The Novi Sad Raid (1942) - Hungarian Massacre in Serbia during World War II

The 1942 Novi Sad Raid, also known as the Novi Sad Massacre or the Újvidék massacre, was a tragic event that took place during World War II in the city of Novi Sad (Újvidék), located in present-day Serbia. The massacre was carried out by the Hungarian army, which was an ally of Nazi Germany at the time. Novi Sad was under Hungarian occupation as a result of the Axis powers' invasion and dismemberment of Yugoslavia in April 1941. The city had a significant population of ethnic Serbs, Jews, and other non-Hungarian groups. The Hungarian authorities implemented a policy of ethnic persecution and repression, targeting primarily the Serb and Jewish populations. On January 21, 1942, Hungarian forces, led by Lieutenant Colonel László Szabó, launched a brutal raid on Novi Sad. The raid was a response to the increasing anti-Hungarian sentiment and resistance activities in the region. During the raid, Hungarian troops carried out mass arrests, looting, and widespread acts of violence against the civilian population. Many victims were taken to the banks of the Danube River, where they were shot and thrown into the icy waters. The exact number of victims is disputed, but estimates range from several thousand to over 4,000 people.
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- Hungary in World War II. Caught in the Cauldron (Deborah S. Cornelius).
- Balkan Gen-cides (Paul Mojzes).
- Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two ( Sabrina P. Ramet) Vojvodina under Hungarian Rule (Krisztián Ungváry).
- Joining Hitler's Crusade. European Nations and the Invasion of the Soviet Union, 1941 (David Stahel) Hungary (Ignác Romsic).
- The Royal Hungarian Army [Men-at-Arms 449] (Nigel Thomas & László Pál Szábó).
- War and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1941-1945. Occupation and Collaboration (Jozo Tomasevich).
- (02-07-2023).
Images from
"Crusade" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
"Dark Times" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
"Devastation and Revenge" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Пікірлер: 704

  • @HistoryHustle
    @HistoryHustle5 ай бұрын

    The Hungarian invasion of parts of Yugoslavia:

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

  • @rankoorovic7904


    5 ай бұрын

    Why are you deleting comments where i am just stating facts and giving the source for it

  • @marcoskehl


    5 ай бұрын

    ✅ 👍

  • @bb3683


    5 ай бұрын

    Half of the people killed were hungarians, but sure have your propaganda.

  • @r.j.lombardi111


    5 ай бұрын

    You are actualy nearby... Cool. If you visit Esseg/Osijek, that's the town where I'm studying at the local uni.

  • @Boti-vr5hv
    @Boti-vr5hv5 ай бұрын

    As a Hungarian, Im really sorry for the Serbs, as I know, our leaders didnt wanted this to happen, but the soldiers did it



    5 ай бұрын

    Vojvodina,Beograd and Novi Sad are Hungary territories 🇭🇺 Albanian territory extend to the city of Njësh(Nish) today. 🇦🇱

  • @Tom-uk2ow


    5 ай бұрын

    Ask Serbs about Chetniks and their crimes....

  • @Boti-vr5hv


    5 ай бұрын

    @@Tom-uk2ow They comitted crimes too, I know

  • @Tom-uk2ow


    5 ай бұрын

    @@Boti-vr5hv In war all sides commited crimes,nothing new..Only matter whos propaganda is bigger..

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    Serbs do not blame Hungarians. There are always some crazy outlaws. Communists were cruel too, mostly with Serbs, not all just a crazy bunch(Udba, etc.)

  • @djolekoraja
    @djolekoraja5 ай бұрын

    Hvala brate!!! Bitno je samo da ja kao pravi Novosadjanin a keva mi je Madjarica posle svega, posebno sada zivimo opusteno. A bilo je mnogo,mnogo slucajeva kada su se Srbi i Madjari pomagali i skrivali jedni druge.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for your response.

  • @gloopdogg1145


    5 ай бұрын

    A bilo je i slucajeva gde su Madjaru i Austrijanci pobili sve musko od moje Babe u Banatu ili petoro rodjene brace od zene koja je podigla moga pokojnog Oca u Slavonskoj Pozegi jer nije ostao niko ziv iz krvnog srodsrva...

  • @user-hy7ig7wv2o


    4 ай бұрын

    И теби је овај геноцид над српским народом нешто без везе, а гаде?!

  • @ilijaborjanovic383


    3 ай бұрын


  • @user-wj5yz2pw5t
    @user-wj5yz2pw5t5 ай бұрын

    Although the past of Serbs and Hungarians has often been extremely hostile throughout the long past, we should encourage bright moments as well. Because of the Hungarian attack on Yugoslavia, the Hungarian Prime Minister Pal Teleki committed suicide, who first signed the aforementioned agreement on eternal friendship. Ordinary Hungarians, neighbors of Serbs, opposed the killing of Serbs and defended them, which is why they often ended up as victims themselves.

  • @radmilaavlijas2222


    5 ай бұрын

    Hungarians are our brothers, we have been coexisting and mixing since early history. I love Hungarian culture and contribution to European culture and to Serbian culture too. Great people!

  • @vondobrogi8196


    5 ай бұрын

    Közismert hogy magyar hadsereg nem bántotta a helyi lakososat. Csak azokat szedték elő akik átjöttek a határon és partizán tevékenységet végeztek, és gyilkolták a magyarokat. Arról nem is beszélve hogy az első világháború után a magyar területeket a Jugoslavia nevű állam kapta meg a nagyhatalmaktól. Azonban Horvátország kiválásával abban a történel pillanatban Jugoszlávia de facto megszűnt létezni. Úgyhogy rabolt területekért folytatott partizánharc jogi alapja rendkívül kérdéses. Ami viszont nem kérdéses , az hogy a ma Vojvodinának nevezett terület több mint 1000 évig a magyar királyság részét képezte. Ez magyar királyság fogadta be a menekülő szerbeket a török elleni csatavesztések után. Szépen megköszönik a szerbek ezt a segítség nyújtást és védelem biztosítását. Elsősorban embernek kellett volna maradniuk a szerbeknek, de ez sok alakalommal nem sikerült. Prim Miniszter Pál Teleki nevét meg nem is érdemes emlegetni. a mai napig nem tisztázott hogy miért lett öngyilkos. Ennek a személynek köze sincs a magyarsághoz, legfeljebb annyi hogy magyar az útlevele. Egyébként a magyarok megveszekedett ellensége volt. Nemzetisége nem magyar. Ő ahhoz a nemzetiséghez tartozik, mely a mai napig elnyomás alatt tartja a magyar nemzetiséget még a mai országhatáron belül is. El kellene gondolkozni, hogy a magyaroknak miért nincsenek problémái a horvátokkal, szlovénekkel vagy a lengyelekkel? Pedig hát ők is szlávok, de mégis jól kijönnek a magyarokkal és a mentalitás is nagyon hasonló. Azért mert a magyarokkal lehet békességben együtt élni. Nagy múltú békés nép. Talán ezt kellene megtanulniuk a szerbeknek is és nem bedőlni minden felülről vezérelt uszításnak melyeket tények helyett érzelmi alapokon követnek el. Mint például ennek a videófilmnek...

