The Bauer’s Conversion to Seventh-day Adventism

Ann Bauer shares about her parents conversion to Seventh-day Adventism and what it was like for a little girl to attend church in North Dakota.
Ann Bauer recounts how her parents became Adventists, organized meetings in their community, built a church, and the evolution of churches in North Dakota.
Main Topics
Parents becoming Adventists
Parents became Adventists through tent meetings in their yard [00:15]
Community members, mostly Baptists, were convinced to keep the Sabbath [01:01]
Efforts to organize a church and meet in different homes [01:32]
Organizing meetings and building a church
Meetings involved Bible study and social gatherings in homes [05:32]
Construction of a church with members' help and donated land [07:55]
Evolution of churches in North Dakota
Visiting the church years later to find it still active [09:13]
Establishment of an English church in Kilder, 30 miles from Grassy [09:28]
Transition from Russian to English services due to aging congregation [10:01]
