The Change of Era and Turbulence in the Heian Period:From Sugawara no Michizane to the Samurai Raise

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Reimagine Japanese historical tales in the style of historical fiction. Reinterpret the legends of the Sengoku, Bakumatsu, Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras through a modern lens.
In this captivating video, we delve into the historical intricacies of 894 AD, a pivotal year in Japanese history. The focus is on Sugawara no Michizane's influential role in abolishing the Japanese missions to Tang China, a significant shift that opened doors for direct trade with merchants from the Tang Dynasty and Silla. This move set the stage for a series of profound political changes in Japan.
The video explores the transition of power from Emperor Uda to Emperor Daigo, highlighting the end of regency and the appointment of Sugawara no Michizane and Fujiwara no Tokihira as Right and Left Ministers, respectively. This period marks a power struggle between supporters of the retired Emperor Uda, including Sugawara no Michizane, and those backing Emperor Daigo, led by Fujiwara no Tokihira.
The narrative then shifts to the escalating tensions between these factions, culminating in the Shohei Incident, where Sugawara no Michizane was exiled to Dazaifu. This event, known as the Shohei Change, signified the fourth instance of the Fujiwara clan's political dominance in central Japan during the early Heian period.
The video also covers the reign of Emperor Daigo, particularly focusing on his significant contributions like the compilation of the Engishiki laws, the Kokin Wakashu, and the reform of the land distribution system. It discusses the shift from the Ritsuryo system to the Handen-Shuju system, highlighting the challenges and eventual collapse of the old land and census systems.
Furthermore, the video delves into the rise of the samurai class, the loss of faith in the imperial court among peasants, and the gradual shift towards a land-tax system. It concludes with the emergence of powerful landowners and the establishment of the Myoden system, setting the stage for the rise of the warrior class in Japan.
Here is Hanachirusato, a channel interpreting Japanese history and legends. Remember to like and subscribe.
0:00 The Shōtai Incident and the Engishiki Era
1:52 Commoner Life
3:44 Birth of the Samurai Class
5:34 The Hōgen Rebellion
7:46 The Rebellion of Fujiwara no Sumitomo

Пікірлер: 9

  • @user-lh9ln3bv4u
    @user-lh9ln3bv4u6 ай бұрын


  • @miko.hanachirusato


    6 ай бұрын


  • @minghsinglee4152


    5 ай бұрын

    我知道冷門 但我對這種早期歷史很感興趣@@miko.hanachirusato

  • @akiyama813


    5 ай бұрын

    今年的大河劇比去年的狗屎有趣很多, 或許對平安時代有興趣的人會變多一些@@miko.hanachirusato

  • @semiprimering1510
    @semiprimering15106 ай бұрын

    日本平安朝廷生搬硬套唐制所造成的不適應,使得名主階層漸興,但卻微妙地讓日本的發展近似於歐洲封建(feudalismus,但不是馬克思那套歪解的:中國早已進入中央集權而非封建,反而日本封建傳統很像歐洲中世紀),而公卿藤原各分支與皇族桓武平氏、清河源氏的彼此制衡,居然使日本自平將門自稱新皇之後,再也沒有任何人僭位(不論傳說中平清盛或織田信長是否內心僭越),無論是武人專權或百姓一揆乃至寺社蠻橫都不再影響萬世一系的體制,賴山陽在《日本外史》中高度讚揚源賴朝,良有以也(姑不論賴山陽是否文學性高過歷史性,他的某些史評還是有洞見有意思的)。 又,兩個題外話: 1.瀧(滝),雖說在日本的作瀑布或急流解的たき很可能是日本國字,與漢文只是偶合,但漢文中的瀧字依《廣韻》折合到今普通話有二讀:i) lóng(盧紅切或呂江切,後者其實稍不同但可折合),意思是下雨的樣子「雨瀧瀧也」或湍急的水流「南人名湍」;ii)shuāng(所江切)這當然是歐陽修那有名的〈瀧岡阡表〉的讀音了,可很遺憾,這麼赫赫有名的讀音,其實只是專有名詞「水名,在郴州界」,當然歐陽修的瀧岡不在郴州不過也是特殊的定名。換言之,以意義相近而言,日本的「瀧たき」折合到漢語普通話,或許還是讀 lóng 比較合適。 2.補一個我之前在您的某視頻留的問題的解答:當時由於看到日本吃人的黑暗的一面,我問了反方向的日本保護動物的「光明」(卻不近人情)的一面:日本禁肉食的歷史(當時也提及中國包括武則天等也有好幾次頒布禁肉食令),昨天恰好在 youtube 看到一個解答:搜尋標題【日本では1300年、肉食は禁止とされていた...【ゆっくり解説】】,看該視頻。這很有趣:日本在吸收度來文化後,也可能與本地巫術禁忌相結合,而多次有執政者下令全部或部份禁肉食,可實踐上看來似乎都是睜隻眼閉隻眼,尤其與您本期介紹的即將到來的武士文化相關:相比於更接受禁肉食的文雅的公卿,舞刀弄劍的武士們在肉食上更是無所禁忌。但或許古日本對「寵物」更有感情?總之1300年直到明治時期學習西洋人吃肉之前,雖說實際上日本肉食文化並未間斷,可是至少像是狗之類的被飼養的寵物在一般情況下是不太有人願意吃了。另外江戶時期的德川綱吉特意保護動物,可水戶藩就是仗着自己有特權就故意跟江戶對着幹,從而水戶有肉食傳統大概不足爲怪。只是即便日本在禁肉令上是睜隻眼閉隻眼,但斷斷續續不斷有此類命令,直到明治以後學習西洋才不再有這種命令,也是很有趣的。

  • @miko.hanachirusato


    6 ай бұрын


  • @user-vv1hh8qk9p
    @user-vv1hh8qk9p6 ай бұрын


  • @nanistrindberg1260
    @nanistrindberg12605 ай бұрын


  • @user-we3pi3rk8l
    @user-we3pi3rk8l6 ай бұрын

