The Psychological Drivers of the Metacrisis: Vervaeke, McGilchrist & Schmachtenberger - Trailer

This trailer is for "The Psychological Drivers of the Metacrisis," a conversation between Iain McGilchrist, John Vervaeke and Daniel Schmachtenberger, recorded at Merton College, Oxford, in September 2023. With no planned objective or agenda, the discussion sought to outline the cognitive and spiritual components of the metacrisis. The metacrisis is the total ecosystem of all global crises and the common underlying dynamics that generate catastrophic and existential risks.
The conversation can be watched in its entirety here: • The Psychological Driv...
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  • @tetonjuggler1179
    @tetonjuggler11795 ай бұрын

    It’s like… how do I say this. The man on the left… wrote a book that is designed to break one through the labyrinth of the left hemisphere. It was his magnus opus. “If I can just finish my book before I die I will be satisfied” are words I’ve heard him repeat.. So we are sitting here in this room with them… coming to the realization that something dramatic has to happen to consciousness to get a direct experience of meaning and value to occur… but this “something” that has to happen is a huge process… one that, if you are at all educated on Jung, is dangerous and has no guard rails. “We need to rediscover our souls” says Iain. We need to “be shaken” into caring. Into seeing something beyond ourselves that also connects us to everything… So he wrote a book to do just that. He wrote with his guiding daemon, his genius, creating a map that he believes can slowly initiate one into the reality of the soul. A map designed to slowly bend the left hemisphere’s knee to the master. A map to shake one into their soul. And he points to Jung. He points, in riddle, to the “Red Book”. He points to the image of Christ. He points, again in riddle, to the dark riddles of Christ. “Get shaken, find your soul”. So…. To see him here… talking with these boys about what “we ought to do”… is frustrating and surface level. Having John repeat back to him all these concepts that he used in his masterpiece as chapter titles… that he used to break one of the left hem madness… it’s just not enough. It’s dry.. if you have read the book throughout… That’s why I want a mcgilchrist-Daniel talk. Cause Daniel has some parts to play in merging this “find your soul” wisdom with the tech of the age. But he can’t actually GET IN THERE, until he reads the second series. Until he reads “sense of the sacred”. Then we are going to have a talk to get us somewhere. And CHOP CHOP Daniel!!!!! Cause time is of the essence!!!!!

  • @tetonjuggler1179


    5 ай бұрын

    And this little thread I’ve presented… how does it not relate to a organization or group that can wield the power of AI with wisdom? I’m sorry but when we are speaking about Jung and restoring the soul, we are deep in Christianity. Jung was out on a mission to “fix Protestant Christianity by returning its gaze to the symbols”. So we are deep in the church powers… powers that have been dominating us for how long? How? How do we have a legit discussion about what you guys are talking about if we don’t go here. We cannot. And hence I am unsatisfied with the surface level dabble. It’s a tease. So get Harris and Peterson in there, cut out John, lock the bloody doors, and GET IN THERE. Don’t open them until Harris is calling out in a shaken desperation for Jesus.

  • @HakWilliams


    4 ай бұрын

    You presume a solution exists. It may or may not.

  • @tetonjuggler1179
    @tetonjuggler11795 ай бұрын

    Yes well it’s amazing that mcgilchrist was so humble during this. Because for 45 minutes after he dropped the “co creation with god” he had to listen to John repeat to him the chapters of his second series. One after another… revealing that neither of these two amazing thinkers spent the time to read his biggest masterpiece… Would love to hear Daniel and Iain alone, discussing the final chapter of mcgilchrists new series. Daniel brings an awareness of the tech that I believe will push mcgilchrist into new spaces of that chapter.

  • @kirkha100


    4 ай бұрын

    I find your two comments here alternately stimulating and troubling. Especially, if I’ve grasped what you’ve said at all, the conflation of Christianity and Jungian psychology. I’ve found Jung provides a very useful template for organizing consciousness for growth, exploration, and healing(?), although by healing I mean a reestablishment of balance through the recognition of traumatic suffering and the ultimate acceptance of the gifts and such wisdom as suffering may bestow. While I concede that core premises in Christianity, such as expressed in the Beatitudes, specific statements and aphorisms attributed to the mythic figure of “Jesus” are admirable and should be emulated….they are not exclusive to Christianity and are in fact pretty universal to human beings from all backgrounds. Sure, in this context, I do have an axe to grind. After a childhood in Christianity, church attendance, association with a variety of Christians, I am recovering from the harm that been done. You have convinced me to explore Mcgilchrist more deeply, and I thank you for that. As an artist, I’m very familiar with the bicamerality of the brain, starting many years ago with Betty Edwards book, Drawing with the Righthand Side of the Brain. I’ve also found Jung’s practice of “Active Imagination” useful. All this is in reaction to a growing perception that we are in a civilizational struggle, a polycrisis or what William Catton, William Rees, and others call “Overshoot”. New narratives, perspectives are desperately needed…..or we shall prove Fermi’s Paradox.

