The Not So New Problem With New Girl's Schmidt


New Girls is hands down one of the more successful sitcoms of the last 10 years. One of the main reasons New Girl lasted as long as it did was the attachment fans had to the primary cast. Though, at first many people found Schmidt annoying and irritating. Luckily over the course of 7 Seasons, New Girl was able to turn Schmidt into a fan favorite character.
#newgirl #schmidt #nerdstalgic

Пікірлер: 196

  • @jijigri9224
    @jijigri9224 Жыл бұрын

    It feels so weird to watch a whole video of someone explaining why audiences couldn't appreciate Schmidt, knowing full well everyone has always loved Schmidt

  • @idanlewenhoff2295


    Жыл бұрын


  • @shaylelarue787


    Жыл бұрын

    He my fave character from the staRyan

  • @sachinkrishnapura763


    11 ай бұрын

    Me too. He is my favorite character on the show. I don't think he was a bad friend at all, I found him on the show as a guy who would do anything for his friends.

  • @crystalfelicia9924


    9 ай бұрын

    Literally everyone loved Schmidt!

  • @legopopstars


    3 ай бұрын

    I know! He’s like the funniest. Even in Season 1.

  • @Orionhart
    @Orionhart Жыл бұрын

    No, Schmidt was great throughout. He was a terrible, narcissistic person and we loved seeing him get his due and grow as a person eventually.

  • @Orionhart


    Жыл бұрын

    Honestly I've felt this way for a few videos but... there have been a few too many "we didn't vet the scripts first" apologies and bad takes that I don't feel like I'm learning anything but just listening to weird opinion pieces these days. Unfortunate.

  • @Gwallacec2


    Жыл бұрын

    I came here to say this. Schmidt was perfect.

  • @ChillinWithTJ


    Жыл бұрын

    Facts 💯

  • @StewartFletcher
    @StewartFletcher Жыл бұрын

    Always remember, being "problematic" doesn't mean their character is a problem for the story. The POINT of his character was to be problematic

  • @TheSwauzz
    @TheSwauzz Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt is clearly deeply insecure, and I felt that was obvious from ep 1. That alone is what made him remain likable throughout the series, because it's relatable. He's broken in very deep ways. He's similar to Monica from Friends, just turned up by 100% and even more satirical and much more nefarious. His growth in the show is the most obvious, and honestly the most satisfying to me. Glad the writers didn't let him fall flat like Joey.

  • @divinelangene6813


    Жыл бұрын

    @Gibran Camus you should, this show is very funny

  • @AlkisenSuper


    11 ай бұрын

    @@gibrancamus What's wypipo?

  • @mh98177


    6 ай бұрын

    Yeah, this feels like one of those scavenger hunts for problematic stuff to look back on even though we all know what was going on.

  • @AlexanderFaker
    @AlexanderFaker Жыл бұрын

    You didn’t not understand the point of Schmidt’s character at all. It’s the narcissism and overconfidence that’s meant to cover up immaturity, emotional instability and a severe lack of emotional intelligence. He’s emotionally stunted and stuck as an inexperienced kid when it comes to making actual human relationships. That’s why he ended up with Cece and his college girlfriend. He didn’t want to hurt either of them but his immaturity hurt both instead. Every decision he makes is a vast overestimation or overreaction because he’s not actually mature or wise, he’s inexperienced and lonely and sad. Everyone who was paying attention could tell it was just a mask. Many of us have been there, where we are too immature to make a real decision so we hesitate and make the incorrect one or hurt people we love/care about, not out of malice but out of immaturity or out of fear. He’s a caricature for a very wide spread problem, immaturity and a false persona. Many of us laugh at him but ultimately many of us can relate to his more emotional moments. Many of us have done bad things unintentionally and we have to face those consequences and change.

