Tararua S-K awards 2023


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Contents of this video
00:00 Chris Intro
17:57 Andy Tararua S-K film project and trailer
33:06 Eleanor Ruahine CL
52:39 Dave Nelson Lakes
1:13:00 Tom and Torea Southern Alps Traverse
1:37:52 Paul presenting the Patupaiarehe Award to Kyle Malone and Derrick Field
What is an SK?
Think of it as the “Bob Graham Round” of the Tararua range. Finish under 24 hours for glory.
There are 3 main routes, the Main Range, The Tarn, and the Valleys.
All 3 routes start in S’Putara (silent S) and finish in Kaitokie.
The distance varies between 70-80K and 3-8K of vert depending on what flavor you’re doing and how generous your watch is.
You get to wear a sweet T-shirt if you complete the mission. (you gotta buy your own though!)
If you want to read more about the routes and the history of the SK, travel back in time to the good ol’ days of the world wide web and look through the Tararua FKT website.
So what are the awards all about?
The awards formally acknowledge the achievement of all who complete an SK in under 24 hours.
If you achieve Main Range glory, you receive a certificate.
If you knock off one of the other routes, if you’re lucky, you will get a name drop, someone might yell your name from the crowd, or Chris Martin might even call you a man or woman of the mountains.
There is now a S-K Main Range sub 24 hour club! With over 30 people now completing the Putara - Kaitoke route via the Main Range in under 24 hours we thought it time to formally recognise such endeavor with the formal launch of the SK Main Range sub 24 hour Club. The objectives of this club are as follows:
Build on tramping club history
Ratify Colin Rolfe as the first person to run SK in sub 24 hours.
Formalise the 24 hour target for Putara to Kaitoke via Main Range
Promote safe long distance traverses of the range and assist potential assailants by providing information, support and encouragement
Keep member list current and up to date
Acknowledge sub 24 hour successes
Recognise sub 24hr attainment with certification

