The Actual First Storey Building in Nigeria

In this video, I'm taking you on a tour of the First Storey Building in Nigeria. Located in one of the quarters of Badagry , the first storey building in Nigeria was built in 1842. The building was originally constructed from wood but was later changed to bricks in 1845. As you can see in the video, the building has strong iron roofing sheets.
The building was built by missionaries who came to spread Christianity in Nigeria. The missionaries also built a school, a church, and a boarding house in the compound. The first school was built with bamboo in 1843. Interestingly, the first students to attend this school were all adults, with ages ranging from 45 to 58. They spent 12 years studying just two subjects: English and Christian Religious Studies.
The total cost to build the house was 325 pounds. In the video, I break down the cost of building the various structures on the compound, including the church, school, missionary dwelling, and shops.
I also share the story of Samuel Ajayi Crowder, a young boy who was captured and enslaved at the age of 12. He was eventually freed and went on to become a missionary himself. The video highlights the role that Christianity played in ending slavery in Nigeria.
Another interesting feature of the property is the well, which was dug in 1842 by the missionaries. Remarkably, the well has never run dry and the water has never changed color.
At the end of the video, I show you the different types of currency that have been used in Nigeria throughout history.
I hope you enjoyed this exploration of the PO story building! If you did, please give the video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more content like this.