  • @tetonjuggler1179


    4 ай бұрын

    @@kirkha100 the bibliography of Jung written by Bair reveals a lot about his relationship with the Protestant and Catholic Church. Including statements that Jung went through sexual harassment while under the care of priests as a child. His father was a pastor. I believe in his book “memories dreams and reflections” he talks about how the real fascinating part of the Bible (the symbols) was always dismissed by his elders. Claiming that they actually had no clue what it was about themselves. Symbols such as the trinity. He wrote a book during his big years with Freud, “symbols of transformation”, in which he reduced and categorized all the symbols he could find from humanities recent past. But it’s claimed by Sonu Shamdasani that the symbols were actually working upon him, pulling him to soul, while he was to deduce it all to Freud’s theory. This “stewing of the images”, coupled with more context that I cannot type out, and his big divorce with Freud, led to him experiencing a breaking point and the symbols coming to life. Or AKA “active imagination”, as he later called it. But it was thrust upon him, and he connects the thrust to the onset of the world war and the collective consciousness, because the visions told him of “what was to come”. He had to bear the weight of “the spirit of the depths”. This was all mapped out in his “prima materia” known as the red book. Which is all about Jung’s journey into the shadows of his Christian trauma. The journey into his “imitation of Christ”. Which he claims was the core visions that led to all of his psychological mapping that he brought to society. I claim mcgilchrist knows this all very well. That he is quite indeed fond of Mr. Jung, and that he furthered “the work” by bridging neuroscience with the hermetic thread of our Christian past. He does point, in detail, as you did, to how this wisdom can map over to other cultures. But if I’m not mistaken, in his concluding chapters, he says that we cannot abandon our 2,000 year old tradition and it’s symbols. Even in our post modern trauma of such religion. I listened to Rees talk about “point break” and I’m with his thinking. I also worked in the oil fields and have tasted the way those people perceive reality. So real life context. And you know… I like Rees but I sense a touch of sourness and a lack of a solution to the crisis that’s grounded in our humanities. Which mcgilchrist provides… and he does so with the respect and precision of a true Mage.

  • @tetonjuggler1179


    4 ай бұрын

    @@kirkha100 this is all connected to Daniel in a big way cause of the tech and his whole picture view of it…. The military is not hiding the fact that they are watching us. Across platforms. And not in the normal data points that typical marketing specializes in but instead focusing on “values, morals, and world views”. They are openly saying this because we are actively in a “disinformation war” that is ever escalating. Daniel has talked about this in depth in podcasts from rebel wisdom. Like Daniel has said, even if a large group of the organizations involved see ethical issues in certain tools being developed, the organization has to keep pushing and using the tools because if they don’t, someone else will. Like china… and Daniel isn’t just saying this but DARPA themselves. So we live in an age of narrative warfare, a war that is being super sped beyond imagination with these new AI systems. So I bring this up because your saying in your reply that we must find a new narrative.. yes well we have huge groups of human beings (and multimodal AI’s) that are at war on the very subject. Not only analyzing us as a populace but also now probing into the mind by focusing the market on eye monitoring. I type this just a few weeks out from apple vision pro headset. Talk about the most invasive data an organization can receive about your narrative… your myth… the fucking eyes man. And so in this video… we have Daniel (who sees more of the tech race then me) sitting next to the brain wizard who resembles and honorably upholds our mystical, alchemical, christian thread. Our connection to the real weight… and he points to the red book aka THE LAMENT OF THE DEAD. A real narrative. One that speaks with a voice that is rooted in what we are. A tree with its roots in the ground. Yeah and this convo was like void of this entire weight I speak of. Having John point his finger and spew out the chapter titles of our white wizard. You see me?

  • @kirkha100


    4 ай бұрын

    @@tetonjuggler1179 wow. A lot to digest here, and I will explore it, gladly. Thank you.

  • @RobMcGrath0
    @RobMcGrath04 ай бұрын

    Give a man a fish you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish you feed him for a life time. Give a man a fishery business you relieve his personal burden to catch fish, Give a man a fishing corporation you relieve his personal responsibility when the fish run out.

  • @HakWilliams
    @HakWilliams4 ай бұрын

    These ideas probably need the approval of the Koch bros.

  • @marrowfreeze
    @marrowfreeze5 ай бұрын

    “Humans have been a mixed bag from an ethical perspective.” Bro woke up and chose violence! What a hot take!

  • @cameronidk2
    @cameronidk25 ай бұрын

    Schmechenberger is a very deep thinker on top of highly intelligent ..and respect him and many of his theory's. I don't believe slaves believed that their fate was necessarily evil. Their are humans today that question the very fact of purchasing a house to be a immoral thing of society .. we should be providing them or every one with a basic home .. with electricity and piping and a toilet .. as a matter of societal harmony and a morally right ethic. Explain that to someone in 1880 or 1600 would be laughable .. further since were playing in fantasy world .. lets ask the 98% of species that have already genie extinct long before man how they'd feel if they hadn't gone excitant ..about man's stewardship. Thinking there would be consensus about humans is more of a fantasy then dreaming we could time travel and go ask them. Your making a double fantasy hypothesis .. if we could timer travel and speak with animals .. than they all would have a similar view to your own view .. what insight could such a fantastical mental experiment really Garner? "

  • @161157gor
    @161157gor5 ай бұрын

    Beards, Brains & Blather...

  • @A3Kr0n
    @A3Kr0n5 ай бұрын

    Intellectuals exchanging word salad recipes without ever putting on an apron and doing the work.
