The Isle of Skye Museum Hiding a GIANT Secret!

If you're ever on the Isle of Skye in Scotland, take a peek into the small Dunvegan museum to discover the life of 19th century giant, Angus MacAskill.
The museum tells the story of his life with lots of things to look at, read, and learn about. Angus had quite an interesting life and even ended up travelling with PT Barnum's (aka The Greatest Showman!) circus and performing with General Tom Thumb! There's models showing the heights of Angus and Tom Thumb and you can even sit in Angus' chair to see how you compare for size!
Ask the lovely musuem owner, Peter to sing you a song!
Giant Angus MacAskill Museum,
41 Kilmuir Rd, Dunvegan, Isle of Skye IV55 8WA
📅 Filmed on 15th August 2023 📅
*FFP3 masks were worn indoors on this visit due to Dinomite Girl having family members with cancer.