  • @ExRhodesian


    3 ай бұрын

    He killed himself before the attack 3 days before I believe.

  • @user-zx5yd4cf3y


    3 ай бұрын

    Imagine that act of honor nowdays. Such a thing now doesnt exists.

  • @vondobrogi8196


    3 ай бұрын

    Eléggé értelmezhetetlen amit írsz. a kommunista propaganda úgy próbálta beállítani Teleki halálát mintha ő azért lett volna öngyilkos mert akkora igazságtalanság lett volna a magyar beavatkozás hogy ezt nem tudta elviselni. Mint már írtam, amikor a magyar beavatkozás megtörtén akkor már Jugoszlávia nem létezett. Addigra Horvátország már kivált Jugoszláviának nevezett szörnyszülöttből. A nagyhatalmak által egy kreált államnak juttatott magyar területek visszavételééről volt szó. Konkrétan a Vajdaságról van szó, ami soha nem tartozott Szerbiához. És ez még akkor is így van ha sok szerb lakott azon a területen, akiknek az ősei a török háborúk miatt menekültek Magyarországra még a középkorban. Egyébként is Teleki még nem is magyar volt. Igazi nemzetiségét a cenzúra amiatt nem írom le. Halálának oka ismeretlen, de nyilván összefüggés lehet a szabadköműves háttérrel, amihez Ő maga is tartozott. Nincs még ez a történelmi háttér nyilvánosan feltárva. Nagy itt a homály. Most léptén nyomon a nagy szerb magyar barátságról beszélnek a magyar rádióadókon de ez csak az európai uniós csatlakozás miatt teszik. A valódi megbékéléséhez szükség volna a háború végén meggyilkolt 50.000 - 100.000 magyar halálának jóvátételére, az elkobzott javak visszaszolgáltatására és az elvezett életekért való kártérítésére. Ez azonban még nem történt meg, és semmi jel sem mutat arra hogy meg akarnák tenni. Ahogy én tudom sok más nemzetiséget is brutálisan legyilkolt ez a Jugoszlávia nevű terror állam. Többek között a valódi barátaink közül a horvátok közül is. Senki se sajnálja Jugoszláviát. ez is csak egy szabadköműves projekt volt, ugyanúgy mint a jelenlegi helyzet fenntartása.

  • @zokzok5038
    @zokzok50385 ай бұрын

    Hungarians are our neighbors. I listen to some bands: Omega, Locomotiv GT, Hobo Blues Band. Best regards from Belgrade 🤝🍻

  • @arsimdrmaku4626


    5 ай бұрын

    Mađari su 100% Turci ,od vreme Atille

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@arsimdrmaku4626albanian bot?

  • @user-wv8oq3zx2t


    5 ай бұрын

    @@arsimdrmaku4626 Close your mouth, it's full of 💩!

  • @myguitarjoe


    5 ай бұрын

    All my favorite bands.Srebrna krela byla moja grupa.

  • @samoborbeno3121


    5 ай бұрын

    @@Forevertrue-z2w Who, da hell, are You??? Get the fuck outta here!

  • @attilaok3708
    @attilaok37085 ай бұрын

    My great grandfather, Molnár Andor was a mayor in the village of Kabol (Kovij) near Újvidék (Novi Sad) , he saved of lives of 300 Serbs and assured the authorities, that they are not partisans. Despite this he was brutally killed when partisans took over. My family had to flee, and left everything behind. A mill, buses, boats, wood factory, hundreds of animals and houses...everything my great grandfather have created with hard work. My great grandmother and her two my grandmother lived in poverty for many years. They grieved their father heavily till the end of their lives, but not once they said anything bad on Serbian people...

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Incredible sad story. Thanks for sharing.

  • @Rocky-gk5ce


    4 ай бұрын

    As a Serb i can say that Hungarians from Vojvodina are mostly great people, Glory to your grandpa. Partisans were war criminals they didn't took your grandpa's ownings because he was war time mayor but rather because he was rich it's not the case only in Vojvodina but in whole Yugoslavia they ussually accused the rich ones for collaboration even tho a lot of rich People back then were philantrophists and saved a lot of lives there are tons of examples. Communists does not care about human lifes at all but rather about money and pover. True and only legitimate Yugoslav army in ww2 were Chetniks. Serbian state started multiple law actions since 2010s to give back possesions which was confiscated durring ww2 and many victims of communist terror got rehabilitation. Also there were many court actions where State gave back land to the right owner but im not sure if you could get anything since God knows who runs it or has it now.

  • @attilaok3708


    4 ай бұрын

    @@Rocky-gk5ce I went back to the village with my Grandma in 1994. That was the first time she went back since 1944. People in the village told her, that 3 people were involved in the murder. All of them were employed by my great grandfather. Typical greed, envy! Nothing to do with Serbian people, which I always admired for their heroism and faith. Those 3 persons were excommunicated by the villagers, and all of them had terrific death. Two committed suicide, and one became insane: Perfect God's punishment! We started a process with a lawyer in Novi Sad, but then my Grandmother died, and don't know what happened after...

  • @MilanNedicSerbia


    4 ай бұрын

    @@attilaok3708 The Communists treated wealthy Serbs in the same way. For example, my great grandfather Sava (Serb from Srem) materially helped and hid the partisans on his property throughout the war, but after the war they shot him and his son Petar (my grandfather's uncle) and took away all their property because they were "kulaks". Among the partisans that my grandfather hid was the famous Stanko Paunovic Veljko (declared a national hero after the war), but that meant nothing to the communists.