  • @reclark1690
    @reclark1690 Жыл бұрын

    Did........did the writer of this video actually watch the series, or are we going with Sparknotes this one? Because Schmidt doesn't try breaking up Nick & Jess to make his life better. He does it as a form of revenge for Jess giving away that he was dating Cece and his college GF at the same time. This is one of those poorly researched takes, or one made just to drum up the "um, actually" comments. (Which I'm fully aware this is)

  • @n_aerial3734


    Жыл бұрын

    Yea I noticed this with some of their other videos, like with how I met your mother, he doesn't like the final season at all even tho the problem is the last 2 episodes, like him saying Marshall last season was bad

  • @TheAllycakes


    Жыл бұрын

    He also noted that Schmidt "manipulated" Cece into problematic situations in Season 1... when there is a whole episode about the lack of control Schmidt has over their relationship.

  • @franklintheturtle8011


    Жыл бұрын

    @@TheAllycakesand even as they’re hooking up Cece threatens him. And they both agree she initiated the whole thing.

  • @Xara_K1
    @Xara_K1 Жыл бұрын

    It feels like the person who came up with this one just needed a topic. New Girl always made it clear that Schmidt was playing a part due to his childhood trauma, but he was always a good guy if u just chipped the surface a little bit and was always willing to go the extra mile for his friends and Cece.

  • @reclark1690


    Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, Schmidt changing as a character isn't the writers trying to correct course and make him more likeable. He was always likeable, but made intentionally problematic to be a foil for the rest of the main characters. He was very much made in the vain of Barney Stinson, but with a much more apparent human core to him. He was literally created to be disliked by everybody outside of his friend group so that he could grow as the show progressed. This video is just a stab at a character they clearly don't understand.

  • @MMichiganSalveRegina


    Жыл бұрын

    Agree. Horrible analysis

  • @Paul_Tuck23
    @Paul_Tuck23 Жыл бұрын

    Sorry. Think you are wrong in this one. His personality and his growth were the point. He actually becomes LESS insecure during the show’s life because of the relationships in the show, which is why he becomes less of a “dbag”.

  • @allyowl
    @allyowl Жыл бұрын

    I feel like I was watching a completely different show. Schmidt is my favourite character and Im only about to start season 4 😂

  • @shoyuramenoff
    @shoyuramenoff Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt was one of my favourite characters, even from the start. He was really funny from the first episode, just how people like this are just insecure and he got put into his place a lot for his behaviour. Schmidt feels like a parody of the douchebag archetype from the beginning before they get into the meat of his backstory, which is why I liked him so much.

  • @yuppymike
    @yuppymike Жыл бұрын

    I loved the Schmidt from the early seasons. The random stuff he came out with that made him put money in the jar was hilarious.

  • @shoyuramenoff


    9 ай бұрын

    The jar bit is one of the most memorable parts of New Girl lol

  • @trumpetbob15
    @trumpetbob15 Жыл бұрын

    I disagree with this entire take. Yes, Schmidt is a horrible person, but if you want your show to be relatable, having the character that we've all met at some point in our lives is not a bad thing! A lot of us have friends who might have roommates like Schmidt and you just sit there and think, "Why the heck are you even friends with this guy" let alone living in the same apartment with them? He was a far more relatable character than Jess was! (If anything, her character was the most outlandish and unbelievable.) Sure, the show may have been called New Girl, but honestly, from a writing perspective, I think the greatest storytelling was with Schmidt. Having him be a side character and not the title character gave him that much more freedom to be as great as he was!

  • @irishnessie
    @irishnessie Жыл бұрын

    Nah Schmidt is my favorite character... I loved his character development.

  • @rileybalduf8092
    @rileybalduf8092 Жыл бұрын

    I typically love this channel, and I don't even particularly like new girl. That said I feel like this video missed the mark big time.

