Tactics Ogre Reborn Azelstan Metahuman Cosplay Story, Animation Reality by Unreal Engine & Adobe


These realistic images are my collection of fun drawings created using Unreal Engine, Photoshop(Firefly) and Stable Video. They depict Metahumans and are not randomly generated by AI.
Tactics Ogre Reborn features over a hundred characters in the game, each with anime portraits. I design them using metahuman and attempt to bring most of them to reality, as listed below. However, this process involves a substantial amount of work for these short videos.
Characters Library
1. Denam • Tactics Ogre Reborn De...
2. Catiua • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ca...
3. Vyce • Tactics Ogre Reborn Vy...
4. Lanselot Hamilton • Tactics Ogre Reborn La...
5. Canopus • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ca...
6. Gildas • Tactics Ogre Reborn Gi...
7. Mirdyn • Tactics Ogre Reborn Mi...
8. Warren • Tactics Ogre Reborn Wa...
9. Tristan • Tactics Ogre Reborn Tr...
10. Ronwey • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ro...
11. Raveness • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ra...
12. Donnalto • Tactics Ogre Reborn Do...
13. Moldova • Tactics Ogre Reborn Mo...
14. Leonar • Tactics Ogre Reborn Le...
15. Voltare • Tactics Ogre Reborn Vo...
16. Sara • Tactics Ogre Reborn Sa...
17. Felicia • Tactics Ogre Reborn Fe...
18. Nybeth • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ny...
19. Cistina • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ci...
20. Ganpp • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ga...
21. Arycelle • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ar...
22. Vyce(Chatic) • Tactics Ogre Reborn Vy...
23. Folcult • Tactics Ogre Reborn Fo...
24. Bayin • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ba...
25. Cerya • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ce...
26. Ramidos • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ra...
27. Modiliani • Tactics Ogre Reborn Mo...
28. Gatialo • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ga...
29. Hektor • Tactics Ogre Reborn He...
30. Briam • Tactics Ogre Reborn Br...
31. Jeunan • Tactics Ogre Reborn Je...
32. Balbatos • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ba...
33. Xaebos • Tactics Ogre Reborn Xa...
34. Vyce(Lawful) • Tactics Ogre Reborn Vy...
35. Xapan • Tactics Ogre Reborn Xa...
36. Oz • Tactics Ogre Reborn Oz...
37. Hobyrim • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ho...
38. Ozma • Tactics Ogre Reborn Oz...
39. Balxephon • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ba...
40. Volaq • Tactics Ogre Reborn Vo...
41. Vograss • Tactics Ogre Reborn Vo...
42. Oelias • Tactics Ogre Reborn Oe...
43. Dievold • Tactics Ogre Reborn Di...
44. Phaesta • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ph...
45. Chamos • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ch...
46. Tamuz • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ta...
47. Cassandra • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ca...
48. Cressida • Tactics Ogre Reborn Cr...
49. Ehlrig • Tactics Ogre Reborn Eh...
50. Deneb • Tactics Ogre Reborn De...
51. Azelstan • Tactics Ogre Reborn Az...
52. Olivya • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ol...
53. Prancet • Tactics Ogre Reborn Pr...
54. Mannaflora • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ma...
55. Vernotta • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ve...
56. Dorgalua • Tactics Ogre Reborn Do...
57. Sherri • Tactics Ogre Reborn Sh...
58. Mreuva • Tactics Ogre Reborn Mr...
59. Rodrick • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ro...
60. Catiua Dark Priest • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ca...
61. Lanselot Tartaros • Tactics Ogre Reborn La...
62. Brantyn • Tactics Ogre Reborn Br...
63. Versalia Oberyth • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ve...
64. Denam Morne • Tactics Ogre Reborn De...
65. Martym • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ma...
66. Lindl • Tactics Ogre Reborn Li...
67. Andoras • Tactics Ogre Reborn An...
68. Barbas • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ba...
69. Ocionne • Tactics Ogre Reborn Oc...
70. Punkin • Tactics Ogre Reborn De...
71. Faldaday • Tactics Ogre Reborn Fa...
72. Rudlum • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ru...
73. Xadoba • Tactics Ogre Reborn Xa...
74. Georges • Tactics Ogre Reborn Ge...
75. Beelzebuth • Tactics Ogre Reborn Be...
76. Gilbard • Tactics Ogre Reborn Gi...
77. Iuria • Tactics Ogre Reborn Iu...
78. Sirene • Tactics Ogre Reborn Si...
79. Klaire • Tactics Ogre Reborn Kl...
80. More?