  • @danebajrovic8021
    @danebajrovic80215 ай бұрын

    The moast tragic part of this is the fact thath many more of this crimes were made all over axis occupied Yugoslavia, but we just don't know yet

  • @TeddyBelcher4kultrawide


    5 ай бұрын


  • @rusaa5293


    5 ай бұрын

    True, literally everyone massacred everyone… I am really curious to see the diversity of what the ancestors of each did during the war

  • @dzonikg28


    5 ай бұрын

    My grandmother father and here brother 17 years was killed by Germans here in Kragujevac, in fact whole secondary school that I went 50 years later was taken and shoot by Germans along with teachers

  • @sokolgranicar99


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@rusaa5293ne bih se složio 🧐🦅🤚

  • @letecitoster3469


    5 ай бұрын

    @@sokolgranicar99 sta se ne bi slozio?

  • @memetkasupovic4321
    @memetkasupovic43215 ай бұрын

    Great historical lesson. However, as a Yugo Gypsy I have to tell that Serbs don't hate Hungarians because of that dark chapter even they grieve and commemorate event. It was episode and not genocide as Croatian Ustashas did, too brutal to mention the way of killing. Say NO to any war! 🕊️

  • @TheMCMLXX


    5 ай бұрын

    Bravo Kralju !!!

  • @scientifically5812


    4 ай бұрын

    Oh , they only put Serbian people, mostly women and children under the frozen Danube river....

  • @philsidock
    @philsidock5 ай бұрын

    I visited Novi Sad in 2023, and the tour guide discussed this raid thoroughly. A tragedy indeed, and thank you for providing more details on this event. 🕊

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching!

  • @kylepracz
    @kylepracz5 ай бұрын

    My family was forced out of Slovakia following Trianon, from my understanding we lost our ancestral home and several members of the family in the violence that followed. That being said, reprisals are unacceptable, you cannot justify murder as a response to murder.

  • @karlheinzvonkroemann2217


    5 ай бұрын

    What was the Allied firebombing of 71 German cities?

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@karlheinzvonkroemann2217The Allies bombed Belgrade and Nish immediately after the war. Many civilians died.

  • @karlheinzvonkroemann2217


    5 ай бұрын

    @@Forevertrue-z2w Not surprised, they bombed Switzerland too.

  • @kylepracz


    5 ай бұрын

    @@karlheinzvonkroemann2217 also dude, I didn't do that? I don't support targeting civilians, even when they're working in factories that produce munitions that will be used on our soldiers. If you wanna target infrastructure, sure, fine, but bombing schools, hospitals, firebombing civilian targets like Tokyo or Dresden, Stalingrad, London or Berlin, it's all unacceptable.

  • @radomirratkovic9014


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@karlheinzvonkroemann2217very bad bastardo act

  • @Blitz9H
    @Blitz9H5 ай бұрын

    My favorite history teacher. Thank you for remembering these souls who otherwise may be lost to history. 🙏🏼

  • @mpravica
    @mpravica5 ай бұрын

    Thank you for exposing this massacre which has been scarcely reported in the west. I remember watching a Yugoslav film on the subject some years ago and one of the Hungarian generals or officers mentioned that "this massacre will be remembered by our neighbors for 1000 years (paraphrasing)" as he sought to stop the massacre. He was right. This and many other massacres defines Balkan history as a long list of unresolved grievances, the memory of which makes the Balkans a historical powderkeg. Thank you for seeking to expose the truth which may help in reconciliation.

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

  • @yolbrennan859
    @yolbrennan8595 ай бұрын

    wow I thought Novi Sad was immune from anti-semitism anti-serb 😢😢 thank you Stephan

  • @radmilaavlijas2222
    @radmilaavlijas22225 ай бұрын

    That was WWII, even though that happened, we don’t hold the grudges as there’s many things that have been uniting our two nations throughout history . I never regarded Hungarians to be enemies, as a matter of fact I love Hungarian culture and appreciate the fact that Hungary has been home to Serbs for centuries since medieval times, where Serbs live freely speaking their language and practicing Orthodox faith and culture. To me that speaks volumes about Hungarian people and it’s truly impressive. Bad things happen I know but there is many positives. Long live Hungarian and Serbian coexistence and friendship!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @ilijaspasojevic7031
    @ilijaspasojevic70315 ай бұрын

    My hometown..Thank you @HistoryHustle for this video. Eternal Glory to all martyrs, innocently killed Serbs, Jews, Roma, etc.. during the Novi Sad raid, as this massacre from January 1942 is colloquially called. P.S Even today, Novi Sad is a very multi-ethnic and typically Central European big town/small city, even though we, ethnic Serbs, make up a large majority. For a long time, there has been a consensus in Novi Sad and in Serbia that this crime was committed by Hungarian fascists, people with first and last names, and not by the Hungarian people. Our neighbors, the ethnic Hungarians, and we, the ethnic Serbs, have lived in harmony for a long time. And God grant that it will remain so forever!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for your reply.

  • @ilijaspasojevic7031


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustle You're welcome!

  • @woff1959
    @woff19595 ай бұрын

    Thanks for that. I just thought you made a mistake by saying that the Chief of Staff ordered the Novi Sad 'Razzia'. Brigadier Ferenc Feketehalmi Czeyner disobeyed his orders and carried out the massacres. When the CoS Lieutenant General Ferenc Szombathelyi found out, he ordered the whole thing to be stopped and demanded an explanation. You are right that this remains a stain on the Hungarian Army, all we can do is face the facts and realise that we are no better than the Soviets or Nazis or the British. I am glad you mentioned the first War Crimes Trials to be held during WWII investigating this. The Communist reprisals consisted of their standard massacres, wiping out entire villages, these losses are estimated at 30-45 000. The great irony is Szombathelyi, the man who stopped the murders, was accused by a Hungarian Communist kangaroo court and then handed over to Tito who had him judicially murdered. In 1994, the Hungarian Supreme Court threw out the arbitrary charges and 'rehabilitated' him.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing your insights on this.

  • @woff1959


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustleYou're welcome.

  • @St_just


    5 ай бұрын

    All correct and facts, thanks for sharing this angle of story... Also, as I recall, the hungarian goverment fall after Novi Sad racija massacre...

  • @woff1959


    5 ай бұрын

    @@St_just Almost correct. Prime Minister Pal Teleki committed suicide over Hungary's invasion of Yugoslavia, and this meant a new government had to be formed.

  • @edroskott5651
    @edroskott56515 ай бұрын

    Een ingewikkelde materie helder en duidelijk uitgelegd. Dank je wel Stefan!

  • @bobilaforce8252
    @bobilaforce82525 ай бұрын

    Thank you so much for this video. Confronting the tragic history is the chance for descendants of victims and perpetrators to heal together. It is WRONT to go on with cursing on each other. Open talks about truth is required. Love to our good neighbour Hungary from Serbia!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for replying.

