The Pattern For Giving

While tithing was established as the basic pattern of giving in the Old Testament, the New Testament neither legislates nor dismisses the tithe. Pulling from the whole Bible’s wisdom, Alistair Begg explains how the grace of giving supersedes the particular percentage of a tithe. The Bible’s guidelines encourage Christians to practice a personal pattern of regular and proportionate giving based on God’s ownership of all we have. Beginning with the local church and expanding outward, our sacrificial gifts will honor God.

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  • @chrisby777
    @chrisby777 Жыл бұрын

    Why does the church continue to ask for the tithe? I have been at loggerheads about this subject for years but still we get week after week “Don’t forget to tithe” even though there is no mention of that word in the New Testament to Christians. Please don’t think I’m against giving, I am not! It just gets my dander up every time I hear it from the pastors! Just preach the truth like this pastor just did! Thank you Pastor Begg for confirming what I believe.