Tari Haahtela: Biodiversity and health

Ғылым және технология

Professor Tari Haahtela (HUS, Inflammation Center) håller föredraget "Biodiversity and health" på Finska Vetenskaps-Societetens symposium Klimat och anpassning 28.9.2023 på Vetenskapernas hus i Helsingfors.
Professori Tari Haahtela (HUS, Inflammation Center) pitää esitelmän "Biodiversity and health" Suomen Tiedeseuran ilmastosymposiumilla 28.9.2023 Tieteiden talolla Helsingissä.
Professor Tari Haahtela (HUS, Inflammation Center) gives the presentation "Biodiversity and health" at The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters Climate and Adaptation Symposium on the 28th of September, 2023 at Tieteiden Talo in Helsinki.
#science #research #vetenskap #tiedeseura #forskning #klimat #climate #adaptation #biodiversity #health #symposium #biodiversity #ecosystem #sustainability #species #finland #microbiology #immunesystem #natureloss #nature #human #environment #asthma #allergy #microbiome