  • @s.g.7572
    @s.g.7572 Жыл бұрын

    I actually think the turnaround started with him trying to break up Nick and Jess. Context was, his narcissism had completely ruined two beautiful relationships and left him alone, and rather than try and make a change he externalised the problem to the nearest loving relationship and started to tear it down. So how Jess eventually responded - bluntly saying "You did a bad thing. Deal with it." - was absolutely crucial in Schmidt's arc. It was the first time the extent of his personal flaws really got through to him, it was a sign that his friends would stop enabling him and a statement of intent from the writers. In season 1, Jess's line wouldn't have existed, and Schmidt would be laughed off.

  • @Rutger2502
    @Rutger2502 Жыл бұрын

    Why shoud a character in a sitcom be likable and realistic? It's fiction! Barney Stinson totally worked and he was not in any way realistic. Schmidt worked because he was over the top confident, but you as a viewer could see that it was actually kind of sad. His character was funny.

  • @bobthedopeman7327
    @bobthedopeman7327 Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt is the best part of this show! Hes the only reason i got hooked lol

  • @Legrandmachincalme
    @Legrandmachincalme Жыл бұрын

    Nope, I completely disagree with this entire video!

  • @Bow-to-the-absurd


    Жыл бұрын

    They took away his schmidtness.

  • @erickmunoz1378


    Жыл бұрын

    I'm curious. Why do you disagree?

  • @stev6963
    @stev6963 Жыл бұрын

    I disagree, Schmidt was always meant to be a douche, but he always meant well and his negative traits came from a place of relatable insecurity. I don’t think he was unlikable at all at the beginning. He always seemed like a fan favorite for the show. Although each character holds their own and is worthy to be someone’s favorite character.

  • @bookreport101
    @bookreport101 Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt was meant to be all of these things because he has some of the most development arc in the show. He is great from beginning to end. It’s was Winston who had a hard time in the beginning.

  • @davidmckesey7119


    11 ай бұрын

    It took so long to warm up Winston and I don't think I ever did

  • @ohzenn
    @ohzenn Жыл бұрын

    I feel like the writer didn't even listen to himself. There are no mistakes. Schmidt was unlikable and behaved the way he did because he was overcompensating for insecurity and fear. The was pretty obvious early on and just because they revealed and fleshed out the why 19 episodes in doesn't make that an L. Schmidt being Schmidt from day 1 also provided context and growth for all the other characters while also creating a growth arc for himself. I'd actually wager that is Schmidt had been more like the rest from the beginning the show would have floundered. Schmidt's friends pre-Jess tolerate him because they've been friends for a while and, to generalize, men aren't as good at dealing with interpersonal conflict and emotion. Introducing: Jess. Jess is a little pleaser, but she values healthy relationships even when it's hard. At first Jess tries to act like the guys with Schmidt and make it work, but eventually, as Schmidt ruins all the relationships around her, she is forced to act to stay true to her values. This sparks something in the other roommates that they've mostly ignored until then: dealing with interpersonal conflict. Which is pretty much the basis for the rest of the show.

  • @nadanjo9629
    @nadanjo9629 Жыл бұрын

    For me he was the BEST CHARACTER in New Girl. I loved him soooo much hahahaha he was awesome. NG is my favorite comedy series of all time and nobody in that show was normal or realistic, and I loved them all but Schmidt was a legend. Such an underrated show

  • @will345davis
    @will345davis Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, Schmidt was always my favorite character. His narcissism was hilarious, and that’s what a sitcom should be. Besides he’s a caricature of a type of person we all know at least one of. These people don’t always have groups of friends just like them. They intermingle with regular people, just like the show. Whether you like it or not these people exist.

  • @rayquanstewart6424
    @rayquanstewart6424 Жыл бұрын

    It Wasn't So Serious To Me He Was Funny😀😃😄❤❤❤❤

  • @spencerjohnson5382
    @spencerjohnson5382 Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt is amazing his character arc is the best out of anyone’s and his one liners are top tier

  • @lilhuge1
    @lilhuge1 Жыл бұрын

    Being narcissistic, arrogant and problematic are all of the reasons why I loved his character in the beginning of the show. It made him unique and funny as contrast to the rest of the cast. The biggest "problem" I had, was the fact that the show tries to convince us that Schmit was straight, when we all know he could go both ways at the very least.