  • @barbateilucianalex1859
    @barbateilucianalex18595 ай бұрын

    Hungarians also made massacres on romanians in Salaj county in some villages in WW2,also after WW1 on the leadership of Bella Kun they attacked Romania to recover Transylvania and romanians repel the attack and occupied Budapest.

  • @valevisa8429


    5 ай бұрын

    Te-ai trezit si tu pacala ?

  • @almeu433


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@valevisa8429 Tu inca dormi Tandala?

  • @xerxen100


    5 ай бұрын

    Lol, when Bela Kun repelled the romanian attack, and counterattacked, it was still Hungary... Romania got those terrytories in 1920, The counterattack was in 1919.

  • @almeu433


    5 ай бұрын

    @@xerxen100 Wrong. It was the Treaty of Trianon and Bella Kohen never repelled any attack. He ran to USSR where later was executed. Romanisn army saved Hungary from bolshevism

  • @xerxen100


    5 ай бұрын

    @@almeu433 Lol. The Romanian army launched an attack first, but it was a huge failure. About the commies, the french gave them several million Frank to seize the power. They are just the spies of the West from the start, you saved nothing.

  • @cornels267
    @cornels2675 ай бұрын

    Thank you History Hustle!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @xvsj-s2x
    @xvsj-s2x5 ай бұрын

    Stefan, very interesting research , as a descendant of Hungarian culture (mother’s side) they immigrated to NYC in the late 30’s. Thank you for sharing ✌🏻🫶🏻

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

    In 1944-45 According to other estimations, the number range of the executed Hungarians in Vojvodina may be between 40,000 and 50,000. Some sources claim that the most probable number of the executed Hungarians in Vojvodina was between 20,000 and 25,000 while others claim that it is about 35,000 (Cseres Tibor gives an exact estimate of 34,491 executed people).

  • @nenadnikolic6142


    5 ай бұрын

    @@papaszem44 A lie to justify crimes like this...ok

  • @johnsamuels4038
    @johnsamuels40385 ай бұрын

    Wow, i read so much about WW2 but never heard about it. Thanks for the video.

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

  • @rursus8354
    @rursus83545 ай бұрын

    Thank you for reminding us!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @lovcenac100
    @lovcenac1005 ай бұрын

    I am from Novi Sad Serbia

  • @timeanagy8495


    5 ай бұрын

    Újvidék. Nobody knows in Hungary what is Novi Sad. I had to search on the net for it. Újvidék means new region.

  • @transnaftatransnafta6826


    5 ай бұрын

    Also Novi Sad, and in latin Neoplanta. Germany Neuestadtt.

  • @ivan.jeremic


    5 ай бұрын

    @@timeanagy8495 But before you named it Újvidék. it was Serbian, Serbians lived there way before Hungary existed.

  • @timeanagy8495


    5 ай бұрын

    @@ivan.jeremic i dont think so. I dont know-how but Hungária reached almost Belgrád and sometimes included Belgrád. Újvidék is much norther. Maybe before Hungária Serbs lived there but later Serbs never lived in Hungária in great number. Their greatest argumentum for the claim for southern Hungária was that their leander once fled to the region... dont forgat that our neighbours falsify history áll the time

  • @neso_003
    @neso_0035 ай бұрын

    Thank you for your research. Nice work!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @csanadbarczy9153
    @csanadbarczy91535 ай бұрын

    So happy all this crap is behind us and we can all work together without prejudice. Separately we are too small to matter but with cooperation we are a mighty bunch.❤

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @istorija4ever
    @istorija4ever5 ай бұрын

    Thank you HistoryHustle!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @boston7704
    @boston77045 ай бұрын

    I remember hearing about this as a kid. I grew up with a few Serbs whose parents talked about it. Not easy to find information in the 1980s.

  • @larrylarue7778
    @larrylarue77785 ай бұрын

    Stephen as always your awesome in your teachings . As so much learning of my adoption and Details found out of my story has brought much peace in so many ways . Yes Serbian & Bosnia history of this families still has uncovered more story’s still happening I wish I can talk to you one day it’s very interesting Larry for oregon

  • @draganjerinic8384
    @draganjerinic83845 ай бұрын

    Ni jedan narod nije pogazio sebe I svoju istoriju, kao Srpski. Niko nam nije kriv. To smo Sami dozvolili, takvi smo. Uz svesrdnu podrsku svojih izdajnika.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @user-lh2ri2hh7d
    @user-lh2ri2hh7d5 ай бұрын

    Odlican video,odlicno objasnjeno.Hvala Vam

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @puneethpalan272
    @puneethpalan2725 ай бұрын

    Awesome info Sir .....never heard about this ....eye opener to see....

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @Forevertrue-z2w
    @Forevertrue-z2w5 ай бұрын

    I hope that all yhose poor innocent souls found their peace🙏

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    Yes, commies killed Germans, Serbs ,Hungarians , innocent civilians. They killed more civilians than Nazis in the whole WWII Serbia@@papaszem44

  • @bozakarlin9034
    @bozakarlin90345 ай бұрын

    Great video, thanks.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching!

  • @Jsmith2024
    @Jsmith20245 ай бұрын

    Thank you. This is interesting.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks Jeff!

  • @tonnywildweasel8138
    @tonnywildweasel81385 ай бұрын

    Although dark, history to be remembered. Thanks 👍 Greets from Grun' 🇳🇱, TW.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Goed weekend TW!

  • @tonnywildweasel8138


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustle : Bedankt. You too 👍

  • @user-zc2iw3uj3m


    5 ай бұрын

    Ha sötét oldalt emlegetsz, akkor beszélj arról is, hogy a magyarokkal hogyan bántak el, például a kommunizmus alatt vagy Trianonban. Vagy éppen beszélhetnél arról is, hogy ti hogyan hódítottátok meg a világot és öltetek meg sok embert a hódítás során.

  • @kawythowy867
    @kawythowy8675 ай бұрын


  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Many thanks for your patronage!

  • @nemanjazivaljevic1656
    @nemanjazivaljevic16565 ай бұрын

    Thank you for being so interested in the history of my country.

  • @jamesdean1143
    @jamesdean11435 ай бұрын

    You have made some great videos about the ex Yugoslavia in WW2 which cover subjects benefiting from your exposure and analysis.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Many thanks for your reply.

