The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett - Book Review


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  • @OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels
    @OnlyTheBestFantasyNovels3 ай бұрын

    Fun adventure pretty much sums up all of Rincewind's novels. I don't know anyone who likes TCoM and doesn't like all the Discworld books they've read, so that's a good sign for you at least. As you get to the later ones he definitely becomes more thoughtful and thematic, and the humor transitions to more situational/narrative/dialogue oriented than the slapstick of the early ones. Depending on if how your tastes run in those directions some might be hits, some might be misses. Whenever you get to The Light Fantastic, enjoy!

  • @wolervine
    @wolervine3 ай бұрын

    Read almost every Terry Pratchett book, not just Discworld (41 books itself) and yeah, thisnis amongst the least of them but still enjoyable and its all up from and it's all up drom here as far as world building and writing goes.