  • @radio-silence9506


    Жыл бұрын

    While I agree with you, I think it's nice to see a straight male allowed to display non-stereotypically straight male traits

  • @bobthedopeman7327


    Жыл бұрын

    ​@radio-silence9506 yea you're spot on with the "non-stereotypical" comment.

  • @lilhuge1


    Жыл бұрын

    @@radio-silence9506 I'm glad we agree then

  • @ShannonAHiner
    @ShannonAHiner Жыл бұрын

    Came to the comments for vindication and wasn't disappointed. Schmidtty is a great character and so charismatic with Max playing him as to be impossible to dislike. The fact that he has an amazing arc throughout the series makes him even better. This one didn't ring true, Nerdstalgic. Sorry.

  • @KillerMoth_Stumpy
    @KillerMoth_Stumpy Жыл бұрын

    I think you're definitely wrong here. Schmidt was always loved by fans, and you frame his character growth as if they had to change him because of backlash, which isn't true, they made him seem like a bad person but in reality he was just extremely insecure, which is part of his character arc. When he dated the girl from college for the second time she helped him stop being so bad.

  • @_The_Archive_
    @_The_Archive_ Жыл бұрын

    Fun Fact: After shooting on New Girl wrapped, Zooey Deschanel took Jess's watermelon art piece from set and kept it.

  • @AdrianaRodriguez-yf7wn
    @AdrianaRodriguez-yf7wn Жыл бұрын

    tangentially related but i realized a douchebag jar would never work in today’s world bc i don’t have a single friend who carries cash

  • @tdevries4290
    @tdevries4290 Жыл бұрын

    Just started the video and I already disagree with whatever you’re going to say. I will report back when I have finished it.

  • @tdevries4290


    Жыл бұрын

    Yep, this video is wildly inaccurate at detailing Schmidt’s development. His air of narcissism was always complimented by his overwhelming love for his friends at the end of every episode. Even after the first one, slapping the ex boyfriend and screaming “you got some Schmidt on your face!” That was how you combine empathy with narcissism in a character. Every dollar in the douchebag jar was always followed by some sort of redeeming quality that made his broken sensibilities forgivable. And while yes, he did mature over time: so did all the characters-it wasn’t because he *HAD* to change outside of the normal development of a show’s series. His character and performance in the first season was so exceptional and a major reason why people continued to watch; “what would Schmidt get up to next?”

  • @n_aerial3734


    Жыл бұрын

    Couldn't put jt any better

  • @ccobelli8787
    @ccobelli8787 Жыл бұрын

    I think Schmidt was good character from the start. Hes a caricature of "That Guy" - the insecure guy who overcompensates- that everyone knows.

  • @Broooadsword
    @Broooadsword Жыл бұрын

    Surprised you guys didn't compare him to Barney Stinson cause he's clearly designed to resemble.

  • @finalpharoah1


    Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt's character is built more from Dennis' character from "Its always sunny in Philadelphia"

  • @thisuniquechica
    @thisuniquechica Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt showed his humanity from the moment he coached Jess to get off the couch and get over her breakup, in, what… episode 1? 2? He even, albeit reluctantly, left the party to go comfort her when her date flaked on her. And - he was not a terrible person. He did awful things, but was not a terrible person. Yes, his problematic actions were not working, but it didn’t take 3 SEASONS to start writing him more likable material. I remember watching an interview with Max Greenfield in which he explained that he spoke up about the problematic character and the writers agreed to course correct early on.

  • @alessandrotaccani1719
    @alessandrotaccani1719 Жыл бұрын

    Great to see some new girl content, since its one of the best comedies ever. But i think you missed the point with schmidt.

