The Christian Mythic Narrative: The Deep History of the World (Complete Series)

Much of what it means to be converted in mind to Christianity is to understand and embrace the central narrative of the Faith. Through a 33-part audio series, presents the Christian mythic narrative from beginning to end. Encounter the story of God and His plan for the human race in salvation history, found within the pages of the Bible and beyond. While much of this story is found within the Sacred Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments, it extends from before the creation of the world to Jesus' reunion with His Church at the end of time.
A note on “mythic”: While the word "myth" has come to mean "untrue account," we mean something quite different. Throughout the long ages of human life and culture, myth has been a way of expressing deep truths. And so, here, "mythic narrative" means "meaningful account." Indeed, it is an account that might be entirely true ... or mostly false ... or somewhere in between. We know where we stand, but that's for each listener to discover.
Prime Matters ( is a groundbreaking project of educational outreach of the University of Mary: "Awakening the Catholic Imaginative Vision."
This recording is available for download by episode or as an audiobook at the following podcast links:
Apple Podcasts:
Soundcloud: / user-303432379
A text version of this narrative account is available from Acts XXIX under the title, "The Christian Cosmic Narrative." To connect with Acts XXIX, order the text, or learn more, please visit
