The strong relationship between Pope Pius XII & the United States of America

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Join us as we delve into the Vatican Archives to uncover the transformative leadership of Pope Pius XII and his diplomatic relations with the United States. Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, as he was known at the time, visited the United States in 1936, becoming the highest-level Vatican official to do so. His warm and collaborative relationship with four sitting U.S. presidents set the stage for closer ties between the two superpowers.
We spoke with Professor Fr. Roberto Regoli, a historian of Church History at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, to gain insight into the diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the United States. He sheds light on why it took so long for official relations to be established in the 20th century and how Pope Pius XII played a crucial role in bringing the two great powers closer together.
Learn about Pope Pius XII's accomplishments during World War II, including his humanitarian diplomacy to aid prisoners and his efforts to help German groups who opposed Hitler. Fr. Regoli explains how the pope's firm stand during the war was important as it favored certain political stances that were helping Catholicism and defending religious interests.
Discover the key to Pope Pius XII's relationship with the US - his close friendship with Cardinal Francis Spellman, who was instrumental in mediating the pope's relations with American presidents and top levels of American politics.
Join us in exploring the history of the diplomatic relations between the United States and the Holy See, and gain a deeper understanding of the role Pope Pius XII played in shaping the Vatican's policy towards America.
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