  • @CARL_093
    @CARL_0935 ай бұрын

    its so sad this things happen from the past

  • @icecoffee1361
    @icecoffee13615 ай бұрын

    Another dive into little known part of WW2, cheers Stefan

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @bozakarlin9034
    @bozakarlin90345 ай бұрын

    Thanks for posting the scary facts and events.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @stevenbaer5999
    @stevenbaer59995 ай бұрын

    There are many more execution sites and places throughout Europe and also Asia that no one knows about during World War 2. Babi Yar Ravine, Katyn forest massacre, Unit 731 biological weapon death factory, Bataan Death March, Bridge over Kwai atrocities, Hell Ships atrocities by the Japanese military, fascist Ustachi Croatia atrocities, and elsewhere.

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    I know. The picture of naked women and children in Babin Yar , the dead bodies of children in Jasenovac, Unit 731 and poor Chinese people and Japanese Mengele walked free man..Pictures stuck in my mind for a very long time🙏😢😣

  • @letecitoster3469


    5 ай бұрын

    how come you don't mention serbian war crimes throughout WW2?

  • @milosb678


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@letecitoster3469Ustaša is back

  • @letecitoster3469


    5 ай бұрын

    @@milosb678orthodox turk is back

  • @aidankitson7877
    @aidankitson78775 ай бұрын

    Another excellent piece Stef. I thought all Hungarian atrocities were committed by arrow cross, obviously not. By the way , what are Honvads?I

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Honvads = Hungarian soldiers.

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

  • @3wL7


    5 ай бұрын

    It's "Honved". Magyar Honvédség = Hungarian Defence Forces

  • @xerxen100


    5 ай бұрын

    Honvéd= homedefender.

  • @rastkonosovic6817
    @rastkonosovic68175 ай бұрын

    Well, the raid started earlier, on the Orthodox Christmas (7th of January 1942) in villages in Sajkaska region (famous for its strong patriotic atitude among the Serbian population) near Novi Sad and the Novi Sad raid was the final chapter of this tragedy.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    I see.

  • @serpens8
    @serpens85 ай бұрын

    Communist partisans provoked it with terrorist attacks. but the Hungarian state prosecuted those responsible, some of them escaped to Germany to avoid prosecution. as far as i know, only lower ranking officers who could not escape were convicted. They were convicted after Germans lost the war, and Germany could no longer offer them asylum. at the end of the war the Yugoslavian communists killed ten times as many Hungarian civilians in revenge

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    See video.

  • @Najaf-gb3me


    5 ай бұрын


  • @radmilaavlijas2222


    5 ай бұрын

    Communism is Evil. We know. It was dark times and we know who is the enemy of people. We value more what’s connecting us. Regards

  • @gibraltersteamboatco888
    @gibraltersteamboatco8885 ай бұрын

    Thank you. BZ Never forget.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @573998
    @5739985 ай бұрын

    I'm an American expat living in Serbia These atrocities are still fresh in the minds of Serbs. Very sad

  • @neiloflongbeck5705


    5 ай бұрын

    Sadly, nothing new there. Some of the Irish remember massacres carried by the armies under Cromwell such as after the Siege of Drogheda of 1649.

  • @chrisdeal9945


    5 ай бұрын

    I bet they remember America bombing them in the 90's via puppet NATO too

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    ​@@neiloflongbeck5705the civil war

  • @neiloflongbeck5705


    5 ай бұрын

    @@Forevertrue-z2w more correctly the Wars of the Three Kingdoms. The Cromwellian siege of Drogheda was in what is also known as the 3rd Phase of the Irish Confederate Wars.

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

  • @majmunV2
    @majmunV25 ай бұрын

    as a person from novi sad thank you for making this video so more people know about the novi sad raid

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for your reply.

  • @argavenharge9704
    @argavenharge97045 ай бұрын

    I want to say,never forget ( and i cant to do it) but invest in future.Im glad that Serbian -Hungarian relationships are so good.We are obliged to make better world for our children.And im happy that my daughters family like weekends in Budapest. You cant change your neighbours!Keep them like real friends!

  • @michaelhemphill8575
    @michaelhemphill85755 ай бұрын

    "Even if its " forgotten" doesn't get past.. you "Instructor" "Thanks"!!!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching!

  • @acokostic810
    @acokostic8105 ай бұрын

    Hvala ❤

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @snezc6845
    @snezc68455 ай бұрын

    My aunt and uncle escaped their death almost at the last minute, as there was no more space under the ice of the frozen Danube river to push more people under it. I was only 1 month old when that happened but I talked with them about it when I was older. Thank God I was able to know them and love them. So sorry for all the others that so tragically died.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Incredible! Thank You for sharing.

  • @treefiddy4663
    @treefiddy46632 ай бұрын

    Thank you for leting ppl know

  • @HistoryHustle


    2 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @Bp98
    @Bp985 ай бұрын

    Мађари су се храбро борили на Кошарама за Србију! Ствара се шанса да са Мађарима имамо добре односе па и више од тога.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @milosmiletic970
    @milosmiletic9705 ай бұрын

    Tnx Hustle

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @user-qf6ff1bf8b
    @user-qf6ff1bf8b5 ай бұрын

    In the history of Serbs and Hungarians, there were both good and bad moments... we knew how to make war among ourselves, cooperate.... the problem for us Serbs is someone else, or to put it bluntly, Catholic Serbs, Muslim Serbs... there is the main one

  • @letecitoster3469


    5 ай бұрын

    you're the artifical nation diverged from Croats

  • @jamesdean1143


    5 ай бұрын

    @@letecitoster3469 Why should I be a minority in your country when you can be a minority in mine ?

  • @rjames3981
    @rjames39815 ай бұрын

    Very interesting 👌

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks 👍

  • @mohammedsaysrashid3587
    @mohammedsaysrashid35875 ай бұрын

    Another wonderful historical coverage episode was shared by an excellent ( History Hustle) channel and introduced by 🙏 ( Sir Stefan) .episode about Hungarian 🇭🇺 army atrocities committed against Serbians, Jewish , and others during WW2. which was criticized by Germans and Hungarian Permanente at that time.

  • @papaszem44


    5 ай бұрын

  • @onthatrockhewillbuildhisch1510
    @onthatrockhewillbuildhisch15105 ай бұрын

    At 2:42 Stalin orders Yugoslav Communists to resist Axis. Does that mean that Tito supported the Axis invasion (German-Soviet Friendship Pact) from April to June 1941? Can anyone reliably confirm this? Stefan?