  • @noskes1
    @noskes1 Жыл бұрын

    For me Schmith is no where near as bad person as HIMYM cast: Ted, Barney or even Lilly. And he eventually change. Also he loved his best friend and would do anything for him.

  • @Alex-hm7nt
    @Alex-hm7nt Жыл бұрын

    He developed more than Nick did.

  • @samanthamichalek3225
    @samanthamichalek3225 Жыл бұрын

    I've been going through the series again and I cannot tell you how much it annoys me when Nick and Jess break up. I just finished season 5 and I don't understand why Jess or Reagan want to be with Nick. Nick is so dumb in season five. Also why does Jess want to be with Sam? She said in Season 2 their relationship was messed up from the beginning. Season 5 is the worst season and honestly the show kind of falls flat with Nick and Jess being awkward the last four seasons and Coach not being there. Someone please do a video on why Nick and Jess should've gotten back together before the six finale!

  • @paigep9275
    @paigep9275 Жыл бұрын

    This is an interesting opinion. Schmidt was my favourite from the first episode. He always came off as an insecure guy who's put up a fake personality as a front. I was on his side from day 1

  • @brandonyungen6207
    @brandonyungen6207 Жыл бұрын

    @nerdstalgic can you please make a Joe dirt episode?! It’s such an amazing classic and SO many people love it and it’s easily David spades best movie. I promise you it will get the views and if it doesn’t I solemnly swear here and now I will watch the video 10000000 times just to keep ur stats up just pleaseeeee do a joe dirt episode I’m begging!

  • @lolalaise4530
    @lolalaise45309 ай бұрын

    He’s literally the best character you didn’t understand the show

  • @SuperGuero805
    @SuperGuero805 Жыл бұрын

    They talked about this on the “you see what I mean?” Podcast 😂

  • @shaylelarue787
    @shaylelarue787 Жыл бұрын

    Schmidty was never hated I think everyone always understood him

  • @chipskylark172
    @chipskylark17211 ай бұрын

    “You got some Schmidt on your face!” 😂😂

  • @CyborgNinja86
    @CyborgNinja86 Жыл бұрын

    Yes, the early seasons of Schmidt were problematic, reprehensible, and just unlikeable. But damnit, the sonofabitch made me a fan the minute he pronounced Cece's name as "CHECHELLIA" 😅

  • @blindoutlaw
    @blindoutlawАй бұрын

    It’s like he goes through some sort of character arc and becomes a better version of himself. Crazy

  • @mollysmith9606
    @mollysmith960610 ай бұрын

    jess isnt a manic pixie dream girl. yes shes quirky but she is her own person outside of love interests.

  • @andramontgomery326
    @andramontgomery326 Жыл бұрын

    I gotta say, love the vid. This is the first one I don't agree with though. Schmidt's character was clearly one with many insecurities. But those guys were his best friends. There must have been a reason. Plus, he was generally a pretty good friend the best he knew how. (Like a mother hen) Lest we not forget that Cece is done dirty only after constantly using Schmidt who had real feelings for her. He always loved her, douchbag though he may have been.

  • @sporer_
    @sporer_ Жыл бұрын

    Weirdly I found the title character remarkably UNLIKABLE but the strength of the rest of the cast was such that I still loved the show

  • @jwurnig
    @jwurnig11 ай бұрын

    No, what happened is that the writers and producers wanted the show to be about Jess, in particular about Nick and Jess, but audiences loved Schmidt instead. So rather than just thank their lucky stars that they'd accidentally backed into a golden goose, they decided to try and retrain their audiences to watch the show the "right way" by punishing Schmidt fans and doubling down on pushing Nick and Jess to the front. In fact, a lot of that might even have been done via threats and wrangling by Zoey's agents. She might have threatened to walk. In either case, what they SHOULD have done is to retool the whole series around Schmidt's wacky antics a la Family Matters transforming into the Urkel Hour. But because they thought they knew better than their audiences they instead torpedoed their own show. It's the writers and producers who aren't working. Schmidt is perfect.

