Сърбия и винаги ще я ебеме, във всички войни! Разбити сте! А татари сте вие, има монголи като Йелена Янкович во Србия!

  • @podzemo


    9 жыл бұрын

    Slavic Kk hahha jeste jelena jankovic je bulgarka

  • @patriotkk9898


    9 жыл бұрын

    Da, da, da ;) Bulgarki sa prelepi kao Tsvetana Pironkova (trakijka) i Sesil Karatancheva (slovenka) i Magdalena Maleeva ;) Takvi 'bulgarki' kao Jelena mi nemamo ;)

  • @patriotkk9898


    9 жыл бұрын

    tatari vo Bulgaria nema. ili ima okolo 5000 vo oblast Shumen od 7.5 miliona naselenie. Ako beha jedno isto nemashe da se vikat 'tatari', a direktno Bulgari. ;) dori vo Rusija tatarite i volskite bulgari ne sa jedno i isto. A kakvi traki diris u Srbija bre kopuk? Trakija e izcelo BUGARSKA zemlja.

  • @MrSwatbg
    @MrSwatbg9 жыл бұрын

    Europe's history should be re-written, no doubt about that! Should be clear things such as: 1. Bulgarians are one of the main descendants of the people called by OTHERS "Thracians". I suspect Romanians as well. Our ancestors have NEVER called themselves this way. But Moesians, Dacians, Tribalis, Getaes and many, many more. 2. "Slav/Slavic" is POLITICAL and thankfully to the Bulgarians - cultural and linguistic term. Slav/Slavic is not ETHNIC term. 3.Bulgarians DON'T speak "Slavic" language (in the sense which is boosted for ages), but the "Slavic" languages are product of the Bulgarian cultural influence. In the development of the so called "Slavic" languages the Old-Bulgarian language (also called "Church-Slavonic") was main factor. Fact that even the Russians don't deny. The Old-Bulgarian was, and still is the "Latin" of the East. 3.Bulgarians have never left the Balkans since they're a native people in the region. Their so called "arrival" is one of the cheapest lies that cannot be supported by ANY old historic source (chronicles). Not a single one. But there are countless that prove the opposite - we've always been here. 4. There are NOT separated ethnic groups such as "Bulgarians, Bulgars, Slavs, Thracians". Yes, there are not.

  • @MrSwatbg


    9 жыл бұрын

    bubibuLo13 Can you prove these bulshits? No, you can't. Nobody can't. Nobody did, and nobody won't. Empty statements, which, actually are already proven to be bulshit. All best :)

  • @MrSwatbg


    9 жыл бұрын

    bubibuLo13 The bulshits you think you can "prove" are already proven to be nothing else but bulshits and poor essays. Good luck with that!

  • @Georgiew1


    9 жыл бұрын

    ***** Serbs are the most ancient people, it was proven they have the oldest DNA

  • @MrSwatbg


    9 жыл бұрын

    Georgiew1 It wasn't proven anything like that.

  • @Georgiew1


    9 жыл бұрын

    ***** Yes it was, do your research