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    That is a good question. You mean the Axis Occupation of Yugoslavia? Took a peek on Wikipedia and found this: At the time, however, their main point was to present to the Yugoslav public that communists of Yugoslavia had plans to struggle against the Axis occupation despite the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. "The CPY decided to organize the Military committees with each of its regional branches in Yugoslavia, similar to the Military committee of the Politburo established on 10 April 1941."

  • @YourD3estinY


    2 күн бұрын

    I think, he didn't want to undermine the pact. Any resistance by the Yugoslav communists, would have been attributed to the Soviet Union. So the active resistance started only after operation Barbarossa had begun.

  • @christopherbentley7289
    @christopherbentley72895 ай бұрын

    As I just said over at your video on Peru in WWII this wouldn't have been easy viewing for that ethnically Hungarian singer/actress, Valérie Čižmárová. One can see how many around Eastern/Central Europe had it in for the ethnic Hungarians in the immediate aftermath of WWII, including a particularly harsh time under what was supposed to be a mini 'Golden Age' in Czechoslovakia before the Communist coup of 1948 under the regime of Edvard Beneš. None of that, of course, makes this crime right. It is quite ironic in the context of this event that Valérie Čižmárová, despite being a Christian, ended up being buried in the Nový židovský hřbitov (New Jewish Cemetery) in Prague.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @GothicKnight81
    @GothicKnight815 ай бұрын

    Whatever happened between us, let it stay in the past and never repeat. That was an act of Hungarian Nazis, don't judge whole nation because of extremes. Me personally I have lot of Hungarian friends. I was in Hungary many times and they have been in Serbia also to visit us.

  • @user-zc2iw3uj3m


    5 ай бұрын

    in Hungary never was nazism. It was in Germany and fasism in Italy. Three different things.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Under Salazi Hungary came under fascist rule.

  • @justanapple8510
    @justanapple85105 ай бұрын

    Very tragic...

  • @kname1882
    @kname18825 ай бұрын

    I think It would be fun to talk about history of Chile-Bolivian war and Chile Peruvian war also and Rapa Nui history. Sorry Im not a patrion I just have few ideas😊😊😊

  • @cokrlicix
    @cokrlicix4 ай бұрын

    Just to add in credit to our Hungarian neighbors, Pal Teleki Hungarian prime minister who fiercely opposed the invasion committed suicide because of the broken treaty with Yugoslavia. And in front of the monument you stood there is a memorial taking place every year for the victims of that massacre, and every time there is a representative from Hungary among attendees. And they are the only ones who acknowledged crimes against the Serbs in WW2 and apologized for them.

  • @HistoryHustle


    4 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @cgabriel777
    @cgabriel7774 ай бұрын

    Hitler invited as well Marshal Ion Antonescu, ruler of Romania since September 1940, to participate on invasion of Yugoslavia. Antonescu refused Hitler. He said "Serbians are our old friends, we will not attack them!". I am glad for what decison made Antonescu, despite of Hitler request. Is a part of history less known.

  • @HistoryHustle


    4 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @krasnamerah1926
    @krasnamerah19265 ай бұрын

    Stefan, any interest to talk about Princess Juliana's marriage? I would love to know about the process and also the other candidates considered before Prins Bernhard was ultimately chosen. And maybe you can sneak in Goesti Noeroel's traditional dance at the royal wedding at the end of the video lol

  • @FlorinSutu
    @FlorinSutu5 ай бұрын

    In 1940, many more massacres were done by the Hungarians against the Romanian civilian population, in the part of Transylvania obtained as result of the Vienna Diktat, arbitrated by Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, and signed on 30 August 1940.

  • @alexandartheserb7861
    @alexandartheserb78615 ай бұрын

    In Serbian defense, we must say that after Trianon lot of Serbs moved from Hungary to north Serbia, leaving homogenous areas in Hungary and unlike Hungary didnt ask for revision to get those territories back. For example in center of very Budim, in Tabanovce area, Serbs were few centuries ago majority and Germans were second group, but Serbs today are zero (although Serbian despote Stefan Lazarević, some say Janoš Hunadi was his unlegal son, house from 15th century is still preserved there). Also, in same year when Hungary get autonomy inside Habsburg monarhy, in 1848., Vojvodstvo Srbsko get also autonomy, so there was no priority there of Hungary over Vojvodstvo. If we go further back, we will see that Hungarian and Serbian kings bear same close title Stefan/Ištvan, and that Serbs were there even before Arpad arrival in 10th century. But I think most of Hungarians are also natives in Panonia before Arpad, although for strange reason Hungarians like that story that they arrived on foreign land. Boosted by Catholic church to keep separate Hungarian identity. Because if no that, someone coild remember that it was same people in Panonian plain before 10th century separation.

  • @3wL7


    5 ай бұрын

    The Magyar tribes were not natives in Panonia. Pannonia was inhabited, but not by Magyars.

  • @alexandartheserb7861


    5 ай бұрын

    @@3wL7 Natives were absorbed into Magyars, thats why they have mostly Slavic R1a haplogroup

  • @almeu433


    5 ай бұрын

    " Janos Huniady" was not Hungarian. He was Romanian, his father came from Arges county and fought for Hungary.

  • @almeu433


    5 ай бұрын

    ​ Vlachs/ Romanian at all?

  • @katalinkozak9869


    5 ай бұрын

    @@almeu433this has been now proven false through a very extensive genetic analysis of the Hunyadi remainders. As per the results published by reserchers the main found is characteristic of the Carpathian Basin meaning that the vlach origin can be as far to genetics or identity excluded. The fact though that his ancestors had lands South to the Carpathians is possible , much of the landowners were of cumani , hungarian origin in the 14th century.

  • @bigsarge2085
    @bigsarge20855 ай бұрын

    Lest we forget.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @VGYugo
    @VGYugo5 ай бұрын

    So, this is not considered a genocide? Just checking.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    No, because of the different victims not one single group was targeted and the intention of the Hungarians was not to wipe out the whole civilian population. But it nevertheless was sad and brutal.

  • @VGYugo


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustle I understand what you are saying but I am pretty sure during the WW1 and WW2 Serbs were targeted group. Including Jews and Roma in WW2. 2,550 killed Serbians in Novi Sad raid is pretty big number. It seems like historians choose what the genocides and what massacres are for their interests. What about Nanjing Massacre? One of the few.

  • @VGYugo


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustle However, really good forgotten history lessons for everyone out there.

