The Nautilus Expedition: Journey Beneath the Arctic Ice


This video explores the daring 1931 expedition of Sir Hubert Wilkins, who embarked on a historic but ill-fated journey to reach the North Pole aboard the Nautilus, a modified World War One-era submarine. The documentary delves into the technological innovations by naval architect Simon Lake, the challenges faced under Arctic ice, and the sensational media backing by William Randolph Hearst. Despite technical failures and crew hardships, Wilkins's journey pushed the boundaries of polar exploration and submarine technology, setting the stage for future under-ice voyages.
01:42 The Journey Begins
02:32 Technological Innovations
03:16 Media Sensation and Funding
04:08 Hardships and Setbacks
04:53 Critical Decisions
05:23 Expedition's Conclusion
05:50 Legacy and Impact

