The gymnast - Dixie Kong - Delirium Concepts Episode 4 (English Subs available)


#dixiekong #supersmashbros
Welcom to Delirium Concepts ! Today, I talk about a character that nearly got in smash but had yet to make the jump: Dixie Kong.
00:00 Intro
02:02 Chapter 1: Visuals
02:04 Skins
03:28 Stage Intro
03:39 Chapter 2: Gameplay
04:03 Playstyle
04:23 Stats
04:47 Fighter ability "Propeller Ponytail"
05:31 Chapter 3: Attacks
05:41 Normal Attacks
06:14 Smash Attacks
06:47 Aerial Attacks
07:15 Grab and Throws
07:56 Recovery attacks
08:05 Taunts
08:37 Chapter 4: Special attacks
08:49 Neutral Special "Chewing Gun"
10:25 Side Special "Helicopter Spin"
11:18 Up Special "Banana Birds"
12:17 Down Special "Kiddy Kong"
14:21 Final Smash "Banana Bird Queen"
15:36 Last chapter: Victory Animation
16:24 Banner
16:48 Thanks and credits