  • @user-xt4nm3un4w
    @user-xt4nm3un4w5 ай бұрын

    It would be nice if you made a presentation about how many non-Serb people were killed by Serbian partisans. In Subotica-Szabadka, 2,000 Hungarians were killed and buried in a mass grave on the Senta road. There was revenge in every place in Vojvodina, there is no family in our country where someone is not missing. Bloodthirsty partisans committed mass murders in all places in Vojvodina, Vrbas, Sombor, Crvenka, Jabuka, Kanjiza, Kikinda, Becskerek Zrenjanin, Sivac,Novi Sad Ribarsko ostrvo and Liman, etc etc the revenge was tenfold, with the aim of kidnapping and looting our houses and our land and bringing serb/bosnia/montenegrin colonists - everything was organized. After all, why did this government stop the commission on secret graves in 1944. Vojvodina is the most shameful region-symbol of ethnic cleansing and robbery. We do remember and will never forget. 2 good books: Matuska Márton-A megtorlás napjai and 'Ozna mac revolucije' by Kosta Nikolic. In addition, all this in war was because Yugoslavia and serbia were given this teritorry in Trianon 1920, in that time here were only 34% of Serbs that is only 1/3 of the whole population of Délvidék-Vojvodina. We do not support the executions, but we would also like the Serbian side to admit what they did. Without that weak reconciliation...

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    I would like to make content about this. I mention in the video the Serbian government comdamned the Partisans massacres.

  • @sbj1277


    5 ай бұрын

    Yugoslavia doesn't exist anymore it wasn't Serbs but communist who did it. Communist also didn't allow Serbian tradition.

  • @VladanLO
    @VladanLO5 ай бұрын

    Хвала за истину.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @user-bq1uh4nu1u
    @user-bq1uh4nu1u9 күн бұрын

    In Serbia,its not forgotten,and never be forgotten.

  • @HistoryHustle


    9 күн бұрын


  • @Nedvesperec
    @Nedvesperec5 ай бұрын

    This video is really good, but let me say a few things: 1:36 Our previous prime minister (Pál Teleki) commited suic1de, because he could't say no to Hitler in fear of Hungary is gonna be the second Polland, but couldn't say yes becase Churchill told him they would cut every diplomatic contact with Hungary. (Teleki's farewell letter: We broke our word, - out of cowardice [...] The nation feels it, and we have thrown away its honor. We have allied ourselves to scoundrels [...]) László Bárdossy said okay to the invasion after croasia became independent based on "we did not attacked Yugoslavia, because it already collapsed" Later Miklós Horthy appoligsed for the Novi Sad Raid In 1944 Yugoslavia took his revenge in the form of killing 10000 Hungarians

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @filiphlupic1582
    @filiphlupic15825 ай бұрын


  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @user-dj3ed6cr7u
    @user-dj3ed6cr7u5 ай бұрын

    Svi pricaju o Romima Jevrejima a ustvari najvise su Fasisti Madjari nas Srba pobili ali to celu Evropu i Evropeide ne zanima !!!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Have you seen the number of views this video got?

  • @stealmysunshine
    @stealmysunshine5 ай бұрын

    Note that: the massacre was so bad the Nazis complained. That's not a good optic

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Always take that with a grain of salt. It doesn't make the Nazis good or anything. The Nazis wanted control and order. If a massacre was to be carried out, it would be on their own terms.

  • @monikapolka7012
    @monikapolka70125 ай бұрын

    the Hungarian film "Cold Days" elaborates the story.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @BaumerPaulGefreiter
    @BaumerPaulGefreiter5 ай бұрын

    Viktor Orbán installed a bust of Miklós Horthy in the Hungarian parliament building... Just so that everyone knows.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    What do you think of this.

  • @laszloszentesi9301


    5 ай бұрын

    NO, it is not true. Mi Hazánk Mozgalom (Our Homeland Movement), a right wing party of the Hungarian Parliament installed that statue in the office of the vice president of the Parliament. She (the vice president) is the member of Mi Hazánk Mozgalom. Next time read news carefully and do not spread stupid lies. And read some articles of the 1944-45 massacres in Vojvodina, commited by Serbs against Hungarian, Croat and German civilians as well.

  • @draganazivanovic1406
    @draganazivanovic14065 ай бұрын


  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Sad times yes.

  • @robert48044
    @robert480445 ай бұрын

    The statue looks like tall Greys

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Quite eerie yes.

  • @robert48044


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustle quite eerie

  • @katalinkozak9869
    @katalinkozak98695 ай бұрын

    Beautiful Novi Sad! If you have to would you be so kind and fig in to the Voivodina massacre of Danubian Scwabs and Hungarians, the political cleansings of chetnik serbs, the Bleiburg massacre, the bloody Christmas targetting Bulgarians , the massacre of italians in Istria/ Dalmatia. I think it would be relevant for people to understand what was the aftermath like in the Balkans under Tito’s partizan /Soviet rule. Unfortunately much of what happened behind the red lines is not known to the western audience. I think noone can imagine the chaos and devastation that lasted until the 50’s in the Eastern flank of Europe.

  • @ivan.jeremic


    5 ай бұрын

    If he does that video he should also mention that Danubian Scwabs where settled there with a plan by Germans and Austrias in order to out populate the Serbians and one day take over and create the greater Lebensraum! Remember once and for all, Never try again something aginst the great nation of Serbia.

  • @katalinkozak9869


    5 ай бұрын

    @@ivan.jeremicin the beginning of 18th century? It was a very unpopulated and undeveloped area after the Turks were kicked out. The wars and the Osmans took there tolls everywhere up to the mid pannonian basin….

  • @serdradion4010
    @serdradion40105 ай бұрын

    Szabatka or Subotica, has the base of the name in Jewish word for Saturday, the Sabbath. The day of rest for the Jews, 7th day in a week in their calendar. After Jews, Christians were celebrating their Holy day of rest, the Sunday. In fact, the Sabbath is Jewish Sunday.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @ivan.jeremic


    5 ай бұрын

    Subota is Slavic my friend.

  • @serdradion4010


    5 ай бұрын

    @@ivan.jeremic I understand. But there is no Slavic language as such, only national languages, official Serbian and ethnic minority Croatian, in this case the same word. There is the cultural ideology of Panslavisam , but even in center of that ideology they have self-respect for their language and call it Russian.

  • @samsujtri848
    @samsujtri8485 ай бұрын

    Hvala vsm puno tako je bilo sve je to istina prico mi je deda imao sam i kljigu o tim zlocinama pozdrav iz srbije

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for replying.