  • @FrancescaGeorgiou
    @FrancescaGeorgiou Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt's birthday episode is season 1 episode 10 - and he has an episode about his controlling behaviour even earlier than that (which was submitted for an Emmy too). The way he treated Cece by S3 and Jess & Nick was not only forgiven or understood by the audience because of the work Schmidt actively did to be a better person after that (which the writers had as a plotline after he saves someone's life) but ALSO because we're already on his side prior as the writers did a lot of work to show us who he is fully. He had great moments throughout, with his terrible moments - so it wasn't simply 'course correction' that 'made him work'. Also Jess isn't a manic pixie dream girl smh.

  • @TobiasCramon12
    @TobiasCramon12 Жыл бұрын

    im pretty sure that that all new girl fans can agree that season 7 just doesent exist :)

  • @MaheshPagar0
    @MaheshPagar011 ай бұрын

    Feels like instead of actually watching the series someone asked ChatGPT to write the script for this essay using the title of this video.

  • @kofireeves-miller547
    @kofireeves-miller547 Жыл бұрын

    oooh they not gone like this one

  • @AlexClementine


    Жыл бұрын

    No they did not 🤣

  • @truechaos2798
    @truechaos2798 Жыл бұрын

    It’s called character development something Jess the mc lacks

  • @divinelangene6813


    Жыл бұрын

    Jess changed the people around her, not the other way around

  • @joshbrown2217
    @joshbrown2217 Жыл бұрын

    I always felt that even though he was clearly problematic, the fact that they had a douchebag jar sorta of acknowledged this and demonstrated that the show was not advocating for this behaviour and instead using it as a way to show that he was someone who was acting out and so set out an interesting premise of how they would approach it. Sort of like how HIMYM did with Barney, although the didn't have the "douchebag jar" and so this was something that had to hint at later on in the show.

  • @angel67lver
    @angel67lver Жыл бұрын

    I haven’t been able to get through the first couple episodes of new girl. I’ve been told that it gets better but I just can’t get there

  • @Bow-to-the-absurd


    Жыл бұрын

    It gets worse after

  • @tommystrickland6268


    Жыл бұрын

    If that's the case don't watch it , I personally do like it but you basically know what your getting within the first episode or so , with that being said if your not into it might just be worth skipping

  • @Heyy.its.C
    @Heyy.its.C Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt was hands down my favorite character!! Only reason i stayed out till the end.

  • @TheMilkyBarKid3
    @TheMilkyBarKid3 Жыл бұрын

    I gave up on the show midway through the 3rd season. It just kinda lost its spark. Schmidt was my favourite character!

  • @MMichiganSalveRegina
    @MMichiganSalveRegina Жыл бұрын

    Old Schmidt was one of the great characters of television. New Schmidt was part of the reason the show failed. Schmidt isn't at all narcissistic. The whole idea is developed over the show. Genius writing. Disagree hard with this analysis

  • @thaisennj9781
    @thaisennj97812 ай бұрын

    Ida just took the video down cause this just missed the entire mark lmaooo

  • @GiveZeeAChance
    @GiveZeeAChance Жыл бұрын

    Yeah, idk. There's plenty to critique about New Girl but this was a feature, not a bug.

  • @Magucci13
    @Magucci1311 ай бұрын

    Schmidt definitely grew on me during the series. I always tell people New Girl is like friends, but 1000x better. This series needs to celebrated and the douchebag jar was one of the best subtle call backs of the show

  • @dwatz9862
    @dwatz9862 Жыл бұрын

    I have said for years that KZreadrs think just because they can edit a video and have a platform that they think they’re right about everything and they can speak for everyone . I have thought a lot of their videos have been dead wrong about topics when they took it upon themselves to tell us how we felt about something. But this one is so wrong it’s actually hilarious. 😂

  • @thezemag
    @thezemag4 ай бұрын

    So relieved fhe majority of the comments here understand Schmidts growth and character development!

