Team 15 - SkiGuard

David Dias, Daniel Villafuerte
Skiing is a sport that poses many risks to enthusiasts of all skill levels. Risks can include but are not limited to: crashing, getting lost in the mountain, getting dehydrated, getting sunburned etc. From the need for advanced safety measures arose SkiGuard. SkiGuard is a novel wearable real-time monitoring and emergency alert system designed specifically for snowsports safety. The system is powered by a 3.7-volt lithium battery and utilizes an Arduino MKRZero microcontroller to manage power distribution and component connectivity. Key components include an IMU Sensor Module (MPU6050) for environmental sensing, a UV Index Sensor (VEML6070), a GPS Module (NEO 6M) for location tracking, and a Bluetooth Module (Adafruit Bluefruit LE SPI Friend) for communication. SkiGuard monitors a variety of metrics designed to help the skier make better decisions regarding their safety. These metrics include: UV index, temperature, speed, acceleration, location and changes in direction. All of these features combined make for an effective crash detection and tracking system that can protect skiers from many risks. SkiGuard represents a significant advancement in ski safety technology, offering skiers comprehensive protection and peace of mind during their sessions.