  • @jwhiskey242
    @jwhiskey2424 ай бұрын

    Nothing to do with Jewish victimization during WW2 is forgotten - we are reminded at least once a week. The communists in the West had no interest in fighting the Nazis until Moscow ordered then to do so. Between Sept 1 1939 and June 21, 1941 the Communists sat on their asses and did nothing.

  • @HistoryHustle


    4 ай бұрын

    Not fully. Tito started resistance before.

  • @novakvladimir1479
    @novakvladimir14795 ай бұрын

    The Hungarian Prime Minister Pal Teleki committed suicide because of Hungary's attack on Yugoslavia. This is his farewell letter; "Your Highness, we broke our word and that's because of cowardice, we didn't respect the Permanent Peace Agreement with Yugoslavia. The nation feels it, and we rejected our honor. Now we are allies of scoundrels because not a single word about the alleged crimes is true. Not even against the Magyars, even not even against the Germans. We will become thieves! We will steal people's bodies and souls! A nation of trash. I didn't stop you from doing that. It's my fault," He was a great and honest statesman. I hope that Serbs and Hungarians will continue to develop good relations.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for sharing.

  • @treefiddy4663
    @treefiddy46635 ай бұрын

    Yes World need to know that! Never forgat this crime!

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Feel free to share this video.

  • @rusaa5293
    @rusaa52935 ай бұрын

    And Yugoslavs took revenge on the Hungarian ethnics in Vojvodina after the war

  • @danebajrovic8021


    5 ай бұрын

    In Vojvodina and Baranja

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    Communists , not ordinary people.

  • @kname1882


    5 ай бұрын

    U just need to provide evidence of that, there are still Hungarians living in Serbia. Germans on the other side they all left for Germany, but same happend to all Germans in eastern Europe.

  • @rusaa5293


    5 ай бұрын

    @@kname1882 Tens of sources are free in books and Internet, my friend. Communist purges in Serbia took the lives of tens of thousands of Hungarians and Germans killed by Yugoslav Partisans after the war. It is an established fact. I am not even Hungarian.

  • @rusaa5293


    5 ай бұрын

    @@Forevertrue-z2w They were killed mostly by partisans of Serbian and Croatian origin who were ordinary people that took up arms actually.

  • @martinryan2370
    @martinryan23705 ай бұрын

    The treaty's of neuilly and Trianon were awful political solutions. Worse than Versailles. It's still causing problems today . Great work 👍

  • @monstabitta


    5 ай бұрын

    What problems is it causing? Hungarians are under check now, unlike the Russians. And they both have Mongol/Hun (Golden Horde) mentallity.

  • @3wL7


    5 ай бұрын

    You're wrong. It causes problems only because Hungary stirs up these problems.

  • @LeviGabriel-mb9ot
    @LeviGabriel-mb9ot5 ай бұрын

    Respect from Romania! Thanks !

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @biljanakocanovic6778
    @biljanakocanovic67785 ай бұрын


  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Thanks for watching.

  • @philipnorris6542
    @philipnorris65425 ай бұрын

    A dark sub-chapter within a global dark chapter.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    I understand.

  • @sorinmiliescu
    @sorinmiliescu5 ай бұрын

    From my memory, the only real friend of Yugoslavia was Romania. I dont recall any Yugoslavia-Romania conflict

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Perhaps due to geography? Can't tell but there sure wasn't such a conflict indeed.

  • @sorinmiliescu


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustle nah, Romania and Yugoslavian are separated by the Danube river, which anyone with one arm and one leg can swim across. But for some strange reason, Romania and Yugoslavia never had a conflict that to escalate to swords or gun powder.

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    Yes true friends , even in WWII

  • @Bionickpunk


    5 ай бұрын

    ​​@@sorinmiliescuRomania could have occupied Banat in WW2, as they were on the Axis side, but they didn't. That says a lot about the strong Serbian and Romanian relations.

  • @Deocler
    @Deocler5 ай бұрын

    Make videos about the most current issues: the massacres in Vietnam and Palestine

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @laszloszentesi9301
    @laszloszentesi93015 ай бұрын

    After this the Serbs killed 100,000 (yes, one hundred thousand!!!) Hungarians in revenge. Let's not forget this either, because that was an even more brutal massacre. In Hungary it is called 'blood-revenge in Bácska' (Bácska is the territory where Újvidék /Novi Sad can be found. Nowadays the two countries are in friendship, but the friendship of the two peoples/nations requires honesty from both sides. 4000 vs.100,000. Consider this without prejudice or double standards.

  • @Forevertrue-z2w


    5 ай бұрын

    One bilion to be precise

  • @zaomi1883


    5 ай бұрын

    Where did you get this information from, the crime was against the Germans who were brutally killed and expelled, but there was no ethnic cleansing on the territory of Vojvodina against the Hungarians anywhere.

  • @ivan.jeremic


    5 ай бұрын

    Let's just be friends and never try again something against Serbia, everytime you attack you become smaller.

  • @bouse23
    @bouse235 ай бұрын

    Hungary was a kingdom without a king ruled by an admiral without a navy

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @laszloszentesi9301


    5 ай бұрын

    No, because the Navy was stolen by Yugoslavia in 1918.

  • @ivan.jeremic


    5 ай бұрын

    @@laszloszentesi9301 before you got acces to the see there where already Slavic kingdoms on the coast so the coast itself is something you occupied, Hungary didn't just spawn into panonia with see access.

  • @livianegidius9772
    @livianegidius97725 ай бұрын

    No we have not foget. NEVER AGAIN

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын


  • @laszlovarga1046
    @laszlovarga10465 ай бұрын

    Azt azért tegyük hozzá, hogy a Horthy féle Magyar Katonai Bíróság elitélte az elkövetőket.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Let me ask you to watch the full video please.

  • @paulkenneally789
    @paulkenneally7895 ай бұрын

    Respect for your tribute. Shocking and shameful behaviour by Hungarian nationalists.. and Orban thinks that it was okay and that his boyfriend Putin is decent man.

  • @HistoryHustle


    5 ай бұрын

    Where did Orban say this massacre was OK?

  • @paulkenneally789


    5 ай бұрын

    @@HistoryHustle Orban is a racist,Hungarian nationalist…his ideology is the ideology that sent 400,000 plus Jews to the gas chambers of Auschwitz.. He also wants a good piece of Greater Hungary back. When l see Orban on Jerusalem at Yad Vashem l will apologise.