  • @eyosias_t
    @eyosias_t Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt is peak.

  • @Zypher2887
    @Zypher2887 Жыл бұрын

    Have you guys even watched this show or just some random highlights this is crazy nonsense

  • @AQWpaladan
    @AQWpaladan Жыл бұрын

    You guys have some weird takes nowadays

  • @tomahilaire3921
    @tomahilaire3921 Жыл бұрын

    I've dealt with a narcissistic person and the way you describe him is on point. Although it may seem humorous to watch the behaviors of a narcissistic person, it's dangerous to the people that are inflicted by them. They're very destructive and deplete you of all your energy and leave you feeling empty.

  • @bahiya94
    @bahiya9411 ай бұрын

    how dare you , we loved him since day 1

  • @jamesokeeffe3123
    @jamesokeeffe312311 ай бұрын

    Seems to be a common thread in the comments but to me the point of Schmidts character flaws are a response insecurity and men putting faith in the wrong personality traits. From the get go (especially when he puts on the hat and slaps jess’ ex) you see he’s got a heart of gold but has a misguided sense of masculinity like a lot of men today…I also think that he try’s to manipulate situations so that he feels a sense of control and also believes that nobody could love him for who he is so try’s his hardest to be what anyone he’s speaking to will love

  • @zsoltnagy8442
    @zsoltnagy844210 ай бұрын

    Max Greenfield made even the selfish and arrogant moments great.

  • @crystalfelicia9924
    @crystalfelicia99249 ай бұрын

    Good review, could have been a little more in depth.

  • @Lime1958
    @Lime1958Ай бұрын

    Dude did you not see Schimdt's backstory? He was sheltered and bullied alot for his eccentricities. That was the writer showing (NOT telling) why Schimdt became what he was. He only went back to the Schimdt that Nick met, sweet happy and caring, when Jess and Cece came into the picture because they were two women who loved him for who he is and not what he can be for them. One line is very telling of his mindset "being old is not the problem. They just don't like my personality. That's fine I can change my personality" Take note that this was the era where men were being cancelled left and right and I'd like to think that this is the writer's showing the audience that some problematic men used to be good and are capable of growing out of that douche persona.

  • @runthefuture
    @runthefuture Жыл бұрын

    The thesis isn't as thought out as your other vids. Is your argument that Schmidt developed as a character?

  • @mario10zeus
    @mario10zeus11 ай бұрын

    I just watched Season 1 and 2, and I like Schmidt. Yeah, he acts more like a bro, at times immature, but he's not a horrible person. Yes, he a comedic foil. He's also a guy who used to be fat and invisible, and now's he's good looking and living it up, can you blame him ?

  • @andrewbrandenburg3842
    @andrewbrandenburg3842 Жыл бұрын

    I disagree. Schmidt was amazing because he was consistent and true to his character. The last season, they butchered him.

  • @derheadbanger9039
    @derheadbanger9039 Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt has to be dislikable and a bad friend. The other characters are even questioning why they are friends at all... the answer: *Schmidt is cleaning and paying for EVERYTHING!*

  • @kingjam90
    @kingjam90 Жыл бұрын

    Of all your videos this is the one I completely disagree. When you say, Schmidt wasn’t working out due to his personality traits in the beginning of the show for me and my friends, he was one of my favorite characters for his problematic and Dushey behavior, because in real life some guys are like that . Imagine if Schmidt was like Winston from the beginning or coach , the show would have been too cheesy and boring.

  • @davidmckesey7119
    @davidmckesey711911 ай бұрын

    He had the best character arc and stayed true to himself

  • @spencerc64
    @spencerc64 Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt is the reason i watched the show and he is hilarious from ep1. Seems like you forgot the show is a comedy.

