The 88 Magnificent Constellations of the Night Sky

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Grab a drink and a snack and explore all 88 wondrous constellations of the night sky from A-Z in 4K. Learn both the basic star outline as well as deep-sky objects such as nebulae, galaxies, and star clusters in their glory. Let's go:
Andromeda - Daughter of Cepheus,
Antlia - the Air Pump,
Apus - Bird of Paradise,
Aquarius - the Water Bearer,
Aquila - the Eagle,
Ara - the Altar,
Aries - the Ram,
Auriga - the Charioteer,
Bootes - the Herdsman,
Caelum - the Chisel,
Camelopardalis - the Giraffe,
Cancer - the Crab,
Canes Venatici - the Hunting Dogs,
Canis Major - the Greater Dog,
Canis Minor - the Lesser Dog,
Capricornus - the Sea Goat,
Carina - the Keel,
Cassiopeia - Mother of Andromeda,
Centaur - the Centaur,
Cepheus - King of Ethiopia,
Cetus - the Whale,
Chamaeleon - the Chamaeleon,
Circinus - the Compass,
Columba - the Dove,
Coma Berenices - Hair of Berenice,
Corona Australis - the Southern Crown,
Corona Borealis - the Northern Crown,
Corvus - the Crow,
Crater - the Cup,
Crux - the Southern Cross,
Cygnus - the Northern Cross,
Delphinus - the Dolphin,
Dorado - the Swordfish,
Draco - the Dragon,
Equuleus - the Pony,
Eridanus - the River,
Fornax - the Furnace,
Gemini - the Twins,
Grus - the Crane,
Hercules - the Strongman,
Horologium - the Clock,
Hydra - the Water Monster,
Hydrus - the Water Snake,
Indus - the Indian,
Lacerta - the Lizard,
Leo - the Lion,
Leo Minor - the Lesser Lion,
Lepus - the Hare,
Libra - the Balance,
Lupus - the Wolf,
Lynx - the Lynx,
Lyra - the Harp,
Mensa - Table Mountain,
Microscopium - the Microscope,
Monoceros - the Unicorn,
Musca - the Fly,
Norma - the Square Rule,
Octans - the Octant,
Ophiuchus - the Serpent Bearer,
Orion - the Hunter,
Pavo - the Peacock,
Pegasus - the Winged Horse,
Perseus - the Hero,
Phoenix -,the Phoenix,
Pictor - the Painter's Easel,
Pisces - the Fishes,
Piscis Austrinus - the Southern Fish,
Puppis - the Stern,
Pyxis - the Compass,
Reticulum - the Reticle,
Sagitta - the Arrow,
Sagittarius - the Archer,
Scorpius - the Scorpion,
Sculptor - the Sculptor,
Scutum - the Shield,
Serpens - the Serpent,
Sextans - the Sextant,
Taurus - the Bull,
Telescopium - the Telescope,
Triangulum - the Triangle,
Triangulum Australe - the Southern Triangle,
Tucana - the Toucan,
Ursa Major - the Great Bear,
Ursa Minor - the Lesser Bear,
Vela - the Sails,
Virgo - the Virgin,
Volans - the Flying Fish,
Vulpecula - the Fox.
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Пікірлер: 10

  • @danielfirdaus
    @danielfirdaus2 ай бұрын

    Here in Southern hemisphere, I thought Cygnus was the swan

  • @rosepetals8181
    @rosepetals81816 ай бұрын


  • @Gammer663
    @Gammer6633 ай бұрын

    😊❤❤ nice

  • @goastronomy


    3 ай бұрын

    Thanks 🤗

  • @michaelccopelandsr7120
    @michaelccopelandsr71203 ай бұрын

    Let's change the stars. What I mean is, get the IAU to, OFFICIALLY, make a new constellation. My idea for changing the stars includes Orion, Taurus and Pleiades (Subaru). Figure it's time to put something up there that's relevant to us, don't you think? Take Orion's belt and Betelgeuse becomes the head with a baseball hat. The 3 stars of Orion's belt make up the 3 fat belt loops on a baseball uniform. Below the belt are two legs bending at the knee. Saiph is the back foot and Rigel is the front foot. The feet aligning perfectly under the bent knees. The spear pointing at "Subaru" is the bat being swung and "Pleiades" is the baseball flying away after being hit. Bellatrix is the hand that let go of the bat and Aldebaran of Taurus is the tip. Put it all together and you get, "THE ALL-STAR." In my case, I see a left-handed batter and I imagine a "7" on the jersey. Which makes him, "Mickey." (As it should be ;-) But you can put any number you want, making, "THE ALL-STAR," any player you want. It'd be wrong of me to not, at least, try. This is me, trying. Pass it on, please and thank you. Don't worry, where I come from, crazy is a compliment.

  • @attilahalmai4590
    @attilahalmai4590Ай бұрын

    6:43: Gemini is on the northern hemisphere, not southern. Great video though!!

  • @goastronomy


    Ай бұрын

    Thanks for the heads up. Am in the process of (slowly) doing v2 refreshes of all the constellations (starting with the small sparse ones) to include more DSOs, improved image resolution, corrections, etc.

  • @attilahalmai4590


    Ай бұрын

    @@goastronomy Thank You for Your answer! Go ahead with the great work!

  • @shevashevasheva777
    @shevashevasheva7775 ай бұрын

    88 star constellations. 88 books in the Ethiopian Bible. The Bible is a star atlas.

  • @pialachner9378


    2 ай бұрын

    88 keys on the piano too :)
