Team Loopkicks at AKA HQ: Wing Chun Was A Lady Preview #4


[Archived Video. Originally published: 2018-12-25]
This was my second day of filming at AKA Headquarters.
A preview of the documentary that a filmmaker from a major martial arts organization came up to San José and San Francisco to camera operate for.
Team Loopkicks is one of the oldest martial arts tricking groups in the world. I invited them to do their thing at the oldest mixed martial arts academy in the world.
Pure martial arts form meets pure martial arts function.
I did psychedelic things with the color grading.
Would you like to see more of these trickers as characters in my sci-fi show?
Because that's what we're working on.
Subscribe to find out when it happens.
#WingChunWasALady #SanFrancisco #Tricking