  • @alyssadanielle55
    @alyssadanielle555 ай бұрын

    I’m my opinion he was always awesome

  • @bufordhighwater9872
    @bufordhighwater9872 Жыл бұрын

    You're telling me that Schmidt wasn't the titular "New Girl" of the series?

  • @HarvestStore
    @HarvestStore Жыл бұрын

    Great video.

  • @ravifonseca8
    @ravifonseca8 Жыл бұрын

    Hum... interesting.... Nah, I always loved Schmidt!❤

  • @jamesscott305
    @jamesscott305 Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt happened!

  • @MarlonTaylandeur
    @MarlonTaylandeur Жыл бұрын

    It's just sad you never answer to the comments, they're all making some valid points

  • @MikeScott55
    @MikeScott55 Жыл бұрын

    For me, the entire series from his introduction I hoped that he would become something better than the one-dimensional douche he’s portrayed as. As things progress, he slowly starts to peel back more and more layers and you get to see who he is and what made him wear the armor he has in the pilot. I thought he was wonderfully written and his road to redemption (if you want to call it that) well earned by the finale. I don’t think he was problematic at all. That’s just my opinion though. 🤷🏻‍♂️. Love the channel; just disagreeing with the take.

  • @Residentevilfan1989
    @Residentevilfan1989 Жыл бұрын

    The could have crossed over with Its Always Sunny, lol.

  • @natesmith493
    @natesmith493 Жыл бұрын

    Honestly think you missed the point of season 1. The insecurities are obvious from day 1 - you're supposed to know it's all a facade to cover up the insecure formerly-fat/awkward/normal teen he was inside. They show you enough to know it's not who he really is, even from day 1

  • @crystalfelicia9924
    @crystalfelicia99249 ай бұрын

    Literally everyone loved Schmidt! Literally! CeCe was annoying and narcissistic as well! Tho Schmidt is a bit ocd and annoying at times what made him tolerable was the fact that he was also really funny a long w all of that! His irony was the punchline!

  • @WarXxandXxPeace
    @WarXxandXxPeace Жыл бұрын

    Rare L for Nerdstalgic. Schmidt was hilarious BECAUSE he was obnoxious. It's the same reason people like Archer.

  • @SHowland114
    @SHowland11411 ай бұрын

    I’m glad to see we all disagree with this nerdstalgic take. At no point does he present evidence that the writers or actors thought what they were doing was a mistake. Unlike other “this wasn’t working” where the writers/director make a drastic change after the pilot or first season nerdstalgic presents us a three season character arc and says this is when they knew they were making a mistake. This is easily one of the most his worst video essays and quite frankly a poster child for the worst that video essays have to offer. It sounds competent, it’s edited well, it’s very sure of itself, but it’s shallow and incompetent.

  • @oBuLLzEyEo1013
    @oBuLLzEyEo1013 Жыл бұрын

    Hello my name is Doris was so good...

  • @Bow-to-the-absurd
    @Bow-to-the-absurd Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt was great for 2 series, after that, the show nosedived. The Prince episode was god awful

  • @DreamFearEternal
    @DreamFearEternal Жыл бұрын

    Schmidt always seemed fine to me. He is part of the human spectrum. Jess is the only one I had to problem with, she is unrealistically weird.

  • @n_aerial3734


    Жыл бұрын

    Nah I've met people like her, she isn't even that weird compared to Winnie the bish lol

  • @johnsykes3970
    @johnsykes39703 ай бұрын

    Take a shot every time this dude says “problematic.”

  • @mmmhmm6865
    @mmmhmm686511 ай бұрын

    Bruh Schmidt was the best character, Ppl are so boring nowadays

  • @mattthompson6090
    @mattthompson6090 Жыл бұрын

    Hot take: Jess is more problematic than Schmidt

  • @Gwallacec2
    @Gwallacec2 Жыл бұрын

    I feel like this is a man’s view of Schmidt and you’re looking at him the wrong way. His arc was perfect and he got what he needed when he needed it.
